Minutes Telecon 2024-04-24
- jensimmons presented an overview of the proposal for issue #9041 (Alternate masonry path forward) and an accompanying demo to add clarity
- The Google & Edge implementors were concerned that the current proposal would not be implementable because the algorithm would cause exponential behavior in some cases and proposed some restrictions to prevent it (full details in this comment)
- Several folks expressed concern with including this in Grid since, though they have similarity, understanding masonry in a grid context would limit what masonry could do. On the other hand, authors could want to switch between grid and masonry at different breakpoints which would argue for keeping them together.
- Discussion will continue on github to allow folks time to think about and discuss the various ideas raised on the call.
- Resolved: `none` is preserved in calculations involving CSS math functions (Issue #10211: Clarify that `none` is preserved in calculations)
- Resolved: When interpolating between two none-containing values, the result is a calc-mix() expression preserving the `none` keywords in both values (Issue #10211)
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