Copyright © 2019 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang). W3C liability, trademark and permissive document license rules apply.
This specification defines a JSON-based manifest file that provides developers with a centralized place to put metadata associated with a web application. This metadata includes, but is not limited to, the web application's name, links to icons, as well as the preferred URL to open when a user launches the web application. The manifest also allows developers to declare a default orientation for their web application, as well as providing the ability to set the display mode for the application (e.g., in fullscreen). Additionally, the manifest allows a developer to "scope" a web application to a URL. This restricts the URLs to which the manifest is applied and provides a means to "deep link" into a web application from other applications.
Using this metadata, user agents can provide developers with means to create user experiences that are more comparable to that of a native application.
This specification also defines the manifest
link type as a
declarative means to associate a document with a manifest.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at
Implementors need to be aware that this specification is not stable. However, aspects of this specification are shipping in at least one browser (see links to implementation status at the top of this document). Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions will find the specification changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this specification before it eventually reaches the Candidate Recommendation phase should subscribe to the repository on GitHub and take part in the discussions.
This document was published by the Web Applications Working Group as a Working Draft. This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation.
GitHub Issues are preferred for discussion of this specification.
Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
This document was produced by a group operating under the W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
This document is governed by the 1 March 2019 W3C Process Document.
This section is non-normative.
This section shows how developers can make use of the various features of this specification.
This section is non-normative.
The following shows a very simple manifest.
"name": "Donate App",
"description": "This app helps you donate to worthy causes.",
"icons": [{
"src": "images/icon.png",
"sizes": "192x192"
The following shows a more typical manifest.
"lang": "en",
"dir": "ltr",
"name": "Super Racer 3000",
"description": "The ultimate futuristic racing game from the future!",
"short_name": "Racer3K",
"icons": [{
"src": "icon/lowres.webp",
"sizes": "64x64",
"type": "image/webp"
"src": "icon/lowres.png",
"sizes": "64x64"
}, {
"src": "icon/hd_hi",
"sizes": "128x128"
"scope": "/racer/",
"start_url": "/racer/start.html",
"display": "fullscreen",
"orientation": "landscape",
"theme_color": "aliceblue",
"background_color": "red",
"serviceworker": {
"src": "sw.js",
"scope": "/racer/",
"update_via_cache": "none"
"screenshots": [{
"src": "screenshots/in-game-1x.jpg",
"sizes": "640x480",
"type": "image/jpeg"
"src": "screenshots/in-game-2x.jpg",
"sizes": "1280x920",
"type": "image/jpeg"
element to link to a manifest
This section is non-normative.
Example of using a link
element to associate a website with a
manifest. The example also shows how to use [HTML]'s
and meta
elements to give the web application a
fallback name and set of icons.
<title>Racer 3K</title>
<!-- Startup configuration -->
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.webmanifest">
<!-- Fallback application metadata for legacy browsers -->
<meta name="application-name" content="Racer3K">
<link rel="icon" sizes="16x16 32x32 48x48" href="lo_def.ico">
<link rel="icon" sizes="512x512" href="hi_def.png">
. Some
web servers recognize this extension and transfer the file using the
standardized media type for a manifest
). Developers can also choose a different
extension (e.g. .json
) or none at all (e.g. /api/GetManifest
but are strongly encouraged to transfer the manifest using the
media type.
A common use case of a manifest is for a user agent to install a web application; whereby the user agent provides the end-user with a means of instantiating a new top-level browsing context that has the manifest's members applied to it. That is, the manifest's members, or their defaults, are in effect on the top-level browsing context. This distinguishes an installed web application from a traditional bookmark, as opening a web page from a traditional bookmark will not have the manifest's properties applied to it.
For example, on user agents that support installation, a web application could be presented and launched in a way that, to the end-user, is indistinguishable from native applications: such as appearing as a labeled icon on the home screen, launcher, or start menu. When launched, the manifest is applied by the user agent to the top-level browsing context prior to the start URL being loaded. This gives the user agent an opportunity to apply the relevant values of the manifest, possibly changing the display mode and screen orientation of the web application. Alternatively, and again as an example, the user agent could install the web application into a list of bookmarks within the user agent itself.
A Document
may either be installable or not. The initial
state of a document is not installable.
At any time, the user agent MAY perform the steps to determine installability of the document:
's metadata to to populate manifest in a
user-agent-specific way (e.g., setting
to the document title
) and considering the document
MAY be considered installable
(at the user agent's discretion; see § 2.6
Installability signals
The application's name is derived from either the
member or short_name
member (if either is present)
- otherwise, it is generated by the user agent or provided by the
When either member is missing from the manifest, a user agent MAY use
the name
member as a fallback for the short_name
or vice versa.
If the name
and short_name
members are undefined, the
user agent SHOULD assign a default name (e.g., "Untitled") that
follows platform conventions. Alternatively, a user agent MAY allow
the end-user to input some text that can serve as the
application's name.
When both the name
and short_name
members are present,
it is left up to implementations to decide which member is best
suited for the space available (e.g., the short_name
might be better suited for the space available underneath an icon).
The steps to install the web application are given by the following algorithm:
member with manifest
returns a valid registration, the user agent MAY:
's relevant settings object, or
if unavailable.
at the the Window
object of the top-level browsing
context for which the installation took place.
Invoke Start Register with scope and src members of the registration, a new promise, client, manifest URL, plus the type and update_via_cache members of the registration, in which case the state of the settled promise determines whether the installation succeeded or not.
There is no "Start Register" in the SW spec. As far as I can tell, the nearest thing would be to simply invoke the register()
I'm also not sure why this method would (ever) have taken the manifest URL. If we can avoid passing the manifest URL, then we don't need to store it in this algorithm.
Also note that this feature doesn't seem to have been implemented by any user agent, so it is considered "at risk" (though I still believe it would be useful which is why I haven't pushed to deleted it yet).
There are multiple ways that the installation process can be triggered:
In any case, the user agent MUST NOT present an install prompt if the document is not installable.
Prior to presenting an automated install prompt, a user agent MUST run the steps to notify that an install prompt is available, to give the site the opportunity to prevent the default action (which is to install the application). Alternatively, the user agent MAY, at any time (only if the document is installable), run the steps to notify that an install prompt is available at any time, giving the site the opportunity to show a site-triggered install prompt without automatically showing the prompt.
To present an install prompt:
or dismissed
, run the steps to
install the web application.
The steps to notify that an install prompt is available are given by the following algorithm:
of the top-level browsing
context is completely loaded.
, with its
attribute initialized to true.
object of the top-level
browsing context.
During the presentation of the install prompt, it is RECOMMENDED that the user agent allow the end-user to inspect the icon, name, start URL, origin, etc. pertaining to a web application. This is to give an end-user an opportunity to make a conscious decision to approve, and possibly modify, the information pertaining to the web application before installing it. This also gives the end-user an opportunity to discern if the web application is spoofing another web application, by, for example, using an unexpected icon or name.
It is RECOMMENDED that user agents prevent other applications from determining which applications are installed on the system (e.g., via a timing attack on the user agent's cache). This could be done by, for example, invalidating from the user agent's cache the resources linked to from the manifest (for example, icons) after a web application is installed - or by using an entirely different cache from that used for regular web browsing.
This section is non-normative.
By design, this specification does not provide developers with an explicit API to "install" a web application. Instead, a manifest can serve as an installability signal to a user agent that a web application can be installed.
Examples of installability signals for a web application:
member and a suitable icon.
This list is not exhaustive and some installability signals might not apply to all user agents. How a user agent makes use of these installability signals to determine if a web application can be installed is left to implementers.
User agents SHOULD provide a mechanism for the user to remove the installed application.
It is RECOMMENDED that at the time of removal, the user agent also present the user with an opportunity to revoke other persistent data and settings associated with the application, such as permissions and persistent storage.
DOM events fired by this specification use the application life-cycle task source.
[Exposed=Window] interfaceBeforeInstallPromptEvent
: Event {constructor
(DOMString type, optional EventInit eventInitDict = {}); Promise<PromptResponseObject
(); }; dictionaryPromptResponseObject
; }; enumAppBannerPromptOutcome
{ "accepted
", "dismissed
" };
The BeforeInstallPromptEvent
is dispatched when the site is
allowed to present a site-triggered install prompt, or prior
to the user agent presenting an automated install prompt. It
allows the site to cancel the automated install prompt, as
well as manually present the site-triggered install prompt.
is not cancelled, the
user agent is allowed to present an install prompt
(specifically, an automated install prompt) to the end-user.
Canceling the default action (via preventDefault) prevents the user
agent from presenting an install prompt. The user agent is
free to run steps to notify that an install prompt is
available again at a later time.
The PromptResponseObject
contains the result of calling
. It
contains one member, userChoice
, which states the user's
chosen outcome.
An instance of a BeforeInstallPromptEvent
has the following
internal slots:
. Represents whether this
event was used to present an install prompt to the end-user.
The prompt
method, when called, runs the following
is false
, reject
this.[[userResponsePromise]] with
NotAllowedError, optionally informing the developer that
untrusted events can't call prompt()
, set this.[[didPrompt]]
to true
, then in parallel, request to
present an install prompt with this event. Wait, possibly
indefinitely, for the end-user to make a choice.
To request to present an install prompt
with BeforeInstallPromptEvent
whose userChoice
member is the value of
This section is non-normative.
This example shows how one might prevent an automated install prompt from showing until the user clicks a button to show a site-triggered install prompt. In this way, the site can leave installation at the user's discretion (rather than prompting at an arbitrary time), whilst still providing a prominent UI to do so.
window.addEventListener("beforeinstallprompt", event => {
// Suppress automatic prompting.
// Show the (disabled-by-default) install button. This button
// resolves the installButtonClicked promise when clicked.
installButton.disabled = false;
// Wait for the user to click the button.
installButton.addEventListener("click", async e => {
// The prompt() method can only be used once.
installButton.disabled = true;
// Show the prompt.
const { userChoice } = await event.prompt();`user choice was: ${userChoice}`);
The following extensions to the Window
object specify
the event handler attributes on which events relating to the
installation of a web application are fired.
partial interface Window
attribute EventHandler onappinstalled
attribute EventHandler onbeforeinstallprompt
function handleInstalled(ev) {
const date = new Date(ev.timeStamp / 1000);
console.log(`Yay! Our app got installed at ${date.toTimeString()}.`);
// Using the event handler IDL attribute
window.onappinstalled = handleInstalled;
// Using .addEventListener()
window.addEventListener("appinstalled", handleInstalled);
The onappinstalled
is an event handler IDL
attribute for the "appinstalled" event type. The
interface used for these events is the Event
interface [DOM]. This event is dispatched as a result of a
successful installation (see the steps to install the web
The onbeforeinstallprompt
is an event handler IDL
attribute for the "beforeinstallprompt" event type.
The interface used for these events is the
interface (see the steps to
notify that an install prompt is available).
A display mode represents how the web application is being presented within the context of an OS (e.g., in fullscreen, etc.). Display modes correspond to user interface (UI) metaphors and functionality in use on a given platform. The UI conventions of the display modes are purely advisory and implementers are free to interpret them how they best see fit.
Once a user agent applies a particular display mode to an application context, it becomes the default display mode for the top-level browsing context (i.e., it is used as the display mode when the window is navigated). The user agent MAY override the default display mode for security reasons (e.g., the top-level browsing context is navigated to another origin) and/or the user agent MAY provide the user with a means of switching to another display mode.
When the display
member is
missing, or if there is no valid display
member, the user agent uses the
display mode as the default display mode.
As such, the user agent MUST support the browser
Each display mode, except browser
, has a
fallback display mode, which is the display mode that
the user agent can try to use if it doesn't support a particular
display mode. If the user agent does support a fallback
display mode, then it checks to see if it can use that display
mode's fallback display mode. This creates a fallback chain,
with the default display mode (browser
) being the
last item in the chain.
For example, SuperSecure Browser (a fictitious browser) only supports
the minimal-ui
and browser
display modes,
but a developer declares that she wants fullscreen
the manifest. In this case, the user agent will first check if it
supports fullscreen
(it doesn't), so it falls back to
(which it also doesn't support), and
ultimately falls back to minimal-ui
The display modes values defined by
, and their corresponding fallback display
modes are as follows:
, but provides the end-user
with some means to access a minimal set of UI elements for
controlling navigation (i.e., back, forward, reload, and perhaps some
way of viewing the document's address). A user agent can include
other platform specific UI elements, such as "share" and "print"
buttons or whatever is customary on the platform and user agent.
display mode doesn't have a
fallback display mode (conforming user agents are required to
support the browser
display mode).
The fullscreen
display mode is orthogonal to, and works
independently of, the Fullscreen API Standard. The fullscreen
display mode affects the fullscreen state of the browser window,
while the [FULLSCREEN] API operates on an element contained within
the viewport. As such, a web application can have its display
mode set to fullscreen
, while
returns null
, and
returns false
When the web application is running, it is RECOMMENDED that the user agent provides the end-user a means to access common information about the web application, such as the origin, start and/or current URL, granted permissions, and associated icon. How such information is exposed to end-users is left up to implementers.
Additionally, when applying a manifest that sets the display
mode to anything except "browser
", it is RECOMMENDED that
the user agent clearly indicate to the end-user that their are
leaving the normal browsing context of a web browser. Ideally,
launching or switching to a web application is performed in a manner
that is consistent with launching or switching to other applications
in the host platform. For example, a long and obvious animated
transition, or speaking the text "Launching application X".
media feature
The display-mode
media feature represents,
via a CSS media query [MEDIAQ], the display mode of the web
application. This media feature applies to the top-level browsing
context and any child browsing contexts. Child browsing contexts
reflect the display mode of the top-level browsing
A user agent MUST expose the 'display-mode
' media
feature irrespective of whether a manifest is being applied to a
browsing context. For example, if the end-user puts the whole user
agent into fullscreen, then the user agent would reflect this change
to CSS and scripts via the 'display-mode
' media feature.
Please note that the fullscreen
display mode is
not directly related to the CSS :fullscreen
pseudo-class specified in the Fullscreen API Standard. The
pseudo-class matches exclusively when a
[HTML] element is put into the fullscreen element stack. However,
a side effect of calling the requestFullscreen()
method on an element using the [FULLSCREEN] API is that the
browser window can enter a fullscreen mode at the OS-level. In such
a case, both :fullscreen
and (display-mode:
will match.
On some platforms, it is possible for a user to put a browser
window into fullscreen without the aid of the Fullscreen API Standard.
When this happens, the :fullscreen
pseudo class will
not match, but (display-mode: fullscreen)
will match.
This is exemplified in CSS code below.
/* applies when the window is fullscreen */
@media all and (display-mode: fullscreen) {
/* applies when an element goes fullscreen */
#game:fullscreen {
| standalone
| minimal-ui
A user agent MUST reflect the applied display mode of the web application via a CSS media query [MEDIAQ].
An example in CSS:
@media all and (display-mode: minimal-ui) {
/* ... */
@media all and (display-mode: standalone) {
/* ... */
Accessing the display-mode media feature in ECMAScript through
const standalone = matchMedia( '(display-mode: standalone)' );
standalone.onchange = (e) => {
/* handle changes to display mode */
if (standalone.matches) {
/* do standalone things */
The 'display-mode'
media feature allows an origin
access to aspects of a user’s local computing environment and,
together with the display
member, allows an origin
some measure of control over a user agent’s native UI: Through a
CSS media query, a script can know the display mode of a web
application. An attacker could, in such a case, exploit the fact
that an application is being displayed in fullscreen to mimic the
user interface of another application.
A resource is said to be associated with a manifest if the
resource representation, an HTML document, has a manifest
link relationship.
The manifest
keyword can be used with a [HTML]
element. This keyword creates an external
resource link.
Link type | Effect on... | Brief description | |
a and area
External Resource | not allowed | Imports or links to a manifest. |
The media type for a manifest serves as the default media type
for resources associated with the "manifest
" link
In cases where more than one link
element with a
link type appears in a Document
, the user
agent uses the first link
element in tree order
and ignores all subsequent link
element with a
link type (even if the first element was
erroneous). See the steps for obtaining a manifest.
To obtain a manifest, the user agent MUST run the steps for obtaining a manifest. The appropriate time to obtain the manifest is left up to implementations. A user agent MAY opt to delay fetching a manifest until after the document and its other resources have been fully loaded (i.e., to not delay the availability of content and scripts required by the document).
A manifest is obtained and applied regardless of the
media attribute of the link
matches the environment or not.
This section defines algorithms for obtaining, processing, and applying a manifest.
The steps for obtaining a manifest are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm, if successful, returns a processed manifest and the manifest URL; otherwise, it aborts prematurely and returns nothing. In the case of nothing being returned, the user agent MUST ignore the manifest declaration. In running these steps, a user agent MUST NOT delay the load event.
of the top-level browsing context,
let origin be the Document
's origin, and manifest
link be the first link
element in tree
order whose rel
attribute contains the token
, then abort
these steps.
attribute's value
is the empty string, then abort these steps.
attribute, relative to the
element's base URL. If parsing fails, then abort these steps.
attribute's value is "use-credentials
", then set request's
credentials mode to "include
". Otherwise, set
request's credentials mode to "omit
A user agent MUST support [CSP3].
The manifest-src and default-src directives govern
the origins from which a user agent can fetch a manifest.
As with other directives, by default the manifest-src
directive is *
, meaning that a user agent can,
[FETCH]'s CORS permitting, fetch the manifest
cross-domain. Remote origins (e.g., a CDN) wanting to host manifests
for various web applications will need to include the appropriate
CORS response header in their HTTP response (e.g.,
directive controls where the icon's images
can be fetched from.
When instructed to issue a developer warning, the user agent MAY report the conformance violation to the developer in a user-agent-specific manner (e.g., report the problem in an error console), or MAY ignore the error and do nothing.
When instructed to ignore, the user agent MUST act as if whatever manifest, member, or value caused the condition is absent.
The following algorithm provides an extension point: other specifications that add new members to the manifest are encouraged to hook themselves into this specification at this point in the algorithm. They SHOULD NOT modify the existing values already in the manifest object.
The extension point is meant to help avoid issues related to monkey patching.
The steps for processing a manifest are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes a string text as an argument, which represents a manifest, and a URL manifest URL, which represents the location of the manifest, and a URL document URL. The output from inputting an JSON document into this algorithm is a processed manifest.
We need to catch throws associated with enumerations in IDL conversion as the spec might gain new values over time not supported by all exising browsers. This is especially important as we rely on enums not defined in this specification.
"] to the result of
running processing the start_url
member given
"], manifest URL, and
document URL.
"] to the result of running
processing the lang
member given
"] to the result of running
processing the scope
member given
"], manifest URL, and
"] to the result of
running processing the theme_color
member given
"] to the result
of running processing the background_color
given manifest["background_color
"] to the result of
running processing the categories
member given
"] to the result of running
processing ImageResource members given
"] and manifest URL.
"] to the result of
running processing ImageResource members given
"] and manifest
"] to the
result of running processing the related_applications
member given manifest["related_applications
"] to the result of
running processing the serviceworker
member given
"], manifest URL,
and serviceworker.
A manifest is applied to a top-level browsing context, meaning that the members of the manifest are affecting the presentation or behavior of a browsing context.
A top-level browsing context that has a manifest applied to it is referred to as an application context.
If an application context is created as a result of the user agent being asked to navigate to a deep link, the user agent MUST immediately navigate to the deep link with replacement enabled. Otherwise, when the application context is created, the user agent MUST immediately navigate to the start URL with replacement enabled.
The appropriate time to apply a manifest is when the application context is created and before navigation to the start URL begins.
Is there a reason that the spec only defines a declarative way to request that a user agent obtain and process a manifest?
Likewise, it would be useful to have an explicit way to request that the user-agent update it's version of the manifest.
dictionary WebAppManifest
= "auto";
DOMString lang
USVString name
USVString short_name
USVString description
> icons
> screenshots
sequence<USVString> categories
DOMString iarc_rating_id
USVString start_url
= "browser";
OrientationLockType orientation
USVString theme_color
USVString background_color
USVString scope
A manifest is a JSON document that contains startup parameters and application defaults for when a web application is launched.
Every manifest has an associated manifest URL, which is the [URL] from which the manifest was fetched.
enum TextDirectionType
{ "ltr
", "rtl
", "auto
" };
The dir
member specifies the base direction for
the directionality-capable members of the manifest. The
member's value can be set to one of the text-direction
The directionality-capable members are:
The text-direction values
defined by TextDirectionType
, are the following, implying
that the value of the directionality-capable members is by
When displaying the directionality-capable members to an
end-user, if the base direction is ltr
or rtl
, or 1 if the base direction
is rtl
, or a right-to-left embedding
if the base direction is rtl
The lang
member is a language tag (string)
that specifies the primary language for the values of the manifest's
directionality-capable members (as knowing the language can
also help with directionality).
A language tag is a string that matches the
production of a Language-Tag
defined in the [BCP47]
specifications (see the IANA
Language Subtag Registry for an authoritative list of possible
values). That is, a language range is composed of one or more
subtags that are delimited by a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-").
For example, the 'en-AU
' language range represents
English as spoken in Australia, and 'fr-CA
' represents
French as spoken in Canada. Language tags that meet the validity
criteria of [RFC5646] section 2.2.9 that can be verified without
reference to the IANA Language Subtag Registry are considered
structurally valid.
The steps for processing the lang
member is
given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes a
manifest as an argument. This
algorithm returns a DOMString?
The name
member is a string that represents the
name of the web application as it is usually displayed to the user
(e.g., amongst a list of other applications, or as a label for an
The short_name
member is a string that represents a
short version of the name of the web application. It is intended to
be used where there is insufficient space to display the full name of
the web application.
The description
member allows the developer to describe
the purpose of the web application.
People are confused by the lack of examples relating to scope:
pwa-builder/PWABuilder-CLI#42 (comment)
The scope
member is a string that represents the
navigation scope of this web application's application
The steps for processing the scope
member is
given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes a
USVString value, a URL manifest
URL, and a URL start URL. This algorithm returns a
is omitted or an error) is
the start URL, with its filename, query, and fragment
The icons
member is an array of
s that can serve as iconic representations of the
web application in various contexts. For example, they can be used to
represent the web application amongst a list of other applications,
or to integrate the web application with an OS's task switcher and/or system
If there are multiple equally appropriate icons in icons,
a user agent MUST use the last one declared in order at the time that
the user agent collected the list of icons. If the user
agent tries to use an icon but that icon is determined, upon closer
examination, to in fact be inappropriate (e.g. because its content
type is unsupported), then the user agent MUST try the
next-most-appropriate icon as determined by examining the
's members.
In the following example, the developer has made the following choices about the icons associated with the web application:
member. If the user agent doesn't support WebP,
it falls back to the second icon of the same size. The media type
of this icon can then be either determined via a HTTP header, or
can be sniffed by the user agent once the first few bytes of the
icon are received.
"icons": [
"src": "icon/lowres.webp",
"sizes": "48x48",
"type": "image/webp"
"src": "icon/lowres",
"sizes": "48x48"
"src": "icon/hd_hi.ico",
"sizes": "72x72 96x96 128x128 256x256"
"src": "icon/hd_hi.svg",
"sizes": "257x257"
enum DisplayModeType
The display
member is a DisplayModeType
, whose
value is one of display modes values. The item represents the
developer's preferred display mode for the web application.
The orientation
member is a string that serves as
the default orientation for all top-level browsing
contexts of the web application. The possible values are those of
the OrientationLockType enum defined in
If the user agent honors the value of the orientation
as the default orientation, then that serves as the default
orientation for the life of the web application (unless
overridden by some other means at runtime). This means that the user
agent MUST return the orientation to the default orientation
any time the orientation is unlocked [SCREEN-ORIENTATION] or the
top-level browsing context is navigated.
Although the specification relies on the [SCREEN-ORIENTATION]'s OrientationLockType, it is OPTIONAL for a user agent to implement the [SCREEN-ORIENTATION] API. Supporting the [SCREEN-ORIENTATION] API is, of course, RECOMMENDED.
Certain UI/UX concerns and/or platform conventions will mean that
some screen orientations and display modes cannot be used
together. Which orientations and display modes cannot be used
together is left to the discretion of implementers. For example, for
some user agents, it might not make sense to change the default
orientation of an application while in browser
display mode.
Once the web application is running, other means can change the orientation of a top-level browsing context (such as via [SCREEN-ORIENTATION] API).
The start_url
member is a string that represents
the start URL , which is URL that the developer
would prefer the user agent load when the user launches the web
application (e.g., when the user clicks on the icon of the web
application from a device's application menu or homescreen).
The start_url
member is purely advisory, and a user agent MAY
ignore it or provide the end-user the choice not to make use
of it. A user agent MAY also allow the end-user to modify the URL
when, for instance, a bookmark for the web application is being
created or any time thereafter.
The steps for processing the start_url
are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes a
USVString value, a URL manifest
URL, and a URL document URL. This algorithm
returns a URL.
needs to be same-origin as the Document
the top-level browsing context.
For example, if the value of start_url
../start_point.html, and the manifest's URL is,
then the result of URL parsing would be
It's conceivable that the start_url
could be crafted to
indicate that the application was launched from outside the browser
(e.g., "start_url": "index.html?launcher=homescreen"
This can be useful for analytics and possibly other customizations.
However, it is also conceivable that developers could encode
strings into the start_url that uniquely identify the user (e.g., a
server assigned UUID). This is fingerprinting/privacy
sensitive information that the user might not be aware of.
Given the above, it is RECOMMENDED that, upon installation, or any time thereafter, a user agent allows the user to inspect and, if necessary, modify the start URL of an application.
The serviceworker
member describes a service worker as
defined in [SERVICE-WORKERS-1].
The serviceworker
member represents an intented service
worker registration in form of a registration object
Other service worker registrations can be done, for instance by a script; if these have different scopes they will be considered separate registrations. If they have the same scope and script URL, they coalesce. If they have different script URLs, last one wins.
The steps for processing the serviceworker
member are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm
takes a ServiceWorkerRegistrationObject
registration. This algorithm returns a
registration, which
can be undefined
, return
member of a service worker
given registration["src"] and manifest URL.
, issue a developer warning, abort these steps
and return undefined
member of a service worker
given registration["scope"].
scope, bypassing the user agent
cache when fetching the "sw.js"
"serviceworker": {
"src": "sw.js",
"scope": "/foo",
"update_via_cache": "none"
The theme_color
member serves as the default theme
color for an application context. What constitutes a theme
color is defined in [HTML].
If the user agent honors the value of the theme_color
member as the default theme color, then that color serves as
the theme color for all browsing contexts to which the
manifest is applied. However, a document may override the
default theme color through the inclusion of a valid [HTML]
element whose name
attribute is
The steps for processing the theme_color
member are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm
takes a USVString theme color as an argument. This
algorithm returns a USVString?
We currently rely on [[CSS-SYNTAX-3]] "parse a component value", but that's an internal algorithm that's participating in a larger parser... it also skips of preconditions that the parser requires.
The background_color
member describes the expected
background color of the web application. It repeats what is already
available in the application stylesheet but can be used by the
user agent to draw the background color of a web application
for which the manifest is known before the files are actually
available, whether they are fetched from the network or retrieved
from disk.
The background_color
member is only meant to improve the user
experience while a web application is loading and MUST NOT be used by
the user agent as the background color when the web
application's stylesheet is available.
The steps for processing the background_color
member are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm
takes a USVString background color as an argument.
This algorithm returns a USVString?
The categories
member describes the expected application
categories to which the web application belongs.
The categories
member is only meant as a hint to catalogs or
stores listing web applications and it is expected that these will
make a best effort to find appropriate categories (or category) under
which to list the web application. Like search engines and meta
keywords, catalogs and stores are not required to honor this hint.
The steps for processing the categories
member are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm
takes a sequence<USVString> categories as an
argument. This algorithm returns an
The categories string array is case insensitive and converted
to lower-case by following the processing algorithm. Thus,
, Sports
, and
are all equivalent.
Manifest authors are encouraged to use lower-case.
This specification does not define the particular values for
USVStrings for the categories
member. However, the
working group maintains a list of known
values in our wiki.
The screenshots
member is an array of
s, representing the web application in common
usage scenarios.
The iarc_rating_id
member is a string that
represents the International
Age Rating Coalition (IARC) certification code of the web
application. It is intended to be used to determine which ages the
web application is appropriate for.
An IARC certificate can be obtained via participating storefronts,
intended to be used for distributing the web app. The
member only takes a single certification code.
The same code can be shared across participating storefronts, as long
as the distributed product remains the same (i.e., doesn’t serve
totally different code paths depending on user agent sniffing and the
like) and the other storefronts support it.
The following shows a very simple manifest with the
"name": "Donate App",
"description": "This app helps you donate to worthy causes.",
"iarc_rating_id": "e84b072d-71b3-4d3e-86ae-31a8ce4e53b7",
"icons": [{
"src": "images/icon.png",
"sizes": "192x192"
More information on the IARC can be found at: How IARC Works and How developers can get their games and apps rated with IARC.
and its members
dictionary ImageResource
required USVString src
DOMString sizes
USVString type
USVString purpose
USVString platform
Each ImageResource
represents an image that is used as part of a
web application, suitable to use in various contexts depending on the
semantics of the member that is using the object (e.g., an icon that is
part of an application menu, etc.). For an image resource, this
specification provides developers with a means of specifying the
dimensions, and media type of an image (i.e., a "responsive image"
solution [RESPIMG-USECASES]). A user agent can use these values to
select an image that is best suited to display on the end-user's device
or most closely matches the end-user's preferences.
User agents may modify the images associated with an
to better match the platform’s visual style before
displaying it to the user, for example by rounding the corners or
painting it in a specific color. It is recommended that developers
prepare their image resources for such scenarios to avoid losing
important information through, e.g., change of color or clipped
To fetch the image associated with an ImageResource
the user agent MUST run the steps to fetch an image
resource. The algorithm takes an image URL
(ImageResource.src), the manifest URL, and the
document from which the manifest was linked.
It returns a Response:
The security policy that governs whether a user agent can
fetch an icon image is governed by the img-src
[CSP3] associated with the manifest's owner Document
For example, given the following img-src
directive in
the Content-Security-Policy
HTTP header of the
manifest's owner Document
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Security-Policy: img-src
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.webmanifest">
And given the following manifest.webmanifest
"name": "custom manifest",
"start_url": "https://boo",
"icons": [
"src": "//"
"src": "//"
The fetching of icon resources from
would succeed, while fetching
would fail.
The purpose
member is an unordered set of unique
space-separated tokens that are ASCII case-insensitive.
The allowed values are the icon purposes.
When an ImageResource
is used as an icon, a
developer can hint that the image is intended to serve some special
purpose in the context of the host OS (i.e., for better integration).
User agents SHOULD NOT use an icon other than for its stated
For example, an icon with purpose "badge" could be used as a
badge or pinned icon that is visually distinct, in color or form,
from an application's launch icon. The user agent uses the value of
the purpose
member as a hint to determine where and how an
is displayed. Unless declared otherwise by the
developer, a user agent can use an icon for any purpose.
The icon purposes are as follows:
If an icon contains multiple purposes, it could be used for any of
those purposes. If none of the stated purposes are recognized, the
icon is totally ignored. For example, if an icon has purpose
"badge fizzbuzz"
, then it could be used as a badge, but
if an icon has just the purpose "fizzbuzz"
, then it will
be ignored.
The steps for processing the purpose
member of an image
are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes an
image. This algorithm returns a
set or failure.
In the following example, the web application is listing two icons to be used as a badge, one of which is specifically designed for the Android platform.
"name": "News",
"icons": [{
"platform": "play",
"purpose": "badge",
"sizes": "16x16",
"src": "icons/badges/android.png",
"type": "image/png"
}, {
"purpose": "badge",
"src": "icons/badges/safari.svg",
"type": "image/svg"
Some platforms have their own preferred icon shape, but as web applications should work across multiple platforms, it is possible to indicate that an icon can have a user-agent-specified mask applied by adding the maskable purpose. This allows the platform to ensure that the icon looks well integrated with the platform, and even apply different masks and background colors in different places throughout the platform.
The safe zone is the area within a maskable icon which is guaranteed to always be visible, regardless of user agent preferences. It is defined as a circle with center point in the center of the icon and with a radius of 2/5 (40%) of the icon size, which means the smaller of the icon width and height, in case the icon is not square.
Designers of maskable icons will want to make sure that all important parts are within the safe zone.
All pixels in this zone are guaranteed to be seen in all masks. Pixels outside the safe zone are not guaranteed to (but can) be visible depending on the applied mask.
The user agent MAY apply a mask of any size, making any pixels that are more than 2/5ths of the image size (minimum of width and height if non-square) away from the center (the safe zone) transparent.
The user agent MUST NOT make any pixel within the safe zone transparent.
The user agent MAY enlarge the icon by adding additional padding.
If the icon contains transparent pixels, the user agent MUST composite the icon onto a solid color (eg. white) of the user agent's choice.
It is suggested that designers avoid using transparent pixels in maskable icons.
By staying inside the safe zone, most icons will have around 10% padding on the top, bottom, right and left with no content or non-essential content, such as an icon background. It is suggested that developers check their icon when all but the safe zone is masked out.
The sizes
member of an ImageResource
is a string
consisting of an unordered set of unique space-separated
tokens which are ASCII case-insensitive that represents
the dimensions of an image. Each keyword is either an ASCII
case-insensitive match for the string "any", or a value that consists of two valid
non-negative integers that do not have a leading U+0030 DIGIT
ZERO (0) character and that are separated by a single U+0078 LATIN
keywords represent icon sizes in raw pixels (as opposed to CSS
pixels). When multiple ImageResource
s are available, a user
agent MAY use the value to decide which icon is most suitable for a
display context (and ignore any that are inappropriate).
The steps for processing the sizes
member of an
image are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes
an ImageResource
image. This algorithm will return
a set.
The src
member of an ImageResource
is a URL from
which a user agent can fetch the image's data.
The type member of an ImageResource
is a hint as to the
media type of the image. The purpose of this member is to allow a
user agent to ignore images of media types it does not support.
There is no default MIME type for image resources. However, for the purposes of determining the type of the resource, user agents must expect the resource to be an image.
The steps for processing the type
member of an
image are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes
an image object as an argument, and returns either a
string or undefined
The platform
member represents the platform
to which a
containing object applies.
The steps for processing ImageResource
members are
given by the following algorithm. The algorithm takes a
> entries and a URL
manifest URL. This algorithm returns an
member of an image given
entry and manifest URL.
member of an image given
entry and manifest URL.
member of an image given
entry and manifest URL.
This section specifies members that can be used on multiple objects. Each member specifies which object a multi-purpose member can be used with.
The platform
member represents the platform
to which a
containing object applies.
The following object types can make use of this member:
A platform
represents a software distribution ecosystem or
possibly an operating system.
This specification does not define the particular values for a the
member. However, the working group maintains a
list of
known platform values in our wiki.
A ServiceWorkerRegistrationObject
dictionary represents a
service worker registration for the web application.
dictionary ServiceWorkerRegistrationObject
required USVString src
USVString scope
WorkerType type
= "classic";
ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache update_via_cache
= "imports";
The src
member of a ServiceWorkerRegistrationObject
dictionary is a URL representing a service worker.
The steps for processing the src
member of a
service worker are given by the following algorithm. The
algorithm takes a USVString source URL, and a
URL manifest URL, which is the URL from
which the manifest was fetched. This algorithm will return
a URL or undefined
The scope
member of a ServiceWorkerRegistrationObject
dictionary is the service worker's associated scope URL.
The steps for processing the scope
member of a
service worker are given by the following algorithm. The
algorithm takes a USVString scope URL, and a
URL manifest URL, which is the URL from
which the manifest was fetched. This algorithm will return
a URL or undefined
, return
The type
member of a
dictionary is the service
worker's WorkerType
. The possible values are those of the
WorkerType enum defined in [HTML].
The update_via_cache
member of a
dictionary determines the
update via
cache mode for the service worker. The possible values are those
of the ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache enum defined in
dictionary ExternalApplicationResource
required USVString platform
USVString url
DOMString id
USVString min_version
> fingerprints
Each ExternalApplicationResource
s represents an application
related to the web application. An application resource has the
following properties:
objects used for verifying the
A valid ExternalApplicationResource
dictionary MUST have
and either an url
or an
(or both).
In the following example, the web application is listing two different related applications, one on Google Play Store and the other one on the iTunes Store. The one on the Google Play Store has an Android package name, a minimum version specifier, and cryptographic fingerprints used for verification, in a Play-Store-specific manner.
"related_applications": [
"platform": "play",
"url": "",
"id": "com.example.app1",
"min_version": "2",
"fingerprints": [
"type": "sha256_cert",
"value": "92:5A:39:05:C5:B9:EA:BC:71:48:5F:F2"
"platform": "itunes",
"url": ""
Where should the platform
expected value be listed?
The url
member of an ExternalApplicationResource
dictionary represents the URL at which the application can be
The steps for processing the url
member of an
application are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm
takes a USVString application URL. This algorithm
will return an URL or undefined
, return
The id
member of an ExternalApplicationResource
dictionary represents the id which is used to represent the
application on the platform.
The min_version
member of an
dictionary represents the minimum
version of the application that is considered related to this web
app. This version is a string with platform-specific syntax
and semantics.
dictionary Fingerprint
USVString type
USVString value
The fingerprints
member of an
dictionary represents an array of
Each Fingerprint
s represents a set of cryptographic
fingerprints used for verifying the application. A fingerprint has
the following two properties: type
and value
Each of these are strings, but their syntax and semantics are
The following registrations are for community review and will be submitted to the IESG for review, approval, and registration with IANA.
This section contains the required text for MIME media type registration with IANA.
The media type for a manifest is
If the protocol over which the manifest is transferred supports the [MIME-TYPES] specification (e.g. HTTP), it is RECOMMENDED that the manifest be labeled with the media type for a manifest.
This specification does not directly deal with high-value data. However, installed web applications and their data could be seen as "high value" (particularly from a privacy perspective).
As the manifest format is JSON and will commonly be encoded using [UNICODE], the security considerations described in [ECMA-404] and [UNICODE-SECURITY] apply. In addition, because there is no way to prevent developers from including custom/unrestrained data in a manifest, implementors need to impose their own implementation-specific limits on the values of otherwise unconstrained member types, e.g. to prevent denial of service attacks, to guard against running out of memory, or to work around platform-specific limitations.
Web applications will generally contain ECMAScript, HTML, CSS files, and other media, which are executed in a sand-boxed environment. As such, implementors need to be aware of the security implications for the types they support. Specifically, implementors need to consider the security implications outlined in at least the following specifications: [CSS-MIME], [ECMAScript-MIME], [HTML].
As web applications can contain content that is able to simultaneously interact with the local device and a remote host, implementors need to consider the privacy implications resulting from exposing private information to a remote host. Mitigation and in-depth defensive measures are an implementation responsibility and not prescribed by this specification. However, in designing these measures, implementors are advised to enable user awareness of information sharing, and to provide easy access to interfaces that enable revocation of permissions.
As this specification allows for the declaration of URLs within certain members of a manifest, implementors need to consider the security considerations discussed in the [URL] specification. Implementations intending to display IRIs and IDNA addresses found in the manifest are strongly encouraged to follow the security advice given in [UNICODE-SECURITY].
Developers need to be aware of the security considerations
discussed throughout the [CSP3] specification, particularly in
relation to making data:
a valid source for the
purpose of inlining
a manifest. Doing so can enable XSS
attacks by allowing a manifest to be included directly in the
document itself; this is best avoided completely.
A request to register the manifest
link relation type
been submitted to IANA.
This document reuses text from the [HTML] specification, as permitted by the license of that specification.
Dave Raggett and Dominique Hazael-Massieux contributed to this specification via the HTML5Apps project.
Claudio Gomboli for icon example images.
As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.
The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, SHOULD, and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
There is only one class of product that can claim conformance to this specification: a user agent.
Although this specification is primarily targeted at web browsers, it is feasible that other software could also implement this specification in a conforming manner. For instance, search engines, or crawlers, could find and process manifests to build up catalogs of sites that potentially work as installable web applications.
This section is non-normative.
This specification is designed to be extensible. Other specifications are encouraged to define new members for the manifest. However, in doing so, please follow the conventions used in this specification. In particular, use the extension point to hook into the steps for processing a manifest. Also, be sure to specify the steps for processing your particular member in the manner set forth in this specification. This will help keep this part of the platform consistent.
To allow the community can easily find extensions, please add your extensions to the Extensions Registry.
When specifying a new member, don't override or monkey patch anything defined in this specification. Also, don't assume your member will be processed before or after any other member. Keep your new member, and its processing, atomic and self contained. Note also that implementations are free to ignore any member they do not recognize or support.
If you are writing a specification and temporarily want to patch this specification to help implementations along, file a bug so the community is informed of what you are trying to do.
This section is non-normative.
Although proprietary extensions are undesirable, they can't realistically be avoided. As such, the RECOMMENDED way to add a new proprietary manifest member as an extension is to use a vendor prefix.
We encourage implementors to add proprietary extensions to our Extensions Registry. This allows the community to track what extensions vendors and/or the web community have defined and documented. Periodically, we will consider those extensions for standardization.
The following is an example of three hypothetical vendor extensions.
"webkit_fancy_feature": "some/url/img",
"moz_awesome_thing": { ... },
"vendor_example_site_verification": "KEY_9864D0966935"
and meta
An extensive discussion of why we chose to use JSON instead of HTML
tags for this specification is
available on GitHub and on the
list. Below is a short summary of the key points raised in those
The document format defined in this specification provides a unified
means of encapsulating metadata about a Web application in a way that
we hope will avoid existing pitfalls with both proprietary and
[HTML]'s meta
tags. Those pitfalls
Although it would be unrealistic to think that this specification won't bring its own set of problems, externalizing this data in the form of a manifest solves the problems described above. These problems are solved by:
tags are currently using, especially when a tag's
value contains several sub-values.
In addition, standardizing the functionality currently provided by the
various meta
tag-based solutions within the manifest
solves the problem of having to declare large number of proprietary and
standard [HTML] tags that all achieve the same thing. Of course, this
hinges on the standard actually getting implemented by browsers and
those browsers getting widely deployed to users: if this happens, the
Web community might be able to retire many of the proprietary
tags plaguing the Web at the time of writing. More
information about the proprietary tags can be found in the
Cases and Requirements for Installable Web Apps .
Lastly, this specification does not make the standardized solutions
found in [HTML] redundant. When members like the name
is missing from the manifest, user agents can search
in a manifest's owner [HTML] document for things like icons and the
application name (or a user agent might even fallback to proprietary
tags/metadata, if they are present in a document).
Developers interested in validating manifest documents can find an unofficial JSON schema for the manifest format at It is licensed under Apache 2.0. It is kindly maintained by Mads Kristensen. If you find any issues with the JSON schema, please file a bug at the SchemaStore repository on GitHub.
It is expected that authors will localize the content of a manifest by using one of the following options:
" header, or even a custom HTTP header).
Given the options above, developers need to be mindful of the end-user's privacy with respect to their preferred language: When the end-user has explicitly indicated their language preference to a web application (i.e., when not just using the user-agent default language settings), sending the end-user's preferred language in the clear over the wire is generally not OK. Doing so would reveal personal information about an end-user. As such, developers are encouraged to use [TLS] to reduce the chances of pervasive monitoring of their Web applications [RFC7258].
This document attempts to address the Use Cases and Requirements for Installable Web Apps.
[Exposed=Window] interfaceBeforeInstallPromptEvent
: Event {constructor
(DOMString type, optional EventInit eventInitDict = {}); Promise<PromptResponseObject
(); }; dictionaryPromptResponseObject
; }; enumAppBannerPromptOutcome
{ "accepted
", "dismissed
" }; partial interfaceWindow
{ attribute EventHandleronappinstalled
; attribute EventHandleronbeforeinstallprompt
; }; dictionaryWebAppManifest
= "auto"; DOMStringlang
; USVStringname
; USVStringshort_name
; USVStringdescription
; sequence<ImageResource
; sequence<ImageResource
; sequence<USVString>categories
; DOMStringiarc_rating_id
; USVStringstart_url
= "browser"; OrientationLockTypeorientation
; USVStringtheme_color
; USVStringbackground_color
; USVStringscope
; sequence<ExternalApplicationResource
; booleanprefer_related_applications
= "false"; }; enumTextDirectionType
{ "ltr
", "rtl
", "auto
" }; enumDisplayModeType
{ "fullscreen
", "standalone
", "minimal-ui
", "browser
" }; dictionaryImageResource
{ required USVStringsrc
; DOMStringsizes
; USVStringtype
; USVStringpurpose
; USVStringplatform
; }; dictionaryServiceWorkerRegistrationObject
{ required USVStringsrc
; USVStringscope
; WorkerTypetype
= "classic"; ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCacheupdate_via_cache
= "imports"; }; dictionaryExternalApplicationResource
{ required USVStringplatform
; USVStringurl
; DOMStringid
; USVStringmin_version
; sequence<Fingerprint
; }; dictionaryFingerprint
{ USVStringtype
; USVStringvalue
; };
As the manifest uses the JSON format, this specification relies on the
types defined in [ECMA-404] specification: namely object,
array, number, string,
, false
, and undefined
Strict type checking is not enforced by this specification. Instead,
each member's definition specifies the steps required to process a
particular member and what to do when a type does not match what is