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Community & Business Groups

The Czech Traffic Management Revolution – a golden opportunity for the exploitation of Big Data technology

One of the best parts of working on innovation projects is meeting inspiring people who pursue ideas revolutionizing industries in ways that only a few years ago seemed impossible. What if you could create a precise, real-time map of the … Continue reading

Big Data for Transport webinar wrap-up – The Tech, the Business and the Policy

Over 60 participants attended the webinar organized by BigDataEurope on 11th December assessing the different aspects on needs and requirements identified at the BigDataEurope Workshop for Transport held earlier this fall in Bordeaux. Dave Marples from Technolution set the scene with an … Continue reading

Big Data for Transport Workshop – Final report available!

The final report of the Big Data for Transport workshop held on 7 October 2015 in Bordeaux is now available. The report gives a summary on the sessions and presentations  that took place during the workshop, along with a detailed overview of the discussions during … Continue reading

Embracing the angry tweets – Harnessing social media in public transport

There are heaps of first world problems delivering a stable set of nuisances to us every day. Without doubt, waiting for a delayed bus in early November at a discouraging 8am is one of them. In today’s mega-connected era it … Continue reading

How Smart Green, and Integrated Transport benefit from Big Data – a Stakeholders Workshop

Over 30 participants attended the first BigDataEurope workshop dedicated to the societal challenge of Smart Green, and Integrated Transport in Bordeaux on 7 October 2015. The overarching aim of the workshop was to define the requirements necessary for big data management … Continue reading

Webinar: Big Data Opportunities in Transport – If you missed it you can still listen to it!

Over 80 participants attended the first  webinar organized by BigDataEurope  on the 21 September 10h00-11h00 (CET) to introduce the BigDataEurope project, in particular the domain of Smart, Green, and Integrated Transport. Simon Scerri from Fraunhofer IAIS started off by giving a … Continue reading

Join our webinar introducing the challenge of Smart, Green and Integrated Transport

BigDataEurope will organise a webinar on Monday, 21 September 2015 10h00-11h00 CET to introduce the BigDataEurope project, in particular the domain of Smart, Green, and Integrated Transport. Speakers will include: Simon Scerri, University of Bonn Philippe Crist, OECD Maxime Flament, ERTICO-ITS … Continue reading