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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, and resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

[Archived] WAI Pages

Status Note: This page is an old planning page.



April 2017 - EOWG potential charter deliverables document EO p update notes (mostly from early 2016) initial resource mgr (may have changed) status on doc (some from early 2016; a few updated April 2017) area
priority: medium-low Better Web Browsing: Tips Y l low priority for completing. Shadi Status: Draft Updated 24 August 2010 GetStart-People
ok as is Contacting Orgs about Inaccessible Y   evergreen? Andrew Status: Updated 21 April 2010 GetStart-People
  Accessibility - W3C, Intro -   needs to be updated with links to new resources (e.g., getting started, easy checks) Shawn (Sharron) (w3c site w/o status) GetStart-Basics
high Accessibility Y m replace with updated Accessibility - W3C, Intro and decide if any of the info ought to be elsewhere Sharron (Shawn) Status: First published February 2005. Updated September 2005. GetStart-Basics
  Essential Components -   evergreen? James Version: 1.3 August 2005 GetStart-Basics
priortiy: medium-low.
update, e.g., add leads to innovation, etc.
Business Case Y   evergreen? Wayne Status: Updated 7 September 2012 GetStart-Basics
(minor updates to current; ideas for more) Tips for Getting Started Y   current tips done. have 3 others drafted, but not agreement on whether or not we should do them Denis (Shawn, James images) Status: Updated 15 April 2016 (first published September 2015) GetStart-Basics
ok as is Web Accessibility Perspectives... (showcase videos) Y i   Shadi (Adina, Brent) Status: Updated 15 September 2016.  DesignInclusion
ok as is Accessibility, Usability, Inclusion Y i   Shadi (Brent, Adina, Denis, Shawn) Status: updated 6 May 2016 (first published March 2010)  DesignInclusion
restructuring How People with Disabilities Use the Web Y H high priority for updating Shadi (Wayne) Status: Draft updated 1 August 2012
(Draft in <h1> of sub-pages)
reframing 2. & Older People: Meeting Needs
  i. Developing for Older: How (WCAG) Applies
   ii. Older Users: Literature Review


(for ii. would be good to update the status since we're not planning to update it)

Susan (Andrew) 2. Status: Updated 18 October 2010
i. Status: updated 22 September 2010
ii. Content last updated: 16 June 2008 (to be updated with future publications of the Literature Review and related documents)
  Mobile Web - H would be good to update Susan (Adina) Status: Updated 18 March 2015 DesignInclusion
reframing Web Content Accessibility and Mobile Web Y   evergreen? Susan (Adina) Status: Updated 31 August 2012 DesignInclusion
reframing Shared Experiences: Barriers Common Y   evergreen? Susan (Adina) Status: Updated 22 January 2013 DesignInclusion
  Accessibility for People with Low Vision -   in progress Q2 2016 Shawn (Wayne & LVTF) [Draft] in title DesignInclusion
(completing under 2015 Charter) Accessible UI Components List Y i in progress for Q2 2016 Eric (Howard, Shadi) (not posted)  
  WCAG Overview -   evergreen Brent Status: Updated 2 October 2012 Guidelines&Tech
  WCAG 2.0 at a Glance - m need updated print version James Status: Updated 6 December 2011 (preface wording updated 22 February 2012, Guidelines&Tech
  The WCAG 2.0 Documents -   evergreen Brent Status: Updated 17 December 2008 Guidelines&Tech
  WCAG 2 FAQ -   mostly evergreen Brent Status: Updated 1 April 2014 Guidelines&Tech
  WCAG 2 Presentations -     Eric (Shawn) (none) Guidelines&Tech
  How 2 differs from 1 -   evergreen Brent Content updated: 15 January 2009 Guidelines&Tech
  Comparison 1 to 2 -   evergreen Brent Content last updated: 15 December 2008 (minor updates to the introduction in August 2009) Guidelines&Tech
  How to update from 1 to 2 -   evergreen Brent Status: Updated 16 December 2008 Guidelines&Tech
  2. ATAG - m up-to-date? Shawn (Jeanne) Status: Updated 24 September 2015 (first published July 2005) Guidelines&Tech
  ATAG at a Glance - m (We were just waiting for ATAG to settle; can be updated now.) Shawn (Jeanne) Status: Draft updated $Date: 2022/01/26 16:02:04 $ Guidelines&Tech
  3. UAAG - m just a few minor tweaks needed Shawn (Jeanne) Status: Updated May 2016 Guidelines&Tech
  4. EARL -   evergreen? Shadi Content last updated: 10 May 2011 Guidelines&Tech
  5. WAI-ARIA -   up-to-date? Michael (Shawn) Status: Updated 15 January 2016. (first published December 2006) Guidelines&Tech
  WAI-ARIA FAQ -   up-to-date? Michael (Shawn) Status: Updated 19 January 2016 Guidelines&Tech
  6. Referencing & Linking WAI Docs -   evergreen Brent Content last updated: 11 March 2009 Guidelines&Tech
  7. W3C Process -   evergreen Adina Version: 2.1 Up-to-date as of December 2008 Guidelines&Tech
(in 2015 Charter) 1. Standards Harmonization Y m   Denis Status: Published: October 2002, minor updates in November 2011 (to account for WCAG 2.0 publication; otherwise, not edited). An incomplete, unapproved draft update of this document is available. PlanImpl-Policy
(completing under 2015 Charter) 2. Policies Y H needs updating Wayne (Eric, Shawn, Brent, Mary Jo) Content last updated: 25 August 2006 PlanImpl-Policy
ok as is 3. Developing Org Policies Y i   Shadi Status: Updated 8 May 2016 (first published: October 2002) PlanImpl-Policy
ok as is 1. Planning Y i   Shadi Status: Updated 31 March 2016 (first published October 2002)  PlanImpl-Manage
ok as is 2. First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs Y i   Shadi Status: Updated November 2016 (first published March 2006) PlanImpl-Manage
priority: low.
maybe tweaks for tersification
3. Involving Users Y   evergreen Sharron (Shawn) Content last updated: 7 April 2010 PlanImpl-Manage
priority: medium.
out of date.
4. Selecting and Using Authoring Tools Y l concerned about age, issues Brent Status: Published October 2002, minor updates in November 2011 PlanImpl-Manage
priority: medium.
want to do Next Gen update
Easy Checks Y H images need work; new check needs wordsmithing James (Shawn) Status: Working Draft updated March 2014 Eval
  WCAG-EM Overview -   up-to-date Shadi Status: Updated 19 March 2015 Eval
ok as is Report Tool Y   up-to-date Shadi (Wilco) Status: Version 1.1.0, 2016-March-16 Eval
priority: low.
maybe tweaks for tersification
Involving Users Y   evergreen? Sharron (Shawn) Content last updated: 3 August 2010 Eval
needs consideration whether to update or retire Specific Contexts Y l outdated? possibly retire? Denis Status: Updated 2005 Eval
ok as is Tools database Y   up-to-date Eric Status: Updated March 2016 (first published March 2006) Eval
needs updating Selecting Eval Tools Y l outdated Denis Status: Updated 2005 Eval
needs consideration whether to update or retire Combined Expertise Y l outdated? (referenced in WCAG-EM) Denis Status: Updated 2002 Eval
needs updating (started) Template Eval Reports Y m needs updating - or point to WCAG-EM report output or BAD or other Howard Status: Updated 2002 Eval
ok as is Tutorial - Page Structure Y H needs structuring re-think and thorough language edit & WCAG WG review Eric (Denis, Susan, Adina, Shadi)   Tuts&Pres
ok as is Tutorial - Menus Y H needs thorough language edit & WCAG WG review Eric (Susan, Adina, Shadi)   Tuts&Pres
ok as is Tutorial - Images Y   up-to-date Eric (Denis, Howard)   Tuts&Pres
ok as is Tutorial - Tables Y   up-to-date Eric (Denis, Howard)   Tuts&Pres
ok as is Tutorial - Forms Y   up-to-date Eric (Denis, Howard)   Tuts&Pres
ok as is Tutorial - Carousels Y H needs thorough language edit & WCAG WG review Eric (Susan, Adina, Shadi)   Tuts&Pres
priority: high.
needs updating (Note: resource intensive)
Before and After Demonstration (BAD) Y m to be updated in 2016 project Judy (Susan) Status: 20 February 2012 Tuts&Pres
priority: low.
evergreen, but could look at fresh
Make Your Presentations Accessible Y   (need to delete the note at the bottom) Andrew Status: Updated 20 February 2012 Tuts&Pres
priority: high.
needs updating to point to our recent materials
Developing Pres & Train Y   add links to new eval resources? Andrew Status: Updated 21 February 2013 Tuts&Pres
priority: high (for outreach).
update all presentations and add more material to support others doing outreach
WAI Presentations - l

needs re-thinking & updating (but low priority)

for all presentations below, need CSS cleanup

Eric (Shawn) (none) Tuts&Pres
     i. Overview WAI Slides -   " Eric (Shawn) at top: "NOTE: The slides were last updated in 2005. Some of the information is outdated. Updated information is avalable from the WAI home page www.w3.org/WAI/"
Version 1.0 (up-to-date as of March 2005)
     ii. Components - l " Eric (Shawn) Status: Draft Updated July 2009 Tuts&Pres
     iii. Benefits WCAG 2 -   " Eric (Shawn) Status: Updated 12 August 2010 Tuts&Pres
     iv. Using WCAG 2 - l " Eric (Shawn) Status: Draft Updated 17 August 2010 Tuts&Pres
     v. for Older Users Y   " Eric (Shawn) Content updated: 22 September 2010 Tuts&Pres
     vi. Smart Business Y   " Eric (Shawn) Status: Updated 1 December 2011 Tuts&Pres
  Handouts - l outdated, though not sure what we would want to provide now Sharron Content last updated: 25 February 2009 Tuts&Pres
  1. Participating in WAI - m needs updating Adina (Shawn) Status: Updated 25 March 2010 Get with WAI
  2. About WAI - H needs updating Shawn Status: Updated July 2005 Get with WAI
  3. Using WAI Material -   evergreen Shawn Status: Updated 17 May 2016 Get with WAI
  4. Getting Announcements -   ok as is Howard (none) Get with WAI
  Finding your WAI -   [low] for EOWG review Shawn Status: Updated May 2016
  Translations, Translating WAI docs - m needs updating Wayne (Shawn) Status: Updated 11 August 2011
  How to Change Text Size or Colors - l could use updating   Status: Draft updated 2005