Chair: Jon
Date: Wednesday, July 29
Time: 11:00am to 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time
Call-in: +1-617-252-1038
11:00-11:10 Review of Face-to-Face (Kitch)
11:10-11:20 Discussion of UA WD Goals
Main issues:
11:20-11:30 Review and prioritization of current issues list
11:30-1:55 Discussion of Issues
11:55-12:00 Define Action items
Next working draft of UA guidelines should include accessibility information on:
Add CSS1 implementation priority to guidelines (Jon Gunderson)
Coordinate tables issue with other working groups on tables
Keyboard access issues
Chuck Oppermann agreed to be UA liaison to DOM working group
KB: There were many new people at meetings. Difficult to go right to technical issues, since time was needed to introduce what WAI is about
JB: WG needs to focus on UA issues and not on discussing process issues
Proposed: HTML, CSS coverage in WD and Proposed Recommendation
CO: what CSS1 are important: blocking, layout
DD: all CSS properties that layout
JB: all of CSS1 and CSS2 related to fonts, colors and formatting
JB: to page authors what they can use in CSS, need all of CSS1
CSS2 needs to be more specific
DD: We cannot pick and chose CSS1, it is a year old, CSS1 is not that big of a deal
CO: MS managers will want priorities on CSS1, if they don't have priorities they may not prioritize based on WAI concerns
JB: should recommend full CSS1 implementation, and then prioritization of CSS2
JG: is compatibility between browsers a problem for CSS1
JB and DD: not a problem for CSS1
CO: CSS1 is not a problem
JB: dynamic html
DD: change events as been discussed in DOM group
DD: expose DOM and accessibility API for access to DHTML
CO: Windows 98 magnifier can follow events
CO: DHTML is growing in importance. Its like being at the entrance of a big cave. You know its big, but not clear what is inside.
take a slice of the pie of the DHTML pie
how can we get mouse events to move to keyboard events
P&F is reviewing , UA should review after P&F have reviewed the the DOM specs
DD: W3C is not dealing with scripting language and therefore difficult to make specific recommendations on scripting
W3C only has control of DOM
Surprised that CO is pushing for keyboard access in UA for DHTML
CO: in this case
there is a separation ofwhat I think AT and UA should provide
The accessibility aids be facilitated by UA
The UA should be provide keyboard
DD: Navigation of headers
CO: Nobody has ever asked me to have access to headers
JG and DD: most pages are documents and headers are useful and it is in the current guidelines
DD: User agent I/O issues are important
CO: UA should provide keyboard access
In the future Accessibility may need to provide keyboard access, as more products ignore keyboard support
Mouse specific aids
Output reformatting is an accessibility aid responsibility
JA: two separate versions of the implementation of Dynamic html
it's hard to develop guidelines for current browsers
JG: mouse events
JA: mouse events are important to have in guidelines
JG: consensus on having recommendations related to mouse events
CO: user agent should deal more with dom after P&F;
JG: consensus new WD this fall and proposed recommendation this winter
JG: distribute work load
DD: is forming group to look at tables, cross group, PA, UA, AU, Assistive tech
CO: I want to be involved in that group, active accessibility is trying to define structure for grids and tables
DD: this is part of the ER group
CO: you want to
DD: assumes there is a model, is it enough
CO: Would be willing to be the DOM liaisons
DD: I am part of a cross working group looking at the tables issue
KB: Contact Dragon Dictate
JG: Find somebody to review keyboard access and update WD and issues list