ACTION-135: Draft a "how to write a good WCAG technique" document

Draft a "how to write a good WCAG technique" document

Michael Cooper
Due on:
July 7, 2011
Created on:
June 30, 2011
Related emails:
  1. Minutes WCAG 30 June 2011 (from on 2011-07-01)

Related notes:

[MichaelC]: see input from

30 Jun 2011, 20:49:35

[MichaelC]: solicit input from recent technique writers: Wolf, Mary, Andrew, Hans...

30 Jun 2011, 20:50:09

[MichaelC]: use Marc as a beta tester

30 Jun 2011, 20:52:33

Display change log.

Alastair Campbell <>, Rachael Bradley Montgomery <>, Charles Adams <>, Chairs, Michael Cooper <>, Ruoxi Ran <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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