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Proposed Group: Electrophysiology of Vision Markup Language Community Group

The Electrophysiology of Vision Markup Language Community Group has been proposed:

Exchange of electrophysiological data for post-processing including in clinical trials is gaining increasing importance. Although manufacturers of electrophysiological devices usually provide means for exporting data, these are often restricted to either proprietary or ASCII-based formats which do not provide access to raw data or protocol details. With the need for central reading in multi-centre trials this becomes a major problem. The reading process usually requires all details of a measurement, to allow for properly monitoring compliance with study protocols. Standards for exchanging data have already been approved for other applications of electrmophysiology including EEG or ECG. However, these standards are usually focused on their specific field of application. Common standards are also available, like GDF (General Data Format for Biosignals), EDF (European Data Format), or HL7 and DICOM; however, these standards either do not match the specific requirements of ophthalmic electrophysiology or the efforts to adapt them are very high. Therefore we are proposing an open standard for the exchange of data for electrophysiology of vision based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML).

You are invited to support the creation of this group. Once the group has a total of five supporters, W3C launch the group and people can join to begin work.

In order to join the group, you will need a W3C account.

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires the attention of the W3C staff, please send us email on

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team

One Response to Proposed Group: Electrophysiology of Vision Markup Language Community Group

  • Hi!

    Thank you for posting this proposition,
    despite the usual interest of Augmented Reality developers in applications and products for Augmenting, like you could see from . There is a certain degree of collaboration for other use-cases among – Institutions, Research Groups and other organizations. AR Community Group we are proposing on – is going to prove the value and advance on the use-cases like EEG BMI’s, but not only. There is a long and successful story of Augmenting the Reality for medicine, you might know. Medical use of AR, according to the term itself – has a deep history of un-doubtful helping value to many of the medicine basic sciences along with the special use-cases. Teaching, Learning, Diagnosis, Therapy, processes in between — could and likely – would continuously involve AR technologies and by this – AR Web platform, that by the intention is an Augmented Reality Networking platform.

    Another obvious relation is a Health Care for a brave new AR Web users, starting from all the variety of Human-Machine Interfaces through the standards and advices for the safe and healthy use to the recreation programs.

    I hope we would productively collaborate for these and other cases.

    PS: I think – these links might be helpful for Your work or You might be helpful for these groups, actually


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