**************************************************************************************************** * To Be Done **************************************************************************************************** Add examples to the new expressions. **************************************************************************************************** * Done **************************************************************************************************** Eliminated the "redefines" schema because it's no longer needed after we replaced the function declaration "simple" and "sequential" with %-annotations (Jim; 2010-05-13) Bring XQueryX schema and stylesheet up to date w.r.t. grammar changes since 2009-08-17 (Jim; 2010-02-15) What error is raised if the category rules are violated? Add error specific codes. Telcon #423 Q2.3.1 Stability in XQuery SX DECISION to adopt proposal to define "execution scope" as "snapshot scope". Telcon #422 Q2.3.1 lookahead problem in Scripting grammar Change ApplyExpr to Expr ::= ConcatExpr ( ";" (ConcatExpr ";")* )? Telcon #406 Q2.3.2 query mode for xquery scripting extension proposal DECISION to adopt Zhen's scripting mode proposal, with mode keywords changed to "simple/sequential", and affect extended to also cover sequential expressions. Telcon #406 Q2.3.1 Global variables vs global constants in XQuery SX DECISION to change global modifiable variable syntax to "declare assignable/unassignable variable" Telcon #405 Q2.3.1 Proposal to drop "set" from AssignmentExpr DECISION accept proposal. Telcon #404 Q2.2.2 Inferring the type of modifiable variables. DECISION accept proposal. Telcon #403 Q2.2.1 Composable Sequential Expressions Accepted with the following change: - Make the statement "Predicates - need to evaluate each predicate to completion before the next." apply to all evaluation orders. Telcon #400 Q2.2.4 Bugzilla Bug 6852, [SX] Scripting grammar ambiguity DECISION to change "exit with" to "exit returning" in Scripting. Telcon #400 Q2.2.5 Bugzilla Bug 6847, [SX] Add "while" to the reserved function names DECISION to accept solution, and add a note on backwards compatibility. F2F #381 Q2.2.5 XQuery SX issue #1: Allow break / continue in FLWOR? DECISION: Remove break/continue from XQSE. Draft a sentence for the prolog, saying we've removed them and have known alternatives to using them. F2F #381 Q2.2.7 XQuery SX issue #3: Semi-colon as operator DECISION: Approved proposal, with grammar modification. Expr := ApplyExpr | ConcatExpr ApplyExpr := (ConcatExpr ";")+ F2F #381 Q2.2.8 XQuery SX issue #4: Passing arguments to functions DECISION: Approved without modification. (1) Approved M.Dyck proposal in 2008/Feb/0025. After a PUL is applied by upd:applyUpdates, a (type? dynamic?) error is raised if the value bound to any variable does not match the declared type of that variable. Agreed in XQuery Telcon #359, 3/11/08. (2) Scripting: In order to avoid a double-curly problem in the try/catch proposal, a change is made to Blocks in the Scripting spec. Stand-alone Blocks must be preceded by keyword "block". Certain embedded uses of Blocks (in function decls and while-loops) may omit the keyword. Grammar (approximate): ExprSingle ::= ... | BlockExpr BlockExpr ::= "block" BlockContent BlockContent ::= "{" ... "}" WhileExpr ::= ... BlockContent ... FunctionDecl ::= ... BlockContent ... DC is directed to implement this change in the Scripting spec. Decided in F2F at Oracle, week of 3/31/08. (3) Accept the Snelson proposal to mix XDM with PUL in the Scripting language, as specified here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-query-wg/2008Jun/0039.html Decided in F2F at Edinburgh, week of 6/23/08. Assigned to Snelson. (4) Bug observed by DC: In Section 2.3.2 (Block), paragraph 5 says: "The body consists of one or more expressions, separated by semicolons (the final expression may optionally be followed by a semicolon.)" This sentence is not consistent with the grammar. The sentence should be changed as follows: "The body consists of one or more expressions terminated by semicolons." (5) Bug observed by DC: In Section 2.3.4 (While Expression), there is an example of a block that computes Fibonacci numbers. The block contains an "exit with" expression. This kind of expression makes sense only if it is inside a function definition. The example should be improved by enclosing it in a function definition.