Research Questions Task Force (RQTF) of the APA WG


No announcements at the moment.

Meetings and Communication

The APA WG conducts its work using a variety of synchronous and asynchronous tools. The communication page provides details about:

These tools are used by participants of the Task Force. For ways non-participants can contribute, see how to contribute to the Working Group and file comments.


Meeting Minutes

Minutes from previous meetings are available.

Mailing Lists

The RQTF uses the mailing list (mailing list archives) for email discussion. Participants are automatically added to the mailing list when they become a participant of the Task Force.

Current Work

Current Task Force work is being maintained in the Work Plan.

See the wiki for current planning and draft documents.


When the Task Force develops publications, they will be listed here. See also the RQTF GitHub repository.

How to Comment, Contribute, and Participate

To join the RQTF, individuals must be participants of the APA WG. Participants are expected to actively contribute to the work of the Task Force. If you are interested in participating in the RQTF, please send e-mail to: Janina Sajka, Jason White and include a little bit about what you’re interested in and how you think that you may be able to contribute to the Task Force. Then follow the APA Working Group participation procedures to join the Working Group, and once you have joined ask Ruoxi(Roy) Ran to add you to the task force.

To contribute without joining the task force, see the APA Working Group contribute page for general instructions. To contribute to documents under development, see how to contribute to the source repository directly.

Current participants in the RQTF.

Administrative Information

The Research Questions Accessibility Task Force (RQTF) is a Task Force of the Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group. It assists these Working Groups to produce techniques, understanding, and guidance documents, as well as updates to existing related W3C material that addresses the cognitive space.

Facilitator and Contacts

Work Statement

The Research Questions Accessibility Task Force Work Statement defines the initial objective, scope, approach, and participation of the Task Force.

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