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Community & Business Groups

Big Data Europe presented at European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water Conference and ICT4Water

Today, 09.02.2016, the annual European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water Conference started inLeeuwarden, the Netherlands with a full day of ~20 workshops and working group meetings et al…. The Big Data Europe (BDE) project was presented in a 15 minutes … Continue reading

SC5 BDE Presentation in the EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 17-22 April, 2016

Abstract Title: Towards Supporting Climate Scientists and Impact Assessment Analysts with the Big Data Europe Platform Authors: Iraklis Klampanos (1), Diamando Vlachogiannis (1), Spyros Andronopoulos (1), Antonio Cofiño (2), Angelos Charalambidis (1), Rob Lokers (3), Stasinos Konstantopoulos (1), and Vangelis … Continue reading

Harvard University’s Berkman Center Releases Amber, a “Mutual Aid” Tool for Bloggers & Website Owners to Help Keep the Web Available

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is pleased to release Amber, a free software tool for WordPress and Drupal that preserves content and prevents broken links. When installed on a blog or website, Amber can take a … Continue reading