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WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force (Eval TF) Work Statement

Page Contents


This Work Statement for the WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force (Eval TF) has been approved by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) and Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG). Eval TF is active since August 2011.


The objective of Eval TF is to develop an internationally harmonized methodology for evaluating the conformance of websites to WCAG 2.0, that supports different contexts, such as for self-assessment or third-party evaluation of small or larger websites. This work includes developing approaches for:

This work is part of other related W3C/WAI activities around evaluation and testing.


The evaluation methodology will likely be broken down into modular components, for instance to match the three sub-parts described in the objective section. The individual components of the evaluation methodology will be developed as a W3C Recommendation, W3C Working Group Note, or other W3C/WAI resource. This will be decided after the development of an initial, more detailed set of requirements.

The development of the evaluation methodology will employ the following approach:

  1. Gather current best practices, such as studies, surveys, or existing methodologies;
  2. Develop requirements for the individual components of the evaluation methodology;
  3. Develop an initial release of the evaluation methodology to be tested in practice;
  4. Refine the evaluation methodology according to experiences from various stakeholders.

The work will be carried out iteratively with continual involvement of the public throughout the development. In particular, key stakeholders such as developers, evaluators, experts, researchers, and users will be regularly involved in the development process.


The following presents a rough timeline of the work:


Eval TF has the following dependencies:

Eval TF will also coordinate with EOWG where necessary to improve the writing, presentation, and educational value of the methodology.


Eval TF communications are publicly visible. Communication mechanisms for Eval TF include:

  1. Eval TF mailing list and mailing list archive (to be created);
  2. Weekly teleconferences, minutes from the teleconferences are also sent to ERT WG and WCAG WG mailing lists;
  3. Regular updates and feedback to ERT WG and WCAG WG, and potentially WAI Coordination Group (CG) as needed;
  4. Regular submission of deliverables to ERT WG and WCAG WG for approval;
  5. Summary of current status and progress on the Eval TF home page (to be created).


Eval TF participants must be participants of ERT WG or of WCAG WG; and must actively contribute to the work of Eval TF, including:

  1. Minimum 6 hours per week of Eval TF work;
  2. Remain current on the Eval TF mailing list and respond in a timely manner to postings;
  3. Participate in Eval TF telephone meetings, or send regrets to the Eval TF mailing list.

Contact Shadi Abou-Zahra (shadi@w3.org) to become a participant of Eval TF or with questions.



Participants in the WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force (Eval TF).

Patent Policy

This Task Force is part of the ERT WG Charter and WCAG WG Charter, which operate under the W3C Patent Policy (5 February 2004 Version).