> WAI Web
site redesign project
WAI Web Site MITs / "Parking Lot"
Note: This Web page contains rough notes for
discussion and should not be referenced or quoted under any circumstances.
Last updated $Date: 2004/06/30 20:05:56 $ by $Author: shawn $
Primary Editor: Shawn Lawton Henry. This Web page is is under development by
the WAI Site Task Force of EOWG.
on this page: ...
MITs = Miscellaneous Important ThingS
- W3C WG page style guidelines
- gathering what we (task force, EOWG, others) know is wrong w/ current
site, that is, what need to not do again in redesign
- definitive source vs welcoming to new-comers may mean parallel IA?
- pointer to other resources?
- note: missing primary, secondary, etc. designation of target
audience/users... 'cause really depends on WAI-level...
- various levels of things the WSTF might do: 1. consistent navigation,
design, etc., 2. some new navigation pages, 3. some new overview/intro
pages, 4. how to get to info that's already there, e.g., FAQ for WCAG, 5.
big deal: how to get to info in WCAG, Techniques, Curriculum, e.g., "how
do I make forms accessible"
- [adding to requirements/feature matrix] ...search is not WAI specific -
you get W3C stuff and many of it is in maillists (scarey!) [need better
search implementation, WAI only, ability to exclude maillists, refine
search, search within results, easily construct complex queries without
knowing boolean stuff]
- Always include acronym in name of working group
- Atfer have started on navigation design, re-examine the site map
heading "WAI groups" (eg maybe WAI Working and Other Groups). also should
Guidelines & Techniques be separate or under the Resources?
- add photos to contact us page! & links to people pages
- probably not have global nav (like left side drill down heirarchy) on
all pages since many document pages, etc. (as discussed in WSTF f2f 19
- Access keys to navigation, content, (others?)
- probably not use any: Expansion navigation (like
http://www.w3.org/WAI/impl/Overview.html) - not necessarily in new
- check link titles issues with having similar links (e.g., instead of
EOWG Charter, just have Charter)
- consider how to indicate member only links, e.g., icon?
- possible wording for design credit: "based on design concept by XYZ" -
especially if we fix up the accessibility
Questions for reviewers
- for personas: OK with using first names in persona body? any issues
with being specific and potentially exclusionary?
- ...
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