Tag(s): qa-setting-encoding-in-applications
New translations into Polish
Normalizacja w HTML i CSS (Normalization in HTML and CSS)
Ustawianie kodu w narzędziach do tworzenia treści stron (Setting encoding in web authoring applications)
This article was translated into Polish thanks to Biuro tłumaczeń Gdańsk.
New translations into Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese
Thanks to the Trusted Translations, Inc., the following articles have been translated into both European and Brazilian Portuguese.
Definir a codificação em aplicações de autorização web / Como definir a codificação em aplicativos de criação web (Setting encoding in web authoring applications)
Utilizando entidades de caracteres e NCRs / Uso de entidades de caracteres e NCRs (Using character entities and NCRs)
Conjunto de caracteres do documento / Conjunto de caracteres do documento (Document character set)
More new translations into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
Codificación de caracteres para principiantes (Character encodings for beginners)
Configuración de codificaciones en aplicaciones de autoría web (Setting encoding in web authoring applications)
New article: Setting encoding in web authoring applications
FAQ-based article: How do I set character encoding in my web authoring application?
By Phil Arko, Siemens.
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