Key Documents: Difference between revisions

From Cognitive Accessibility Task Force
Lseeman (talk | contribs)
Lseeman (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* [[ zakim commands]]
* [[ zakim commands]]
* [[ suggestions for our documents]]
* [[ suggestions for our documents]]
* old [[Actions_Requests]]
* [[ WAI action requests]]
* [[ WAI action requests]]
* [[COGA Resolution Processes]]  
* [[COGA Resolution Processes]]  
* [[COGA Resolutions]]  
* [[COGA Resolutions]]  
* General [[todo lists]]
* [[ Priorities as a spread sheet]]
* [[ Our calendar]]
* [[ COGA List Archives]]
* [ github issues]
* [[Priorities,_schedules_and_Work]]
* [[Priorities,_schedules_and_Work]]
* [
our github issues]
* [[ Priorities as a spread sheet]]
* old [[requests from working groups and friends]]
* [[ actions and proposed action]]
* [[ COGA work statement, current]]
* [[ COGA work statement, current]]
** [[DRAFT: COGA TF Work Statement 2022-2024]]
** [[ Draft, what a COGA Working Group charter might be]]
* [[ call minutes]]
* [[ call minutes]]
* [[IRC, scribing and running meeting]]
* [[IRC, scribing and running meeting]]
* [[Github for members ]]
* [[Github for editors ]]

===Actions with other groups ===
===Actions with other groups ===
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* [[ wcag guidence for writing riting guidelines using maturity levels ]]
* [[ wcag guidence for writing riting guidelines using maturity levels ]]
* [[]]
* [[]]
=== Research ===
====reaserch plan====
* [  test plan] (agreed on in 11/06/2023)
* [ database for updated research for coga]
* [ tracking issue papers]
* [  data collection from structure survey]
Older reaserch links
* wayfinding issue paper: and ...
* conversational interface
* [ Research plan draft outline]
* [[methodology for gap analysis]]
* [[Research sources]]
* How to organize research for each pattern - see *
* Works in progress are also at and
* [ Minuets]
* [ draft survey for the research plan subgroup]
* [ edits to survey]
* [ aarons review and questions]]

=== Subgroups ===
=== Subgroups ===

Some work is done in subgroups:
Some work is done in subgroups:
* [[Subgroups/Internationalization | Internationalization]] Coleaders: Katy and Julie (temp) Members: Aaron, Katy, Rashmi, julie , short of time: EA, (shawn by email
* [[Subgroups/Structure| Structure Review For Content Useable]] (Rain, Justine, Shawn, Le, Julie, Lisa)
* [[Subgroups/Testing | Test Plan  and Strategy]]
* [[Subgroups/Mental Health | Mental Health]]
* [[Subgroups/Mental Health | Mental Health]]
* [[Subgroups/WCAG 3 Coordination | WCAG 3 Coordination]]
* [[Subgroups/WCAG 3 Coordination | WCAG 3 Coordination]]
Line 67: Line 91:
* [[ Mental Health Research Tracking]] Sign up to review a document here!!!
* [[ Mental Health Research Tracking]] Sign up to review a document here!!!
* [[ Sensitivities for this work]]
* [[ Sensitivities for this work]]
* [[ Analysis page]]
* [[ Analysis page]]
* [[ Google sheat with summary of reserch]]
* [[ Google sheat with summary of reserch]]
* [[ Archived: gathering additional research]]
* [[ Archived: gathering additional research]]
Line 106: Line 130:
* Provide Search (Pattern)](
* Provide Search (Pattern)](
* template
* template
====reaserch plan====
* [ Draft test plan]
* [ Minuets]
* [ draft survey for the research plan subgroup]
* [ edits to survey]
* [ aarons review and questions]]
Older reaserch links
* wayfinding issue paper: and ...
* conversational interface
* [ Research plan draft outline]
* [[methodology for gap analysis]]
* [[Research sources]]
* How to organize research for each pattern - see *
* Works in progress are also at and
* [  data collection from structure survey]

=== links to keep ===  
=== links to keep ===  
Line 163: Line 166:
* [[ Assign actions on the action page]]
* [[ Assign actions on the action page]]

* old  General
** [[todo lists]]
** [[requests from working groups and friends]]
** old [[Actions_Requests]]
** [[ actions and proposed action]]
** [[DRAFT: COGA TF Work Statement 2022-2024]]
** [[ Draft, what a COGA Working Group charter might be]]
==== TPAC 2021 ====
==== TPAC 2021 ====

Latest revision as of 16:00, 7 March 2024

Key documents for our current work

note our workflow for issues Image language image language



Actions with other groups


Inclusive and collabrative meetings

atest document for gathering COGA feedback:

wcag 3


reaserch plan

Older reaserch links


Some work is done in subgroups:

images subgoup links

mental health

mental health extra

structure for content useable

COGA document structure v2 exploration ]] Analysis - Card Sorting - Making Content Usable Internal task force only

test plan

links to keep

[funka coga requirments vid] [slides, working with coga] [inclusive working groups] [issues with w3c tools and process]

last publication

working on issues: updates on tracking issues documents/ sections of documents:

TPAC 2021

current drafts for actions

Help for makeing useable content

Making content usable for people with cognitive and learning disabilities (Content Usable document).Last published version and Editor's working draft

This is for content providers who want to make content more usable for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. It includes content about:

  1. people with learning and cognitive disabilities,
  2. including users in design and testing activities,
  3. aims and objectives for useable content,
  4. design patterns (ways) to make content usable, and
  5. personas (examples) and user needs.

You can also read through Testable Statements for Each Pattern.

You can also look at our [success criteria proposals for WCAG] (or see for our own list). They are based on our [table of user needs ]. These go though different user needs and how to support them.

We also have a page on user need resources to help people understand the user

Background Research Documents

This is background level research about the issues and challenges. It is useful for reaserchers, policy makers and people wanting more information:

We have also used the research from Research sources

Gap analysis

This is for W3C groups and standard makers looking to understand where the issues lay and how technology could help.

See road map and gap analysis, (doc). It contains:

  • Summary of issues
  • Summary of techniques
  • Roadmap - Tables of user needs and how tech and standards could help
  • We may add challenges from the research module above.

Other task force documents

If you are in COGA and looking for

  1. design guide as spead sheet :
  2. our priorites :
  3. also see
  4. The mental health issue paper we are working on is at
  5. Terms that will need clarification and to be used consistently are at :


  1. Bots paper drafts /conversational interfaces drafts:
  2. wayfinding issue paper: and ...
  3. conversational interface
  4. mock up of interactive content user

Set of questions and answers COGA-FAQ on our [success criteria proposals for WCAG]

w3c process suggestions

  1. [apa decision policy]
  2. [w3c proccess]
  3. [Issues using W3C Tools and Processes ]
  4. [changes for wcag]

Non-COGA coordination requests

Other / Older task force documents

Proposals for WCAG:

  1. authoring techniques document,
  2. The techniques also led to a proposal for a coga for WCAG 2.1. See our rewording SC.

Accompanying documents: (Note they are works in progress and may have changed.)

  1. [Table of user needs ] and how to support them
  1. Background research document. Also see the work on phase 2 research
  1. Issue papers on topics such as security, safety and how they are affected by cognitive disabilities. Works in progress are also available at Gap Analysis Issue Papers.
  1. An authoring techniques document.
  1. The techniques will also lead to a proposal for a coga for WCAG 2.1. See our rewording SC
  1. An ARIA task force for semantics for adaptive interfaces This should become a WAI-ARIA extension.

Working examples of how this could be used in practice and an HTML page that uses some of the new aria syntax is at Example of adaptive page

  1. Scripts that a web author can use or include that read the user settings in the JSON files and adapt the page for the user needs example script

Authors of User group research modules

'Note there are significant contributions from all members research modules

mental health issue paper Roberto Bernard, David Fazio

  1. Terms that will need clarificationJenny Delisi , Steve Lee everyone(old glossary)
  2. wayfinding issue paper: John Kirkwood, John Rochford
  3. [and bots]: Lisa Seeman, John Rochford
  4. Design guide: Lisa seeman and many contributions from everyone
  5. Persona: E.A. Dafran Abi James, John Kirkwood, Lisa Seeman,

Volunteer research groups: John Rochford

Technologies reviewed

Also taken from HTML 5 wishlist:

Old Reports


