CHANGES.TXT for Serialization 1.1 Items below are not yet incorporated into the editor's drafts unless they are marked with 'DONE'. Once completed items have been entered into the revision log, they are deleted from this document. * Backlog Action items ------------ ** DONE Action A-423-03 on all editors of x.1 specs to add list of incompatibilities and major differences between x.0 and x.1 versions. Applied in Serialization Internal Working Draft of 23 March 2010 ** DONE Action A-439-01 Henry to write a full proposal for the serialization option file format and its use from the query prolog. ** DONE Action A-443-04 HZongaro will take all the feedback re output declarations and produce a revised proposal. ** DONE Unnumbered action item from July 2010 F2F Henry to fix problems with the schema and add examples that parse against the schema. Henry to change 'ser' prefix to 'output' Serialization 1.1 bugs and enhancements --------------------------------------- ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 9433: [SER11] Invalid reference to XSLT 2.1 Need to update cross-document links to XSLT 2.1 ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 6808: Whitespacing rules are too restrictive for the indent parameter Proposal: 01 February 2010 Accepted at joint XQuery/XSL call of 02 February 2010 Applied in internal working draft of 23 March 2010 Changes requested at XSL WG call of 03 June 2010 Proposal: 23 June 2010 Accepted at XSL WG call of 24 June 2010 Applied in Serialization Internal Last Call Working Draft of 28 June 2010 Accepted at XQuery WG call of 29 June 2010 ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 6535: Add new serialization option suppress-indentation Applied in internal working draft of 04 January 2010 ** TODO Bugzilla bug 9302: How are output declarations processed? Proposal: 24 June 2010 and subsequent discussion Revised: 14 July 2010 and subsequent discussion Accepted by XQuery WG at July 2010 F2F, with corrections to schema as described in minutes , plus examples and change "ser" prefix to "output". Applied changes 20 July 2010 Dependencies: Need ratification by XSL WG? Serialization 1.0 bug fixes to be applied to 1.1 ------------------------------------------------ ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 7823: [SER] Description of escaping rules for script and style elements in HTML mode not clear Proposal: 05 April 2010 Accepted at joint XQuery/XSL call of 06 April 2010 Accepted at XSL call of 3 June 2010 Applied in Serialization Internal Last Call Working Draft of 28 June 2010 ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 8651: What does it mean to compare without consideration of case? Proposal: 05 January 2010 Accepted at joint XQuery/XSL call of 13 January 2010 Accepted at XSL call of 3 June 2010 Applied in Serialization Internal Last Call Working Draft of 28 June 2010 ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 8206: Marked as editorial Applied in Serialization Internal Last Call Working Draft of 28 June 2010 ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 7829: Serialization of minimized attributes. Proposal: 26 November 2009 Accepted at joint XQuery/XSL call of 01 December 2009 Ratified at XSL WG call of 03 December 2009 Applied in Serialization Internal Last Call Working Draft of 28 June 2010 ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 8245: Error for characters that are not permitted in HTML omits some control characters Proposal: 09 November 2009 Proposal: 12 November 2009 Discussed: 12 November 2009 Proposal: 26 November 2009 Accepted at joint XQuery/XSL call of 01 December 2009 Ratified at XSL WG call of 03 December 2009 Applied in Serialization Internal Last Call Working Draft of 28 June 2010 ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 6723: No rule about empty

elements in HTML serialization Proposal: 20 August 2009 Accepted at joint XQuery/XSL call of 25 August 2009 Ratified at XSL WG call of 12 November 2009 Applied in Serialization Public Working Draft of 15 December 2009 ** DONE Bugzilla Bug 6732: Make clear for which values of version parameter the serialization recommendation provides normative definitions Proposal: 24 March 2009 Accepted at joint XQuery/XSL call of 14 April 2009 Ratified at XSL WG call of 30 April 2009 Applied in Serialization Public Working Draft of 15 December 2009