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MINUTES of EOWG call July 2, 1998

Minutes combined from Jim Allan and Judy Brewer notes
Posted by: Judy Brewer, WAI EOWG Chair

Last updated: Sept. 30, 1998

Next Phone Meeting:

Will be Thursday July 8, same time 10:30 to 12:00 noon US EDT.   Phone # info to follow.


Jb: Judy Brewer - W3C - WAI
Hb: Harvey Bingham - YRIF
Wl: William Loughborough - Smith-Kettlewell
Pb: Peter Bosher - BCAB
Dd: Daniel Dardailler - W3C WAI
Gf: Geoff Freed - WGBH/ NCAM
Ja: Jim Allen - TSB
Kb: Kynn Bartlett - HTML Writer's Guild


Ss: Sheela Sethuraman - Cast
Db: Dick Banks - EASI
Mn: Masafumi Nakane - W3C WAI
Cl: Chuck Letourneau - Starling Access Services
St: Steve Tyler - RNIB
Mp: Mike Paciello - YRIF

Minutes July 2 WAI EOWG Meeting


Curriculum Slide Sets

Authoring Tools - Jutta
Page Authoring Guidelines - Jeff Freed High priority
Mike Paciello - XML/JAVA
Business Case - High (sub contract)
User information  and involvement not a high priority for now
User Agent/User Interface - maybe Mike
CSS creative focus - high
Intro to Accessibility - Brewer

William compiling slides used so far, from Mike, Gregg, Len, Jutta.
Some are coming in in PowerPoint.. Store in non-public place. some material may already be published on the web.
Judy to commission modular resource based on William collection.
Judy to do generic WAI set for public consumption.
Judy will work on temporary stashing mechanism for compiled slides

Slidemaker Tool

**Action Item - Masafume and William

MN has asked MS group about the HTML conversion tool
Accessibility of powerpoint - masafume - talked with people at MS, tool, powerpoint has conversion utility- convert to image mode (screen dump) or extract text (loose formatting and graphics). How valid is html?
look in ig thread for graphic labeling tool

Demo materials - tables

sample tables - Harvey working, Dave R. will act as resource--forms to follow

Group contacts

others to join, japan, looking for nordic links

Wai/tide rnib work package

- Daniel will ask

Reference card

- dick banks continues working

Interactive web/cd

- judy summited funding request

(Jim comes back)

Business Case

[Outline from agenda notes]
- impact on size of product or service market:
  -- what are benefits to maintaining existing customer base
  -- what new customer base will be attracted
  -- demographic data to support assertions
- contractual obligations to address accessibility
  -- legal/regulatory considerations
  -- other?
- return-on-investment (ROI) considerations
  -- gaps which need to be addressed to attain improved level of accessibility
  -- what level of accessibility investment brings what return on accessibility
- potential models for addressing accessibility, considering ROI
  -- implementing policies for new pages/sites
  -- retrofitting existing pages/sites
- availability of resources to address
  -- page author guidelines (still significantly unstable)
  -- eventually improved authoring tools (still months off)
  -- toolkit synchronized with WAI PAG (still months off)
  -- instructional materials on PAG
- intangible value-added from addressing accessibility
  -- positive PR from "doing the right thing"

PB: Steve Jacobs -- Gregg Vanderheiden statistics... get Steve's version, international, worldwide
HB: Lar Kaufman -- Harvey Bingham will get, legal issues on accessibility,
HB: Universal Design & principles benefits need to be laid out as it applies to Web access
WL: Needs to be an economic case
PB: Add together the different sectors
WL: The New Edge: ~1 billion people with disabilities by the year 2000
JB: Jim Dixon of NOD says 500 million
WL: Highest economics countries have better laws and more accessibility
HB: Recruit Harper's Index to help...
WL: Will write to them...
WL: Steve Jacobs, Phill Jenkins, Len Kasday
HB: Oasis Open Group -- business case building session
JB: Greg Lowney has good stats also

Style Sheets Review

Core CSS review - w3 has made css available off main page ,
are there access issues with these styles
can we add to the list for specific disabilities i.e. low vision
WL: Lots of action
HB: No implementation of ACSS except EMACS
JA: There's a tool to implement
WL: CL, HL talk about it... The inreach program...
WL: Can we add a new version that is called low vision style sheet
**JA: will work up low-vision CSS post to EO list
WL: Test verification tools there, spotty
**GF will check existing style sheets with screenreaders
**PB will check Lynx implementation -- need to figure out if Lynx recognizes the style sheets
WL: Lynx-it is busted right now
**PB coordinating
**JA will work on a low vision
**HB find out who's implementing what... ACSS, Braille, TTY
DD: do it later, not now, to support media on the author side, don't understand what is the message
HB: a simple message to get people started
WL: not important for now
PB: need to understand
HB: one of the styles could be low vision or color shift
JB: start an off-line thread...
need a validator for css (compatibility assessment)
** Geoff Freed - check access gliches with w3 core style sheets
PF sub-group - braille style, extensions to css 3 for braille
Daniel - what is priority for eo group, perhaps a survey of user to see what they need

Deliverables Priorities

**event calendar- high priority- Kitch and Jim, who is presenting, do we need a presence, chart out with each group activities at conferences, what is presenter deadline. How to present the information so it is accessible.

Policy references

- slow stream coming in Judy will begin compiling

FAQ sheets

html 4 and css 2 access discriptions are done.
need smil access description

Next meeting time - agenda

meet weekly next two weeks
7/9 peter and jeff not available
 dependency of eo and page author guidelines
7/16 harvey not

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