Tag(s): qa-html-language-declarations
Updated article: Declaring language in HTML
An update for the article Declaring language in HTML has just been published.
This page describes how to mark up an HTML page so that it gives information about the language of the page. It begins with an overall summary, then provides additional details in subsequent sections.
The material was reorganised to expand the quick answer section and de-emphasise the information about XML/XHTML declarations.
New translations into Russian
Работа с языком в HTML (руководство) (Working with language in HTML)
Объявление языка в HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Языковые тэги в HTML и XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)
Выбор языковых тэгов (Choosing a Language Tag)
Установка языковых настроек в браузере (Setting language preferences in a browser)
These articles were translated into Russian thanks to Dmitri Kuznetsov, of the Russian Translation Agency, Taushiro Inc.
New translation into French
Déclarer la langue en HTML (Declaring language in HTML) by Stéphane Déchamps.
Recent translations into German
Verwendung von Auswahllisten (select) für sprachspezifische und regionalspezifische Inhalte (Using select to link to localized content)
Visuelle vs. logische Buchstabenreihenfolge (Visual vs. logical ordering of text)
Angabe der Sprache in HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Verwendung des translate-Attributs in HTML (Using HTML’s translate attribute)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
Updated article: Declaring language in HTML
The article Declaring language in HTML was changed at the end of May. A noticeable change was the introduction of additional headings, to enable readers to more quickly spot relevant information. Also a new section was added: What if element content and attribute values are in different languages?
German, Spanish, Russian and Ukranian translators are asked to update their translations.
New translations into German
Personennamen aus aller Welt (Personal names around the world)
Angabe der Sprache in HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Stylen anhand von Sprachattributen (Styling using language attributes)
Kennzeichnung der Sprache von Linkzielen (Indicating the language of a link destination)
Warum man Sprachattribute verwenden sollte (Why use the language attribute?)
Unicode-Steuerzeichen vs. Markup für bidirektionalen Text (Unicode controls vs. markup for bidi support)
Verwendung von Unicode-Steuerzeichen für bidirektionalen Text (Using Unicode controls for bidi text)
HTML-Seiten in arabischer, hebräischer und anderen von rechts nach links geschriebenen Schriften erstellen (Creating HTML Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and Other Right-to-left Scripts)
Umgang mit Sprachangaben in HTML (Working with language in HTML)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Призначення мови в HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Розмір тексту в перекладі (Text size in translation)
Фонові зображення, які підтримують локалізацію (Background images that support localization)
Стилізація за допомогою мовних атрибутів (Styling using language attributes)
CSS3 та Міжнародний Текст (CSS3 and International Text)
Назначение языка в HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Размер текста в переводе (Text size in translation)
Фоновые изображения что поддерживают локализацию (Background images that support localization)
Стилизация с помощью языковых атрибутов (Styling using language attributes)
CSS3 и Международный Текст (CSS3 and International Text)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Spanish
Declaración de idioma en HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Uso de select para enlazar contenido localizado (Using select to link to localized content)
¿Caracteres o lenguaje de etiquetas? (Characters or markup?)
These articles were translated into Spanish thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Trusted Translations, Inc.
Just published: 1 new and 3 updated articles about language declarations in HTML
One tutorial and two articles have been updated, and a new article has been created from material that was moved out of the tutorial. The updates all involve major rewrites of the former text. These changes incorporate up-to-date information about how language declarations are handled in HTML5, and generally refresh and improve the previous material.
The new articles are:
Working with language in HTML (tutorial)
Why use the language attribute?
HTTP headers, meta elements and language information
All articles use a new HTML5-based template with additional change to the boilerplate code.
For review: 1 new and 3 updated articles about language declarations in HTML
Comments are being sought on the following new articles prior to final publication. NOTE THAT the articles are in a temporary location, and will be moved to their final location after the review.
Working with language in HTML (tutorial format)
This is a reworking of an existing tutorial to conform to the new tutorial format. It will replace the old version.
Why use the language attribute?
This is a reworking of an existing article to bring it up to date. It will replace the old version.
This is a new article derived from information that was originally in the tutorial mentioned above. The information has been rewritten, and changes have been made to reflect recent developments for HTML5.
HTTP and meta for language information
This is a reworking of an existing article to reflect recent developments in HTML5 and improve the fit with other pages listed here. It will replace the old version.
All articles use a new template with additional change to the boilerplate code. They are written in HTML5.
Please send any comments over the next two weeks to www-international@w3.org (subscribe).
We hope to publish a final version shortly after the end of the review period.
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Questions or comments? ishida@w3.org