ACTION-165: Look at approach overall -- e.g., not begging about overlap with mobile, but look what's cool! (and, btw, accessibility invented most of these mobile interactions!)

Look at approach overall -- e.g., not begging about overlap with mobile, but look what's cool! (and, btw, accessibility invented most of these mobile interactions!)

Shawn Lawton Henry
Due on:
September 12, 2012
Created on:
June 1, 2012
Related emails:
No related emails

Related notes:

No additional notes.

Display change log.

Kris Anne Kinney <>, Brian Elton <>, Chairs, Shawn Lawton Henry <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 165.html,v 1.1 2023/06/06 13:51:35 carcone Exp $