W3C logo Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) logo > WAI Web site redesign project > Information Architecture

Redesigned WAI Site Navigation [status: in-progress]

Version: 2004.09.25

on this page: Hierarchical Navigation, Expanded - Complete Structure for Site Map , Key

Hierarchical Navigation, Expanded

W3C home
WAI home

  1. Getting Started
  2. About WAI
  3. Guidelines & Resources
  4. WAI Groups

Complete Structure for Site Map


list type indicating left nav or no

curly brackets at end indicating new format & design or no

W3C home
WAI home

Some record of changes and issues

Document Information

@@ to do: check MITS list that has other items for consideration, add pages from WCAG WG, check other lists to make sure not missed pages, fix links, check acronym tags, HTML & access check & validation

Editor: Shawn Lawton Henry. This Web page is is under development by the WAI Site Task Force of EOWG. Last updated $Date: 2004/09/26 01:06:29 $ by $Author: shawn $

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