New Release of the W3C Cheat Sheet

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Screenshot of the W3C cheat sheet

Back in November, I announced the first release of the W3C cheat sheet, a compact, mobile-friendly Web application that allows to look up keywords in various W3C specifications, as well as to access various guidelines and best practices at the tip of the finger.

I am now pleased to announce a new release of the W3C cheat sheet, that features a number of improvements:

  • a new layout with improved user interactions — thanks to Sorin Stefan for his invaluable help!
  • the possibility to navigate from one keyword to another; for instance, in the details of the HTML head element, it is now possible to follow a link to see the details of each of the allowed children of that element, such as title;
  • integration of more accessibility, internationalization and mobile-friendliness techniques as part of the keywords views;
  • an OpenSearch plug-in that allows to use the cheat sheet as part of the browser search bar;
  • search results and individual views are now bookmarkable;
  • plenty of bug fixes, both in code and data;
  • a very early and still pretty rough user documentation

I have also integrated a donate button as part of the “about” screen — if you find the tool useful, please consider making use of it since it really helps W3C in maintaining and developing its open source tools set for developers (including the various validators).

And I’m still very much looking forward to getting new people involved in the project — I have started drafting some documentation for interested developers in the hope to make that option easier.

Some ideas of possible improvements for the next release:

  • integration of (some?) HTML5 and CSS3 specifications;
  • possibility to add external data sources, keeping only core specs in the base distribution;
  • integration of the content of the other tabs in the search results.

Any other suggestion? Any bug reports? Please share your feedback, positive or constructively negative :) — in the comments here, or to <>!

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