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Minutes of WAI EOWG Call September 3, 1998

Minutes by Chuck Letourneau
Posted by Judy Brewer, WAI EOWG Chair
Last Updated: September 30, 1998


JB - Judy  Brewer
CL - Chuck Letourneau
SO - Stella O'Brien
SR - Shiela Sethuraman
HB - Harvey Bingham
GF - Geoff Freed
DR - Dave Raggett
DD - Daniel Dardailler
MR - Marja-Riitta Koivunen

Some reconstruction of last week's meeting:

JB - Judy welcomed us and apologized for losing last week's action items & minutes
due to an e-mail crash.  Also apologizes for not having an agenda.
Called for a list of action items from last meeting:
HB - to do a business card size version (DONE)
SO - to do further revisions of her card (DONE)
DD - to go through publisher's mailing list (DONE - on EO web site
JB - to write an introductory section, refine deliverable session
GF - to be a point person for good and bad pages, single issue sampler page
BK Delong, Masafume Nakane, were also in attendance.

1. HTML Tutorial - how much accessibility will be built in?

DR - still suffering from a lack of time. HTML section to be revised, to
make it less technical, and would like to increase the level of information
about accessibility but not to the level that it would put people off.  Has
received a number of comments on the list and thanks those who responded.
Putting in examples may not be as easy as hoped.  Quite happy to continue
to receive suggestions, but can't promise speed on that. HB - but at least
put in something about getting more information from the WAI site.  DR - No

2. Publisher's mailing list table can be found at

JB - given to us by BK Delong - we must find out if it is private or public.
JB - how do we get information out to these groups/publications.
JB - just noticed that almost all of the information in the table is New
England based, so this is just part of the information we need.  Doesn't
really cover the rest of the world.

JB - why doesn't DD contact AndrewLloyd, Maria will contact Finish ones,
there is no Asian stuff (Masafume having trouble with time difference).
JB - how do we want to use this list… should it be in public web space? Are
we only using it as a mailing database?  Probably yes.

3. Update on curriculum slide set development

GF - Geoff Freed and Chuck Letourneau are developing a set of slides,
speaker notes and examples that follow the PA WG document.
There was some discussion of the format to be used.
There was a long discussion about MATH ML
ACTION ITEM - take this discussion to UA
HB - suggest we look a BOBBY examples

4. Reference card.

JB - thanks for the work everyone had done.  A survey is going on,
sponsored by Stella
SB - not a lot of response, especially to question 5.
HB - thinks a five rule card is appropriate, and not in conflict with a
different kind of hand out.
DD - thinks five is ok. But is the amount we can fit on a business card
useful enough to bother doing it, and thinks it is ok.
JB - found herself looking at laminated bookmarks that are also reference
JB - what about a 2-page type printed document.
SR - from card show a link to Stella's longer document.
JB - why not just link to PA Guidelines since the fewer links we put people
through the better.
DA - thinks there should be a "buffer" zone between the card and the full
guidelines since that might overwhelm some beginners.
JB - the guidelines are much better now and not too complex.
JB - are we also comfortable to add the minimal examples on the card (a la
DD's suggestions)
Consensus: yes.
SO - we still haven't agreed on the content of the larger one.
SR/SO - not look at the 200 word version, since it was too small.
JB - we are now all confused about the versions we are discussing.
JB - of the six different versions out there, which do we want for the
business card?
DD - one of the short ones - votes for Daniel's
We are talking about Harvey's reworking of Daniel's version
SO - to Harvey - can we replace the seven item list with
JB -
ACTION ITEM: SO, DD and HB to work together to make a card by next week to
give to PAWG for comments

Longer version: which existing version would be roughly right for the
longer version?
DD - regardless - thinks more practical examples should be included.
There was general agreement.

5. Other Business

BK Delong sends his regrets on missing the meeting. National Association of
Webmasters (NAW) did some presentation on SMIL (and accessibility thanks to
Geoff Freed).  JB met an old instructor and will be trying to get
accessibility onto the curriculum.  WEB 98 - looking at doing something
with accessibility. INET World - NAW  thinking of doing something there.

6. Next meeting

Review curriculum slide set examples.
Not talk about reference card!
Talk about events coverage.
Might need update of policy reference and may need discussion.
Two weeks from now may need to discuss demographic information.
Maybe some discussion of localization of information
Next meeting - September 17, 1998 at 11:00
In October may go almost weekly as deliverables ramp up.

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