FPWD: CSS Transforms and CSS Fragmentation
The CSSWG published First Public Working Draft of two modules yesterday:
- CSS Transforms
- CSS transforms allow elements styled with CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. This specification is the convergence of the CSS 2D Transforms, CSS 3D Transforms, and SVG transforms specifications. This spec is jointly-developed with the SVG Working Group: please send comments to public-fx@w3.org with
and your topic in the subject line.
- CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3
- This module describes the fragmentation model that partitions a flow into pages. It builds on the Page Media concepts from CSS2.1 and defines the CSS fragmentation model in a way that is generic to pages, columns, and regions and that future layout specs can hook into. It includes controls for pagination and defines with further precision the CSS breaking model. As usual, please send comments to www-style@w3.org with
and your topic in the subject line.
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