This week: WebbyAwards celebrating Web25, WebCryptoAPI LC comments, EFF Do Not Track tool, etc.
Part of Privacy and Security
This is the 2-9 May 2014 edition of a “weekly digest of W3C news and trends" that I prepare for the W3C Membership and public-w3c-digest mailing list (publicly archived). This digest aggregates information about W3C and W3C technology from online media —a snapshot of how W3C and its work is perceived in online media.
W3C and HTML5 related Twitter trends
[What was tweeted frequently, or caught my attention. Most recent first (popularity is flagged with a figure —number of times the same URIs or tweet was quoted/RTed.)]
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) Segu-Info: W3C realiza un Penetration Test y solicita el cambio de contraseñas de sus usuarios (W3C performs a Penetration Test and requests the change of user passwords) - (
) EFF: International Day Against DRM: Whatever Happened to the W3C? - (
) TheWebbyAwards: We're celebrating 25 years of the Web with @webfoundation and @w3c. Visit our 25 for 25 project: #web25 - (
) WebCryptoAPI Last Call: comments from Akamai’s Principal Security Engineer Rich Salz - (
) W3C Web and Mobile Interest Group: Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap - April 2014 - (
) SitePoint: Using Device Orientation in HTML5 - (
) EFF: Help EFF Test Privacy Badger, Our New Tool to Stop Creepy Online Tracking
Open Web & net rights
- UK’s Southbank Centre Unveils Web We Want Festival in celebration of #web25 (8 May 2014)
- The Verge: Huge coalition led by Amazon, Microsoft, and others take a stand against FCC on net neutrality (7 May 2014)
- Ars Technica: Mozilla offers FCC a net neutrality plan—with a twist (5 May 2014)
- Mozilla: Starting May 12th, 2014 - Learn creative ways to teach web literacy, digital skills and open practices (1 May 2014)
W3C in the Press (or blogs)
18 articles since the previous Digest. A selection follows. Find keywords on our Press clippings.
- ZDNet (8 May): Should cloud services treat a million end-user devices equally?
- Data Guidance (8 May): USA: W3C's 'huge milestone' on DNT, moves to Last Call status
- Huffington Post - The World Post (6 May): We Need a Magna Carta for the Internet
- IDG News (2 May): Yahoo drops 'Do Not Track' policy in favor of 'personalized' experience
- Adweek (29 April): Ad Industry Will Soon Unveil a Do Not Track Browser Solution
- MediaPost Daily Online Examiner (25 April): Web Standards Group Moves Forward With Do-Not-Track Effort
- CIHAN (24 April): Brazil's internet move globally acclaimed
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