W3C logo Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) logo strategies, guidelines, and resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities
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Getting Started

The WAI Web site provides the following introductory resources:

Introduction to Accessibility
Briefly introduces Web accessibility and links to additional resources.
Components of Web Accessibility
Shows how Web accessibility depends on several components working together, and how the WAI guidelines (WCAG, ATAG, UAAG) are related.
Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Slides
Introduces Web accessibility and Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) in HTML slides.
How People Use the Web
Describes how different disabilities affect Web use and accessibility requirements for people with different kinds of disabilities, and includes scenarios of people with disabilities using the Web.@@
AlternativeWeb browsing
[@@ outdated... are we going to resurrect this?].
Quick Tips
Ten tips for making Web sites accessible, available as a business-card-sized reference card. Ordering Quick Tips Cards. Quick Tips Translations.