Minutes Telecon 2020-09-09
- Resolved: Add chris and fantasai as editors to CSS Conditional 3 (Issue #5315: Let’s finish the specification)
- Though they seem similar the discussion find-in-page and scroll-to-text needs to be separated into two issues (Issue #5233: Add a highlight pseudo-element for find-in-page or scroll-to-text).
- There were concerns that find-in-page may be a mis-match with the highlight pseudo elements because several browsers have additional styling.
- The original developer request was to style scroll-to-text but there are use cases for both properties that should be documented.
- Resolved: We’re interested and would like chrishtr to pursue and come back with proposal text [for find-in-page and scroll-to-text] (Issue #5233)
- Resolved: Continue working on standardizing these 3 pseudos (::range-thumb, ::range-track, ::range-progress) (Issue #4410: Standardizing input[type=”range”] styling)
- There’s interest in having a joint meeting with OpenUI to discuss the more holistic approach to defining parts of controls that they’re working on.
- Resolved: Change the spec to say tab-size applies to inlines but when that happens the number values apply to advance width from block container (Issue #5489: ‘tab-size’ de facto applies to inline boxes)
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