W3C Working Draft

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Steve Faulkner (The Paciello Group)
Scott O'Hara (The Paciello Group)
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This specification defines the web developer rules (author conformance requirements) for the use of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1 and Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module 1.0 attributes on [HTML] elements. It also defines requirements for Conformance Checking tools.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at

ARIA in HTML is a [HTML] specification module. Any HTML features, conformance requirements, or terms that this specification module makes reference to, but does not explicitly define, are defined in the [HTML] specification.

This is a draft document and its contents are subject to change without notice.

This document was published by the Web Applications Working Group as a Working Draft. This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation.

GitHub Issues are preferred for discussion of this specification. Alternatively, you can send comments to our mailing list. Please send them to (archives).

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

This document was produced by a group operating under the W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

This document is governed by the 1 March 2019 W3C Process Document.

1. Web developer requirements for use of ARIA in HTML

Web developers MAY use the ARIA role and aria-* attributes on HTML elements, in accordance with the requirements described in [wai-aria-1.1], except where these conflict with the strong native semantics or are equal to the implicit ARIA semantics of a given HTML element. These constraints, are intended to prevent developers from making assistive technology products report nonsensical user interface (UI) information that does not represent the actual UI of the document.

Web developers MUST NOT use the ARIA role and aria-* attributes in a manner that conflicts with the semantics described in the § 2. Document conformance requirements for use of ARIA attributes in HTML table. Web developers SHOULD NOT set the ARIA role and aria-* attributes to values that match the implicit ARIA semantics defined in the table.

2. Document conformance requirements for use of ARIA attributes in HTML

The following table provides normative per-element document-conformance requirements for the use of ARIA markup in HTML documents and describes the implicit ARIA semantics that apply to HTML elements as defined in the HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 [html-aam-1.0] specification.

Each language feature (element or attribute) in a cell in the first column implies the ARIA semantics (any role, states, and properties) given in the cell in the second column of the same row. The third cell in each row defines which ARIA role values and aria-* attributes which MAY be used. Where a cell in the third column includes the term Any role it indicates that any role value apart from the implicit ARIA semantics role value, MAY be used. If an cell in the third column includes the term No role it indicates that authors MUST NOT overwrite the implicit ARIA semantics, or native semantics of the HTML element.


Setting an ARIA role and/or aria-* attribute that matches the implicit ARIA semantics is unnecessary and is NOT RECOMMENDED as these properties are already set by the browser.

Rules of ARIA attribute usage by HTML feature
HTML feature

Implicit ARIA semantics -

SHOULD NOT be used

ARIA roles, states and properties which MAY be used
a with href role=link

Roles: button, checkbox, menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio, option, radio, switch, tab or treeitem

DPub Roles: doc-backlink, doc-biblioref, doc-glossref, doc-noteref

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

a without href No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

abbr No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

address No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

area with href role=link

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the link role.

area without href No corresponding role

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

article role=article

Roles: feed, presentation, none, document, application, main or region.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

aside role=complementary

Roles: feed, note, presentation, none, region or search.

DPub Roles: doc-dedication, doc-example, doc-footnote, doc-pullquote, doc-tip

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

audio No corresponding role

Role: application

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the application role.

autonomous custom element No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

base No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
blockquote No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

body role=document

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the document role.

button role=button

Roles: checkbox, link, menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio, option, radio, switch or tab.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

canvas No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

caption No corresponding role

No role

Global aria-* attributes


No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes


No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
datalist role=listbox

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the listbox role.

dd role=definition

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the definition role.

del No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

details role=group

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the group role.

dialog role=dialog

Role: alertdialog

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the dialog role.

div No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

dl No corresponding role

Roles: group, list, presentation or none.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

dt role=term

Role: listitem

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

em No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

embed No corresponding role

Roles: application, document, img, presentation or none.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

figcaption No corresponding role

Roles: group, presentation or none.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

fieldset role=group

Roles: none, presentation or radiogroup.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

figure role=figure

Roles: group, none or presentation.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

form role=form if the form element has an accessible name. Otherwise, no corresponding role.

Roles: search, none or presentation.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

h1 to h6 role=heading, with the aria-level = positive integer.

Roles: none, presentation or tab.

DPub Role: doc-subtitle

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

head No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
header If not a descendant of an article, aside, main, nav or section element, or an element with role=article, complementary, main, navigation or region then role=banner, otherwise No corresponding role

Roles: group, none or presentation.

DPub Role: doc-footnote

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

hgroup No corresponding role

Any role.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

hr role=separator

Roles: none or presentation.

DPub Role: doc-pagebreak

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the separator role.

html No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
iframe No corresponding role

Roles: application, document, img, none, or presentation.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

img with alt="some text" role=img

Any role except none, or presentation.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

img with alt="" No corresponding role

Roles: none or presentation.

No aria-* attributes except aria-hidden.

img with no alt="" role=img

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

input type=button role=button

Roles: link, menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio, option, radio, switch or tab.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

input type=checkbox


Roles: button (when used with aria-pressed), menuitemcheckbox, option or switch.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

Note: the HTML checked attribute may be used instead of the aria-checked attribute for menuitemcheckbox, option or switch when used on type=checkbox.

input type=color No corresponding role

No role

Global aria-* attributes

input type=date No corresponding role

No role

Global aria-* attributes

input type=datetime-local No corresponding role

No role

Global aria-* attributes

input type=email with no list attribute role=textbox

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the textbox role.

input type=file No corresponding role

No role

Global aria-* attributes

input type=hidden No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
input type=image role=button

Roles: link, menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio, radio or switch.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

input type=month No corresponding role

No role

global aria-* attributes

input type=number role=spinbutton

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the spinbutton role.

input type=password No corresponding role

No role

Global aria-* attributes and aria-required

input type=radio role=radio

Role: menuitemradio

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the menuitemradio role.

Note: the HTML checked attribute may be used instead of the aria-checked attribute for menuitemradio when used on type=radio.

input type=range role=slider

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the slider role.

input type=reset role=button

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the button role.

input type=submit role=button

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the button role.

input type=tel, with no list attribute role=textbox

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the textbox role.

input type=text, with no list attribute role=textbox

Roles: combobox, searchbox or spinbutton.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles.

input type=text, search, tel, url, or email with a list attribute role=combobox

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the combobox role.

input type=time No corresponding role

No role

global aria-* attributes

input type=url with no list attribute role=textbox

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the textbox role.

input type=week No corresponding role

No role

global aria-* attributes

ins No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

label No corresponding role

No role

global aria-* attributes

legend No corresponding role

No role

global aria-* attributes

li element whose parent is an ol, ul or menu role=listitem

Roles: menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio, option, none, presentation, radio, separator, tab or treeitem

DPub Roles: doc-biblioentry, doc-endnote.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

main role=main

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the main role.

map No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
math role=math

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the math role.

menu role=list

Note that some user agents suppress a list's implicit ARIA semantics if list markers are removed. Authors can use role=list to reinstate the role, if necessary.

Roles: directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar, tree, presentation or none.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

meta No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
meter No corresponding role

No role

global aria-* attributes

nav role=navigation

DPub Roles: doc-index, doc-pagelist, doc-toc.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the navigation role.

noscript No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
object No corresponding role

Roles: application, document, or img.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

ol role=list

Note that some user agents suppress a list's implicit ARIA semantics if list markers are removed. Authors can use role=list to reinstate the role, if necessary.

Roles: directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar or tree

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

optgroup role=group

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the group role.

option element that is in a list of options or that represents a suggestion in a datalist role=option

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the option role.

output role=status

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

p No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

param No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
picture No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
pre No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

progress role=progressbar

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the progressbar role.

script No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
section role=region if the section element has an accessible name. Otherwise, no corresponding role.

Roles: alert, alertdialog, application, banner, complementary, contentinfo, dialog, document, feed, log, main, marquee, navigation, none, note, presentation, search, status or tabpanel

DPub Roles: doc-abstract, doc-acknowledgments, doc-afterword, doc-appendix, doc-bibliography, doc-chapter, doc-colophon, doc-conclusion, doc-credit, doc-credits, doc-dedication, doc-endnotes, doc-epigraph, doc-epilogue, doc-errata, doc-example, doc-foreword, doc-glossary, doc-index, doc-introduction, doc-notice, doc-pagelist, doc-part, doc-preface, doc-prologue, doc-pullquote, doc-qna, doc-toc

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

select (with NO multiple attribute and NO size attribute having value greater than 1) role=combobox

Role: menu

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the combobox or menu role.

select (with a multiple attribute or a size attribute having value greater than 1) role=listbox

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the listbox role.

slot No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
source No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
span No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

strong No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

style No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
SVG No corresponding role

Roles: application, document or img

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

sub No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

summary role=button

Role: button with aria-expanded=true if the parent (details) element's open attribute is present, aria-expanded=false otherwise.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the button role.

sup No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

table role=table

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

tbody role=rowgroup

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

template No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
textarea role=textbox

No role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the textbox role.

tfoot role=rowgroup

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

thead role=rowgroup

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

time No corresponding role

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

title No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes

role=cell if a descendant of a table element.

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

Text level semantic elements not listed elsewhere:

abbr, b, bdi, bdo, br, cite, code, data, dfn, i, kbd, mark, q, rp, rt, ruby, s, samp, small, u, var, wbr

No corresponding role Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

th role=columnheader or rowheader

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

tr role=row, may be explicitly declared when child of a table element with role=grid or treegrid

Any role

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

track No corresponding role No role or aria-* attributes
ul role=list

Note that some user agents suppress a list's implicit ARIA semantics if list markers are removed. Authors can use role=list to reinstate the role, if necessary.

Roles: directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar or tree.

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the allowed roles and implied role (if any).

video No corresponding role

Role: application

Global aria-* attributes and any aria-* attributes applicable to the application role.

Element with a disabled attribute aria-disabled="true"

Use the disabled attribute on any element that is allowed the disabled attribute in HTML.

Only use the aria-disabled attribute for elements that are not allowed to have a disabled attribute in HTML.

Element with a placeholder attribute aria-placeholder=""

Use the placeholder attribute on any element that is allowed the placeholder attribute in HTML.

Only use the aria-placeholder attribute on elements that are not allowed to have a placeholder attribute in HTML.

Element with a required attribute aria-required="true"

Use the aria-required attribute on any element that is allowed the required attribute in HTML. MUST NOT be set to false if the required attribute is set.

MAY also be used for elements that have an ARIA role which allows the aria-required attribute.

Element with a readonly attribute aria-readonly="true"

Use the readonly attribute on any element that is allowed the readonly attribute in HTML.

Only use the aria-readonly attribute for elements that are not allowed to have a readonly attribute in HTML.

Element with a hidden attribute aria-hidden="true"

Use the aria-hidden attribute on any HTML element.

Note: If an element has a hidden attribute, an aria-hidden attribute is not required.

Element that is a candidate for constraint validation but that does not satisfy its constraints aria-invalid="true"

The aria-invalid attribute may be used on any HTML element that allows global aria-* attributes except for a submittable element that does not satisfy its validation constraints.

Element with contenteditable attribute aria-readonly="false" Do not set aria-readonly="true" on an element that has a contenteditable attribute set.

The elements marked with No corresponding role, in the second column of the table do not have any implicit ARIA semantics, but they do have meaning and this meaning may be represented in roles, states and properties not provided by ARIA, and exposed to users of assistive technology via accessibility APIs. It is therefore recommended that web developers add a role attribute to a semantically neutral element such as a div or span, rather than overriding the semantics of the listed elements.


Authors are encouraged to make use of the following documents for guidance on using ARIA in HTML beyond that which is provided here:

  • Using ARIA - A practical guide for developers on how to add accessibility information to HTML elements using the Accessible Rich Internet Applications specification (ARIA 1.1).
  • WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.2 - An author's guide to understanding and implementing Accessible Rich Internet Applications.

3. Case requirements for ARIA role, state and property attributes

Authors MUST use lowercase ASCII letters for all role token values and any state or property attributes (aria-*) whose values are defined as tokens.

4. Allowed ARIA roles, states and properties

Columns 1 to 4 of the ARIA Roles, States and Properties table provide an informative (non-normative) reference to the ARIA roles, states and properties permitted for use in HTML. All ARIA roles, states and properties are normatively defined in the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1 specification. Links to ARIA roles, states and properties in the table reference the normative Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1 definitions.

Column 5 of the ARIA Roles, States and Properties table, defines extensions to the Kinds of content (defined in the [HTML] specification) categories each role has when it is used on a HTML element. Column 6 defines what HTML elements can be descendants of an element with a particular implicit or explicit role value.

For example, an element with role=button is interactive content and therefore cannot contain interactive content descendants. A button element has an implicit role=button, so cannot contain any elements with role values that are in the interactive content category (identified in Column 3).

Examples of non-conforming descendants
<!-- conformance checkers will report an error -->

<div role="button">...</div>

<div role="button">

<div role="link">
ARIA Roles, States and Properties
Role Description Required Properties Supported Properties Kind of content Descendant restrictions
any ARIA global states and properties can be used on any HTML element. none n/a n/a
alert A type of live region with important, and usually time-sensitive, information. See related alertdialog and status. none aria-expanded (state) Flow content Flow content
alertdialog A type of dialog that contains an alert message, where initial focus goes to an element within the dialog. See related alert and dialog. none Flow content Flow content
application A structure containing one or more focusable elements requiring user input, such as keyboard or gesture events, that do not follow a standard interaction pattern supported by a widget role. none Flow content Flow content
article A section of a page that consists of a composition that forms an independent part of a document, page, or site. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content No main element descendants.
banner A region that contains mostly site-oriented content, rather than page-specific content. none aria-expanded (state) Document region no main element descendants, or header, footer elements that are not descendants of sectioning content which is a descendant of the header.
button An input that allows for user-triggered actions when clicked or pressed. See related link. none Interactive content Flow content, but there must be no interactive content descendant.
checkbox A checkable input that has three possible values: true, false, or mixed. aria-checked (state) aria-readonly Interactive content Flow content, but there must be no interactive content descendant.
cell A cell in a tabular container. none Flow content Flow content
columnheader A cell containing header information for a column. none Flow content Flow content
combobox A presentation of a select; usually similar to a textbox where users can type ahead to select an option, or type to enter arbitrary text as a new item in the list. See related listbox. Interactive content Flow content
complementary A supporting section of the document, designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level in the DOM hierarchy, but remains meaningful when separated from the main content. none aria-expanded (state) Flow content Flow content, but with no main element descendants.
contentinfo A large perceivable region that contains information about the parent document. none aria-expanded (state) Flow content Flow content, but with no main element descendants, or header, footer elements that are not descendants of sectioning content which is a descendant of the header.
definition A definition of a term or concept. none

aria-expanded (state)

Phrasing content Phrasing content
dialog A dialog is an application window that is designed to interrupt the current processing of an application in order to prompt the user to enter information or require a response. See related alertdialog. none Flow content Flow content
directory A list of references to members of a group, such as a static table of contents. none aria-expanded (state) Flow content Flow content
document A region containing related information that is declared as document content, as opposed to a web application. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
feed A scrollable list of articles where scrolling may cause articles to be added to or removed from either end of the list. none aria-expanded (state) Flow content Flow content
figure A perceivable section of content that typically contains a graphical document, images, code snippets, or example text. none aria-expanded (state) Flow content Flow content
form A landmark region that contains a collection of items and objects that, as a whole, combine to create a form. See related search. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
grid A grid is an interactive control which contains cells of tabular data arranged in rows and columns, like a table. none

Flow content

Interactive content

Flow content
gridcell A cell in a grid or treegrid. none

Flow content

Interactive content

Flow content
group A set of user interface objects which are not intended to be included in a page summary or table of contents by assistive technologies. none Flow content Flow content
heading A heading for a section of the page. none Heading content Flow content, but with no Heading content, Sectioning content, Sectioning roots.
img A container for a collection of elements that form an image. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
An interactive reference to an internal or external resource that, when activated, causes the user agent to navigate to that resource. See related button. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content, but with no interactive content or a element descendants.
list A group of non-interactive list items. See related listbox. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
listbox A widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list of choices. See related combobox and list. none

Flow content

Interactive content

Flow content
listitem A single item in a list or directory. none Flow content Flow content
log A type of live region where new information is added in meaningful order and old information may disappear. See related marquee. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
main The main content of a document. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content, but with no main element descendants
marquee A type of live region where non-essential information changes frequently. See related log. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
math Content that represents a mathematical expression. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
menu A type of widget that offers a list of choices to the user. none

Flow content

Interactive content

Flow content
menubar A presentation of menu that usually remains visible and is usually presented horizontally. none

Flow content

Interactive content

Flow content
menuitem An option in a group of choices contained by a menu or menubar. none Interactive content Flow content, but with no interactive content descendants.
menuitemcheckbox A checkable menuitem that has three possible values: true, false, or mixed. aria-checked (state) Interactive content Flow content, but with no interactive content descendants.
menuitemradio A checkable menuitem in a group of menuitemradio roles, only one of which can be checked at a time. aria-checked (state) Interactive content Flow content, but with no interactive content descendants.
navigation A collection of navigational elements (usually links) for navigating the document or related documents. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content, but with no main element descendants
none An element whose implicit native role semantics will not be mapped to the accessibility API. See synonym presentation none   Flow content Flow content
note A section whose content is parenthetic or ancillary to the main content of the resource. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
option A selectable item in a select list. none Interactive content Flow content, but with no interactive content descendants.
presentation An element whose implicit native role semantics will not be mapped to the accessibility API. none Flow content Flow content
progressbar An element that displays the progress status for tasks that take a long time. none Flow content Flow content
radio A checkable input in a group of radio roles, only one of which can be checked at a time. aria-checked (state) Interactive content Flow content, but with no interactive content descendants.
radiogroup A group of radio buttons. none Flow content Flow content
region A large perceivable section of a web page or document, that the author feels is important enough to be included in a page summary or table of contents, for example, an area of the page containing live sporting event statistics. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content

A row of cells in a tabular container.


If child of role=grid, rowgroup, table or treegrid:

Also, if child of role=treegrid:

none Flow content
rowgroup A group containing one or more row elements in a grid. none   none Flow content
rowheader A cell containing header information for a row in a grid. none none Flow content
scrollbar A graphical object that controls the scrolling of content within a viewing area, regardless of whether the content is fully displayed within the viewing area.

Flow content

Interactive content

Flow content
A landmark region that contains a collection of items and objects that, as a whole, combine to create a search facility. See related form. none aria-expanded (state)

Flow content

Flow content
A type of textbox intended for specifying search criteria. none Interactive content Flow content, but with no interactive content descendants.
separator A divider that separates and distinguishes sections of content or groups of menuitems.

Interactive content (if focusable)

Flow content
slider A user input where the user selects a value from within a given range. Interactive content Flow content
spinbutton A form of range that expects the user to select from among discrete choices.

Flow content

Interactive content

Flow content
status A container whose content is advisory information for the user but is not important enough to justify an alert, often but not necessarily presented as a status bar. See related alert. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content

Flow content
switch A type of checkbox that represents on/off values, as opposed to checked/unchecked values. aria-checked (state) aria-readonly

Interactive content

Flow content, but with no interactive content descendants.
tab A grouping label providing a mechanism for selecting the tab content that is to be rendered to the user. none

Interactive content

Flow content
table A section containing data arranged in rows and columns. The table role is intended for tabular containers which are not interactive. none Flow content Flow content
tablist A list of tab elements, which are references to tabpanel elements. none Flow content Flow content
tabpanel A container for the resources associated with a tab, where each tab is contained in a tablist. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
term A word or phrase with a corresponding definition. See related definition. none aria-expanded (state) Phrasing content Phrasing content
textbox Input that allows free-form text as its value. none Interactive content Flow content, but with no interactive content descendants.
timer A type of live region containing a numerical counter which indicates an amount of elapsed time from a start point, or the time remaining until an end point. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
toolbar A collection of commonly used function buttons represented in compact visual form. none Flow content Flow content
tooltip A contextual pop-up that displays a description for an element. none

aria-expanded (state)

Flow content Flow content
tree A type of list that may contain sub-level nested groups that can be collapsed and expanded. none Flow content Flow content
treegrid A grid whose rows can be expanded and collapsed in the same manner as for a tree. none Flow content Flow content
treeitem An option item of a tree. This is an element within a tree that may be expanded or collapsed if it contains a sub-level group of treeitems. none Interactive content Flow content

5. Conformance

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, NOT RECOMMENDED, and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Conformance checkers that claim support for checking of ARIA in HTML, MUST implement checks for the document conformance requirements for use of the ARIA role and aria-* attributes on HTML elements as defined in this specification.

Documents MUST NOT use any role values with elements in the § 2. Document conformance requirements for use of ARIA attributes in HTML table, other than the corresponding role value (if any) as listed for that element in the third column, other than those indicated in the second column, which SHOULD NOT be used.

A. References

A.1 Normative references

Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module 1.0. Matt Garrish; Tzviya Siegman; Markus Gylling; Shane McCarron. W3C. 14 December 2017. W3C Recommendation. URL:
HTML Standard. Anne van Kesteren; Domenic Denicola; Ian Hickson; Philip Jägenstedt; Simon Pieters. WHATWG. Living Standard. URL:
HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0. Steve Faulkner; Alexander Surkov; Scott O'Hara; Bogdan Brinza; Jason Kiss; Cynthia Shelly. W3C. 12 November 2019. W3C Working Draft. URL:
Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner. IETF. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL:
Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words. B. Leiba. IETF. May 2017. Best Current Practice. URL:
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1. Joanmarie Diggs; Shane McCarron; Michael Cooper; Richard Schwerdtfeger; James Craig. W3C. 14 December 2017. W3C Recommendation. URL:

A.2 Informative references

Using ARIA. Steve Faulkner; David MacDonald. W3C. 27 September 2018. W3C Working Draft. URL:
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.2. Matthew King; James Nurthen; Zoë Bijl; Michael Cooper; Joseph Scheuhammer; Lisa Pappas; Richard Schwerdtfeger. W3C. 18 December 2018. W3C Working Draft. URL: