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WAI Education & Outreach Meeting, October 22, 1998

Last updated: December 3, 1998
Scribe: Chuck Letourneau
Posted by: Judy Brewer, WAI EOWG Chair


SS - Sheila Sethuraman
BK - B.K. Delong
CL - Chuck Letourneau
JB - Judy Brewer
AC - Alan Cantor
PB - Peter Bosher
DD - Daniel Dardailler

Action item summary

JB - will fix password protection problem on EO minutes from last week. DONE!
CL - include URL for on-line conference on distance learning and PWD. DONE!
PB - to follow-up with producer of RNIB video on the missing storyline.
JB - to put the "Involvement" slide set on an upcoming EO meeting agenda (November 6).
AC - to update the ref-card with latest comments and pass back to EO WG

1. Agenda Review & Updates on outreach

- recent & upcoming presentations & response

Agenda review:
BK - will be working with CAST to update BOBBY message files to correspond with PA Guidelines
SS - couldn't get into the last meeting minutes.
JB - will fix password protection problem.
PB - three deliverables: baseline data on web accessibility, user information and involvement, alternative browsers.
Outreach updates:
BK - at Inet World for a week - put pointer sheet in pressroom and talked up WAI and access. Also Bibo White  (Black Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre) has invited him to sit on web access panel in New Orleans in December.  Teaching a distance learning course for Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).  One week will teach about accessibility.  Will be working with Alternative Dispute Resolution conference - legal and policy issues for webmasters and accessibility stuff.
JB - got several press inquiries as a result of BK's work at Inet World.  Some articles may follow from it.  Also thinks WAI should do a "Note" about distance learning.
SS - also interested in this area (Distance learning)
JB - last Monday at New York New Media Association - presenting to "Silicon Alley companies" like IBM, Microsoft, Digital Clubhouse.  Tuesday at the State Chief Information Offers conference, responsible for procurement, etc.  Were instrumental in getting Microsoft to include accessibility a few years ago.  Week before that talked to National Disability and Business Council.  Last week talked to a few thousand Bell Atlantic employees on accessibility and to Department of Education; next week keynoting California Higher Education Network.  Also EITAAC.  Mid November - the Advisory Committee meeting for the W3C.
CL - Technology In Government'98 conference in Ottawa on Monday, Oct. 26.  Part of a panel, will be talking about the WAI.  Also participating in the "New Learning Technologies and Learners with Disabilities online forum" http://www.largnet.uwo.ca/~caucus/olt-bta/english.html . You will have to create a username and password. (I don't know if you can just lurk or if you are expected to participate if you join!)  When you get to the list of conferences, select the link for :  disabled_incapacite
PB - presentation in three weeks for National Grid for Learning in Birmingham
CL - asked Peter if British Educational Communications Technology agency would be represented… a contact is Chris Stevens. http:
AC - presentation in two weeks at Human Resources Professional Association of Ontario - a full day workshop on accommodation and will include web access.

2. Check-in on timelines for some EOWG deliverables

- page author guidelines curriculum slide set
- Japanese translation of WAI pointers flyer, HTML & CSS descriptions, other?
- events calendar & submission timeline updating
- reference document on SMIL accessibility features
- WAI/RNIB video: second outline still pending

Page Author Guidelines Curriculum Set:

JB - do Geoff and I have an estimated date for completion?
CL - end of November
JB - can you have a significant part done by mid-November?
CL - probably
JB - too many repeats of "Priority" links.
CL and others - agree. Will make a one-time slide for priorities.
JB - look at Harvey Bingham's slides for introductory material
JB - fix order of WAI Icons and size of them please.

Japanese translation: Masafume not here today.

Events Calendar: Kitch nor Jim here today.

Reference document: Maria has volunteered, but not here today.

RNIB Video: JB followed up on the similarity between the two videos and had not received an answer.  PB has also been in contact with the producer.  JB - Peter, can you get the actual outlines for the two videos for us?  PB - yes.

Baseline data on web accessibility:

JB - the web is archived continually through various projects and we can go back and evaluate the web at certain points in its history.  The Web Characterisation Effort is a new project and Judy has asked for some input into it.

User information and involvement:

JB - Sheila had expressed interest in this and Judy thought it would be another of the subcontracted curriculum sets.  Peter would like to be involved when it gets going because his organization believes it has good things to contribute.  Sheila agrees to Peter's involvement.  JB - this wasn't amongst the highest priorities.  Sheila and Peter would like to know when to start.  JB - unless they have higher EO priorities, they can start any time.

Alternative browsers:

PB - a collection of alternative browsers where they can be downloaded.  PB would like to help with it.  He will put together the collection since he is continually testing them in his job.
PW-Webspeak, IBM Homepage reader, Brooks-talk, an Australian one, Emacs-speak, Opera.

BK - what about adding screen-readers?
PB - very complicated area, but we could link to screen-reader demo sites.
AC - why not Lynx (various versions as well)
JB - Kynn Bartlett did a page (that is linked from ER?) on some of these tools.
http://w3.org/WAI/ER/ pointer to existing tools.

3. Comments on updated page author guidelines slide set

- http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/gid/overgid.htm
JB - any additional comments?
CL - send comments to list.

4. Reference card

- where is the latest version of the reference card so we can point the
PAWG to it?

AC - latest version (version 4) went up today before the meeting (but just before).  He incorporated as many comments as seemed reasonable.  There was considerable discussion around TABLES guideline.  Alan captured the suggestions from Daniel and Judy.  The PA Guidelines still needs a better definition of complex tables.

Stepped through list:
Logo ok
Intro ok.
1. Graphics: why lead with photographs instead of images?  She would switch order
2. Page organization: ok
3. Image maps: AC had question about <MAP>, but Daniel said it was the best way to explain Client Side without being explicit. Say: using MAP "element".  AC - will remove need to navigate by keyboard in this point.
4. Tables: AC will rewrite that section. "Some tables can be hard do read with some web technology. Avoid using tables for layout of text columns,. Use header scope, and abbreviation attributes for complex tabular information.
5. Graphs & charts  Summarize content, or use the longdesc attribute.
6. Frames: make attributes lower case, and elements uppercase. Otherwise OK
7. Hypertext links: make it descriptive link "names"
8. Audio: provide captions or transcriptions of audio content.
9 Provide audio and or text descriptions of video content
10. OK
Last statement: JB worried about misuse.  We tried to find better wording. "Call it Starter Tips at top or "Quick" tips
See www.w3.org/WAI for official WAI Page Author Guidelines & techniques

5. Policy description

- unable still timewise to update the EO Policy page but have a look at the
discussion of relevant US policy issues at
- consider using something not so open-ended but still an exploration of
the issues. Add pointers to US EITAAC info as it progresses.
- update US Section 508 changes & EITAAC process

6. Upcoming meetings

Next meeting: October 29, 11:00 Eastern Time.
- reminder time & date change in November

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