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Technique F47:Failure of Success Criterion 2.2.2 due to using the blink element

About this Technique

This technique is a Failure of 2.2.2: Pause, Stop, Hide.



This technique relates to 2.2.2: Pause, Stop, Hide (Failure).


The blink element, while not part of the official HTML specification, is supported by many user agents. It causes any text inside the element to blink at a predetermined rate. This cannot be interrupted by the user, nor can it be disabled as a preference. The blinking continues as long as the page is displayed. Therefore, content that uses blink fails the Success Criterion because blinking can continue for more than three seconds.


Example 1

A product list page uses the blink element to draw attention to sale prices. This fails the Success Criterion because users cannot control the blink.

<p>My Great Product <blink>Sale! $44,995!</blink></p>

Other sources

No endorsement implied.



  1. Examine code for the presence of the blink element.

Expected Results

  • If #1 is true, the content fails the Success Criterion.
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