W3C Spell Checker for https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-xml-ql/


This tool allows you to check the spelling of a web page. It currently only supports English and French.


Errors found in the page

  1. "ACM"
  2. "ATTAddress"
  3. "ATTLIST"
  4. "Abiteboul"
  5. "Acknowldegments"
  6. "Alin"
  7. "Alon"
  8. "Beeri"
  9. "BindingAs"
  10. "Buneman"
  11. "CDATA"
  12. "Catriel"
  13. "Ceri"
  14. "DTD"
  15. "DTD's"
  16. "DTDs"
  17. "Daniela"
  18. "Darwen"
  19. "DataSource"
  20. "Deutsch"
  21. "EDI"
  22. "EOF"
  23. "EndTag"
  24. "Florescu"
  25. "Gerd"
  26. "Hillebrand"
  27. "IDREF"
  28. "IDREFS"
  29. "IDREFs"
  30. "INRIA"
  31. "Keio"
  32. "Kleene"
  33. "Lassila"
  34. "Lorel"
  35. "McHugh"
  36. "Mendelzon"
  37. "OID"
  38. "OID's"
  39. "OQL"
  40. "OpRel"
  41. "OrderedBy"
  42. "Papakonstantinou"
  43. "PersonID"
  44. "QL"
  45. "QL's"
  46. "Quass"
  47. "QueryBlock"
  48. "RDF"
  49. "RegularExpression"
  50. "ResultID"
  51. "SIGMOD"
  52. "SSN"
  53. "SSNID"
  54. "Semijoins"
  55. "Semistructured"
  56. "Skolem"
  57. "SkolemID"
  58. "StartTag"
  59. "StartTagPattern"
  60. "Stefano"
  61. "Subblocks"
  62. "Suciu"
  63. "URI"
  64. "UnQL"
  65. "Widom"
  66. "XML's"
  67. "XPointer"
  68. "XSL"
  69. "Yannis"
  70. "abc"
  71. "acyclic"
  72. "data's"
  73. "disinct"
  74. "dtd"
  75. "eXtensible"
  76. "findDeclaredIncomes"
  77. "findDelcaredIncomes"
  78. "firstname"
  79. "fn"
  80. "interpretor"
  81. "itle"
  82. "lastname"
  83. "le"
  84. "ln"
  85. "longversion"
  86. "modelded"
  87. "myresult"
  88. "namespace"
  89. "ocasionally"
  90. "oid"
  91. "ontologies"
  92. "preprocesses"
  93. "publicationtitle"
  94. "ql"
  95. "schemas"
  96. "semijoin"
  97. "semijoins"
  98. "semistructured"
  99. "shortversion"
  100. "ssn"
  101. "subblock"
  102. "subblocks"
  103. "titlepart"
  104. "tp"
  105. "ungroups"
  106. "unnested"
  107. "www"
  108. "xml"

See also


Known bugs and limitations

Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux
Last Modified: $Date$