
To design a universal naming scheme which can incorporate all others is not enough. Nor is to design a naming scshme which allows persistent names to be defined and reolved even when documents have moves 200 years later.

The schemes have to be brought into current use, so that names can be exchanged freely betweern users and applications without a tower of Babel mixture of syntaxes.

There seem two ways to achieve consensus. One is to use a standardisation process such as that of the IETF or ISO. The other is to produce a system which will be so popular as to carry a particular syntax to become the de facto standard.

The World-Wide Web team is trying both approaches concurrently, through the IETF and by wide-scale use in the web.

Having finished our tour of what we need in a name, let's look at how some existing protocols measure up, and then at some ideas for something better.

(up to naming and addressing)

Tim BL