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CSS Accessibility

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Inspired by the CSS Accessibility Community Group at: But what about the accessibility uses of CSS beyond style (as CSS gives us scalability), CSS annotation, semantics, microformats and the like.


Page author(s): Simon Harper

Other contact(s): Peter Thiessen


CSS, Style.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) exist to separate the visual styling of a document from the semantics. CSS3 takes CSS to a new level and beyond layout and formatting also adds the ability to re-shape and move elements within a document. Much of the styling in a document adds only aesthetics but there are cases where styling an element does add meaning, such as the order or prominence of elements, and this meaning should be conveyed to AT. Especially in the case of CSS3 transitions and animations, it is unclear how developers will use these new and currently experimental properties, and consequently what, if any, the accessibility concerns will be and should be explored.







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