
Allowing a name to retain its values -- other properties in the list -- allows it to be quoted with confidence. Librarians and archivists require references to hold over timescales of hundreds of years.

Persistence depends not so much on what is in a name, but on what is not. The name must not depend on irrelevant details whose value will change with time, such as

There is no reason why such details should not be used to consruct a name, and foir example to ensure that it is unambiguous . The danger is only when these details are necessary for the reolution (if required) of a name.

Message IDs

Therefore, persistence without resolution is easy to achieve. Any hierarchical scheme of names such as internet host names, zip codes, etc, combined with time stamps can be used as a basis for generating unique IDs which will not recur. The message identifiers of Internet mail and usenet new are examples of persistent names which one cannot in general resolve to the object itself.

Pseudorandom names

Another example is that a hash function or digital signature can be used to provide a pseudorandom number which has an extremely high probability of being unique. This method has a special advantage of allowing anyone to generate verify the name against an original binary source of the object.

Later we'll discuss ways of getting persistence as well as resolvability. When we look at current schemes, for example in which aliases of internet host names appear in object names, we notice that the persistence of a name is in fact limited not so much by the technology, but by the political and administrative issues and human procedures which cause domain names to come and go.

(up to requirements , on to unambiguity )

Tim BL