W3C logoWeb Accessibility initiative

WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

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WAI-AGE Project (IST 035015)


Web Accessibility Initiative: Ageing Education and Harmonisation (WAI-AGE)
European Commission Project, 6th Framework, IST 035015

Page Contents


WAI-AGE Project ended as of 30 September 2010. Up-to-date resources on web accessibility for older people are available at http://www.w3.org/WAI/older-users/.

Project Resources

WAI-AGE Deliverables included the development of several educational resources. These will be maintained by the W3C/WAI Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG). See Getting Involved with WAI for information about opportunities to contribute to these and other resources on web accessibility.

Publications and Presentations

Conference and Workshop Presentations

Selected list of presentations carried out through the WAI-AGE Project:

Papers & Articles

Selected list of paper and articles published through the WAI-AGE Project:


The WAI-AGE Project is a completed European Commission IST Specific Support Action with the goal of increasing accessibility of the Web for older people as well as for people with disabilities. The project has the following main objectives to:

WAI continues to welcome contributions by researchers, developers and users interested in web accessibility for older people. See participating in WAI for more information on different opportunities to contribute.


WAI-AGE staff included the following people:

See Contacting WAI for up-to-date information about current contacts.