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Community & Business Groups

Proposed Group: Character Description Language Community Group

The Character Description Language Community Group has been proposed by Richard Cook: This group will develop Character Description Language (CDL), an XML application for stroke-based representation of any CJK character. For more information about this technology, see: * Character Description … Continue reading

Web Payments Meeting Minutes for 2014-08-13

Agenda Topics Short payment identifiers Identity recovery Purchase requests Payment links Chair Manu Sporny Scribe Dave Longley Present Dave Longley, Manu Sporny, Pindar Wong, David I. Lehn Audio Log audio.ogg Detailed minutes and recorded audio for this call are … Continue reading

Call for review:开发者指南–Web无障碍标准评估工具第一工作草案


Web Payments Meeting Minutes for 2014-08-06

Agenda Topics Formation of Credentials Community Group Identity Use Cases Revisions Credential Transmission Digitally Verifiable Credentials (KYC) IdP Mechanism Truly Anonymous Transactions Chair Manu Sporny Scribe Dave Longley Present Dave Longley, Manu Sporny, David I. Lehn, Evgeny Vinogradov Audio … Continue reading

Call for review: WCAG技巧及理解WCAG文档更新

 Web内容无障碍指南工作组(WCAG WG)请求对WCAG 2.0的补充材料: WCAG 2.0技巧(编辑稿)和理解WCAG 2.0(编辑稿)的更新草案进行审阅,欢迎在2014年8月12日前提供内容。(这并不是WCAG 2.0的更新,WCAG 2.0是一份稳定的文档。)了解更多关于此更新的内容,请看邮件Call for Review: WCAG 2.0 Techniques Draft Updates,了解关于Web无障碍推进组织(Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI)。