HBase and Datawarehouse
Posted on:What is the difference between a NoSQL database like HBase and a data warehouse? Doesn’t both store data from disparate sources and formats?
What is the difference between a NoSQL database like HBase and a data warehouse? Doesn’t both store data from disparate sources and formats?
We can use HBase as a storage back end for big-data.Can you think of any application areas or scenarios which may require semantic integration of different tables in HBase?(note that the data stored in HBase is not RDF triples and … Continue reading
Does HBase fit into column-oriented database(datastore) definition of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Column-oriented_DBMS.If it does; does it mean the keyvalue entries in HFile is stored in a column basis ie all keyvalues of one {column family:column entry} stored together followed ny next {column family:column … Continue reading
I have written a HBase scanner that converts HBase row entries into RDF.Can anybody suggest a streaming SPRAQL endpoint that can be used to answer SPARQL queries without actually storing the generated RDF representation?