Minutes Telecon 2017-12-13
- Rossen will send out the proposed agenda for 20 December to garner regrets and determine if there are enough people for a call. There will be no call on 27 December.
- Resolved: Resolve to clamp negative calc unit values in context and simplify as early as possible and then return the clamped calc as a result of the computed style.
- Resolved: Change the name
to :focus-visible
- Rossen brought issue #2085 (Choose a single option for resolving padding and margin percent values of grid/flex items) to the call in order to get more visibility and movement toward a solution. There wasn’t a decision reached on the call, but rachelandrew will make a blog post to garner from the community which behavior is preferable. Most people expressed a desire to make sure that the same decision is applied to Grid & Flexbox to keep them inline.
- As a part of the previous discussion several people have expressed an interest in a permanent solution to the aspect ratio hack and fantasai, TabAtkins, and gregwhitworth have all been looking into writing some spec text.
- There were many concerns that the proposal in issue #1865 (Intrinsic Sizes, Scroll Containers, and Grid/Flex Sizing) would cause severe breakage. fantasai will go out and research if it will cause breakage and, if the result is that there is no compat risk, there was agreement that the proposal would be worthwhile to implement for Flex, Grid, and Block.
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