ACTION-60: Will do the French translation and specific promotional effort in French speaking countries for "Contactin Organizations..."

Will do the French translation and specific promotional effort in French speaking countries for "Contactin Organizations..."

Denis Boudreau
Due on:
January 20, 2012
Created on:
January 13, 2012
Associated Product:
Promoting Contacting Orgs about Inaccessible Websites
Related emails:
No related emails

Related notes:

I just read through all of it and I think it's great. Most of the time where I felt I wanted to make a change was because we would use a different term in Quebec than you do in France, but I did not change it because after all, it's a matter of "blanc bonnet, bonnet blanc". <smile>

I did make minor edits to the translations, when I felt it was missing a word, when a sentence didn't start with a capital letter or stuff like that. I've worked on the html version provided on the 24th and renamed the file inacessible-db.html. It was included in an email sent to Sylvie and Shawn as an attachment.

One of the "major edits" I made to the document was removing a float: left from the css for the .eg selector because it made the content overlap. So really, there wasn't much I felt I had to change, it's very good as it is in all honesty.

Denis Boudreau, 27 Jan 2012, 05:47:07

Display change log.

Kris Anne Kinney <>, Brian Elton <>, Chairs, Shawn Lawton Henry <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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