Priority 1

There are four frames in this example. The frame along the top of the page is for the page title and primary navigation bar. The narrow frame (center, left) is to be used for the Table of Contents. The largest frame (center, right) is where the content of the document chosen from the Table of Contents will appear. The frame across the bottom of the page is for the copyright, secondary navigation and other constant information. The code for the FRAMESET show the appropriate use of the title attribute.

<FRAMESET ROWS="20%,*,30%">
<FRAME SRC="f1.htm" title="Title and main navigation bar frame">
<FRAMESET COLS="20%,*,">
<FRAME SRC="f2.htm" title="Table of Contents frame">
<FRAME SRC="f3.htm" title="Content viewing frame">
<FRAME SRC="f4.htm" title="Copyright, acknowlegment and secondary navigation frame">

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