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Category: notify-multilingweb


For review: Use cases for bidi and language metadata on the Web

The article Use cases for bidi and language metadata on the Web is out for wide review. We are looking for comments by Thursday 11 March.

The W3C Internationalisation Working Group recommends that data formats and string data are always associated with information about text direction and language. This is to ensure that the data can be correctly managed when displayed to a user. This article explores use cases that substantiate the need for this type of information.

Please send any comments as github issues by clicking on this link, or on “Leave a comment” at the bottom of the article. (This will add some useful information to your comment.)

For review: Typographic character units in complex scripts

The article Typographic character units in complex scripts is out for wide review. We are looking for comments by Thurday 25 February.

CSS defines the typographic character unit as a basic unit of text for use with editing operations, however the meaning of a that term can vary according to the operation, and there are issues in working with such units in complex scripts. In this article we look at examples of some of those differences and issues.

Please send any comments as github issues by clicking on this link, or on “Leave a comment” at the bottom of the article. (This will add some useful information to your comment.)

Requirements for Japanese Text Layout updated (JLReq) 日本語組版処理の要件を更新しました

An editorial update of Requirements for Japanese Text Layout has been published. The key changes include the following:

  • Fixes for various errata, and improved wording in a number of locations.
  • Merge of English and Japanese versions into a single document, with switches that allow readers to view the text in either language, or both. A particular language can also be requested via the URL (for example, like this: English, Japanese).
  • Assignment of link targets to each list item and note, making it possible to point into the document in a more fine-grained way.




3 FPWDs for language requirements

Following on from the publication of gap-analyis documents as FPWD, three more documents have been published as FPWD that contain information about how Tamil, Mongolian, and Tibetan orthographies work. These documents are intended to support the gap-analysis work.

Tamil Layout Requirements

Mongolian Layout Requirements

Requirements for Tibetan Text Layout and Typography

21 Gap-analysis First Public Working Drafts published

The W3C Internationalization Activity has just published First Public Working Drafts for 21 documents that explore gaps in language support on the Worldwide Web. Some of these documents are from individual contributors, whereas others are the result of work in a language enablement task force. The list below points to the location of the FPWD and also to the relevant group home page or to the relevant GitHub repository where the work was done.

We are looking for expert contributors who can help us move this work forward by answering questions, documenting gaps in support, and creating tests. For more information about the program, see this 15 minute overview (slides).

Arabic & Persian Gap Analysis

Chinese Layout Gap Analysis

Ethiopic Layout Gap Analysis

Dutch Gap Analysis

Georgian Gap Analysis

Modern Greek Gap Analysis

Hungarian Gap Analysis

Bengali Gap Analysis

Devanagari Gap Analysis

Gurmukhi Gap Analysis

Gujarati Gap Analysis

Tamil Gap Analysis

Japanese Gap Analysis

Inuktitut & Cree Gap Analysis

Cherokee Gap Analysis

Lao Gap Analysis

Khmer Gap Analysis

Javanese Script Gap Analysis

Thai Script Gap Analysis

Mongolian Gap Analysis

Tibetan Gap Analysis

New First Public Working Draft: Rules for Simple Placement of Japanese Ruby

The Internationalization Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of Rules for Simple Placement of Japanese Ruby. This document provides a simple set of rules for placement of ruby text in Japanese typography that can be used as a minimum baseline for implementers and specification writers. It was developed by the JLReq (Japanese Layout) Task Force as a companion to Requirements for Japanese Text Layout 日本語組版処理の要件(日本語版).

Ruby is the name given to the small annotations in Japanese content that are rendered alongside base text, usually to provide a pronunciation guide, but sometimes to provide other information.

First Public Working Draft, “Strings on the Web: Language and Direction Metadata “

A First Public Working Draft of Strings on the Web: Language and Direction Metadata was published.

This document describes practices for identifying language and base direction for strings used on the Web. It was developed as a result of observations by the Internationalization Working Group over a series of specification reviews related to formats based on JSON, WebIDL, and other non-markup data languages. Unlike markup formats, such as XML, these data languages generally do not provide extensible attributes and were not conceived with built-in language or direction metadata.

The concepts in this document are applicable any time strings are used on the Web, either as part of a formalised data structure, but also where they simply originate from JavaScript scripting or any stored list of strings.

Public comments are welcome, please raise them as github issues.

Comments Off on First Public Working Draft, “Strings on the Web: Language and Direction Metadata “

One new, one updated article published

Types of language declaration describes how ‘metadata’ and ‘text-processing’ language declarations differ.

HTTP headers, meta elements and language information has been updated to read better, and the information that was to become the previously mentioned article was removed.

Article published: Approaches to line-breaking

This article gives a high level summary of various typographic strategies for wrapping text at the end of a line, for a variety of scripts.

Read the article.

For 2nd review: Approaches to line breaking

The article Approaches to line breaking has been significantly revised and is out for another wide review. We are looking for comments by Thursday 2 August.

This article gives a high level summary of various typographic strategies for wrapping text at the end of a line, for a variety of scripts. It complements the article Approaches to full justification.

Please send any comments as github issues by clicking on this link, or on “Leave a comment” at the bottom of the article. (This will add some useful information to your comment.)

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