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13 January 2016
From Accessible Online Learning Community Group
Minutes for Group call 13 January 2016, 11EST/16GMT
Thank you to Laura Carlson for taking minutes via the groups IRC channel. Normally this would allow us to generate an HTML page of minutes, but due to a technical issue, we only have the text copied and pasted from the IRC log. So apologies that the formatting is not ideal!
(timestamps are GMT)
- 16:06 Sarah_Horton Hi there!
- 16:06 laura scribe: Laura
- 16:07 laura sarah: quick intros
- 16:07 laura present+ Laura
- 16:08 sloandr Apologies from Gottfried Zimmerman, Andy Heath, Simon Ball
- 16:09 laura Sarah: We will try using irc
- 16:10 laura …we have resources that we will show.
- 16:10 laura …we are using goto meeting.
- 16:10 laura …we will reaccess as we go.
- 16:11 laura ..sharing browser screen as we go.
- 16:11 laura …considering setting up a basecamp site.
- 16:12 laura …good for action items.
- 16:12 laura …it will support the work of the group.
- 16:12 laura …proposed set of tools.
- 16:12 laura …any thoughts?
- 16:13 *** yatil left #accesslearn (Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
- 16:13 laura …any issues accessing the meeting?
- 16:13 laura no response.
- 16:14 laura David: Wiil present agenda.
- 16:14 laura …some remaining action items.
- 16:15 laura …probably want a discussion on how we go forward.
- 16:16 laura …what sort of things do we want to do?
- 16:16 laura …brainstorming document is on the Wiki.
- 16:17 Sarah_Horton https://www.w3.org/community/accesslearn/wiki/Activities_Brainstorm
- 16:17 laura What is the most pressing?
- 16:19 laura People reading doc.
- 16:20 laura Todd: baseline understanding of documents or consumers.
- 16:21 laura David: a guide to resources taylored to learning space?
- 16:21 laura Todd: yes.
- 16:22 laura George: Looking for a hard metric.
- 16:23 Sarah_Horton https://www.w3.org/community/accesslearn/wiki/AccessLearn_Group_Charter
- 16:24 laura George: looking at effectiveness and limited scope.
- 16:25 laura David: it is up to us what we do. Agree on being conservative.
- 16:27 laura Ted: Communicating trends in eLearning.
- 16:27 laura …Creating personnas.
- 16:28 laura …identifying gaps
- 16:28 laura David: data could be included as well.
- 16:28 laura Ted: Moocs and acample issues.
- 16:29 laura David: yes, should include that.
- 16:30 laura Lisa: I have been asked by two groups about LMS's that are accessible in the last month
- 16:30 laura Lisa: I have been trying to research these and have found very little is out there.
- 16:31 laura …There are some articles like the 2013 CSUN one
- 16:31 laura …but I would love to see us try to do a list of what is accessible, how it is accessible
- 16:31 laura …some sort of resource
- 16:31 laura …for the world to use
- 16:32 laura …not just me in Canada
- 16:32 laura …not just me in Canada
- 16:32 laura …Questions to ask vendors as well
- 16:32 laura …I saw one really good resource for this, and everyone should have that avail;able
- 16:32 laura …Plus is there a VPAT? Are they accurate? I laugh
- 16:32 laura …Yes, one blog had a really good set of queestions for vendors
- 16:33 Sarah_Horton http://www.pcc.edu/resources/instructional-support/adopting-publisher-content.html
- 16:33 laura David: Need to ask vendors questions.
- 16:33 laura Lisa: http://www.pcc.edu/resources/instructional-support/adopting-publisher-content.html
- 16:34 laura David: Gaps in procurement WCAG ATAG
- 16:34 elisabeth_ucf UCF is asking to adapt this information for our accessibility resources as well, but it is geared more towards faculty, sicne they contract with publishers directly
- 16:35 laura David: Rating is probably beyond our scope.
- 16:36 laura David: May want to have a survey to rate interest.
- 16:38 laura David: vendors fixing problems is more efficient rather than individual institutions.
- 16:40 laura George: Likes Ted’s idea of user stories.
- 16:41 laura Ted: Personas is a UX term.
- 16:41 elisabeth_ucf even just keeping track of groups already addressing some of these issues, such as ATHEN
- 16:42 laura Ted: Personas are models for describing a user in a certain context.
- 16:43 laura David: Sarah’s book has personas.
- 16:44 laura …could provide the learning context to personas.
- 16:44 laura …same with W3C. we could apply learning focus.
- 16:45 laura …figure out the limitations and the gaps.
- 16:46 laura …and comments on gaps for exiting learning flora?
- 16:51 sloandr Apologies all, I lost my audio connection and now I can't get back into Go To Meeting
- 16:53 laura Mary: This is daunting list. Should have a metric and real data.
- 16:53 elisabeth_ucf i can hear you both fine
- 16:53 elisabeth_ucf *on the telephone
- 16:53 laura Mary: As a group perhaps look at WCAG gaps. alt text.
- 16:53 elisabeth_ucf that's a great example, Mary. we have that challenge in training faculty on how to create effective alt text
- 16:53 laura …many resources however a gap exists.
- 16:53 laura Sarah: Focus more on alignment with charter. Focus our activities on W3C docs and making recommendations to them.
- 16:53 laura Sarah: This group can’t produce documents.
- 16:53 laura … we can look into changing that.
- 16:53 laura Sarah: Look at activities brainstorm.
- 16:54 laura …may split into 2 activities .
- 16:54 laura …recs to w3c and what is needed for on learning.
- 16:56 laura …propose 2 paths: 1) w3c roadmap and 2) what is needed for larger online learning community.
- 16:56 elisabeth_ucf it sounds like a managable, actionable plan
- 16:57 laura Sarah: chairs will propose action plan
- 16:58 laura Sarah: Intention to meet monthly.
- 16:58 laura …is that okay?
- 16:59 laura David: Give it a go.
- 17:00 laura Mary: Does basecamp have messaging?
- 17:00 laura Sarah: yes. theaded messaging.
- 17:01 laura Sarah: we will give it a go.
- 17:01 laura David: any final comments?
- 17:02 laura None.
- 17:02 *** elisabeth_ucf quit ("Page closed")
- 17:02 laura David: Thanks everyone. Next meeting in a month.