1. Introduction
This section is not normative
CSS Transitions [CSS3-TRANSITIONS] provide a way to interpolate CSS property values when they change as a result of underlying property changes. This provides an easy way to do simple animation, but the start and end states of the animation are controlled by the existing property values, and transitions provide little control to the author on how the animation progresses.
This proposal introduces defined animations, in which the author can specify the changes in CSS properties over time as a set of keyframes. Animations are similar to transitions in that they change the presentational value of CSS properties over time. The principal difference is that while transitions trigger implicitly when property values change, animations are explicitly executed when the animation properties are applied. Because of this, animations require explicit values for the properties being animated. These values are specified using animation keyframes, described below.
Many aspects of the animation can be controlled, including how many times the animation iterates, whether or not it alternates between the begin and end values, and whether or not the animation should be running or paused. An animation can also delay its start time.
2. Values
This specification follows the CSS property definition conventions from [CSS2]. Value types not defined in this specification are defined in CSS Values & Units [CSS-VALUES-3]. Other CSS modules may expand the definitions of these value types.
In addition to the property-specific values listed in their definitions, all properties defined in this specification also accept the CSS-wide keywords keywords as their property value. For readability they have not been repeated explicitly.
3. Animations
CSS Animations affect computed property values. This effect happens by adding a specified value to the CSS cascade ([CSS3CASCADE]) (at the level for CSS Animations) that will produce the correct computed value for the current state of the animation. As defined in [CSS3CASCADE], animations override all normal rules, but are overridden by !important rules.
If at some point in time there are multiple animations specifying behavior for the same property, the animation which occurs last in the value of animation-name will override the other animations at that point.
An animation does not affect the computed value before the application of the animation (that is, when the animation-name property is set on an element) or after it is removed. Furthermore, typically an animation does not affect the computed value before the animation delay has expired or after the end of the animation, but may do so depending on the animation-fill-mode property.
While running, the animation computes the value of those properties it animates. Other values may take precedence over the animated value according to the CSS cascade ([CSS3CASCADE]).
While an animation is applied but has not finished, or has finished but has an animation-fill-mode of forwards or both, the user agent must act as if the will-change property ([css-will-change-1]) on the element additionally includes all the properties animated by the animation.
The start time of an animation is the time at which the style applying the animation and the corresponding @keyframes rule are both resolved. If an animation is specified for an element but the corresponding @keyframes rule does not yet exist, the animation cannot start; the animation will start from the beginning as soon as a matching @keyframes rule can be resolved. An animation specified by dynamically modifying the element’s style will start when this style is resolved; that may be immediately in the case of a pseudo style rule such as hover, or may be when the scripting engine returns control to the browser (in the case of style applied by script). Note that dynamically updating keyframe style rules does not start or re-start an animation.
An animation applies to an element if its name appears as one of the
identifiers in the computed value of the animation-name property and the
animation uses a valid @keyframes rule. Once an
animation has started it continues until it ends or the animation-name is
removed. Changes to the values of animation properties while the animation
is running apply as if the animation had those values from when it
began. For example, shortening the animation-delay may cause the animation
to jump forwards or even finish immediately and dispatch an animationend
Conversely, extending the animation-delay may cause an animation to
re-start and dispatch an animationstart
The same @keyframes rule name may be repeated within an animation-name. Changes to the animation-name update existing animations by iterating over the new list of animations from last to first, and, for each animation, finding the last matching animation in the list of existing animations. If a match is found, the existing animation is updated using the animation properties corresponding to its position in the new list of animations, whilst maintaining its current playback time as described above. The matching animation is removed from the existing list of animations such that it will not match twice. If a match is not found, a new animation is created. As a result, updating animation-name from ‘a’ to ‘a, a’ will cause the existing animation for ‘a’ to become the second animation in the list and a new animation will be created for the first item in the list.
div { animation-name: diagonal-slide; animation-duration: 5s; animation-iteration-count: 10; } @keyframes diagonal-slide { from { left: 0; top: 0; } to { left: 100px; top: 100px; } }
This will produce an animation that moves an element from (0, 0) to (100px, 100px) over five seconds and repeats itself nine times (for a total of ten iterations).
Setting the display property to none will terminate any running animation applied to the element and its descendants. If an element has a display of none, updating display to a value other than none will start all animations applied to the element by the animation-name property, as well as all animations applied to descendants with display other than none.
While authors can use animations to create dynamically changing content, dynamically changing content can lead to seizures in some users. For information on how to avoid content that can lead to seizures, see Guideline 2.3: Seizures: Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures ([WCAG20]).
Implementations may ignore animations when the rendering medium is not interactive e.g. when printed. A future version of this specification may define how to render animations for these media.
4. Keyframes
Keyframes are used to specify the values for the animating properties at various points during the animation. The keyframes specify the behavior of one cycle of the animation; the animation may iterate zero or more times.
Keyframes are specified using the @keyframes at-rule, defined as follows:
@keyframes = @keyframes <keyframes-name> { <rule-list> } <keyframes-name> = <custom-ident> | <string> <keyframe-block> = <keyframe-selector># { <declaration-list> } <keyframe-selector> = from | to | <percentage>
The <rule-list> inside of @keyframes can only contain <keyframe-block> rules.
The <declaration-list> inside of <keyframe-block> accepts any CSS property except those defined in this specification, but does accept the animation-timing-function property and interprets it specially. None of the properties interact with the cascade (so using !important on them is invalid and will cause the property to be ignored).
A @keyframes block has a name given by the <custom-ident> or <string> in its prelude. The two syntaxes are equivalent in functionality; the name is the value of the ident or string. As normal for <custom-ident>s and <string>s, the names are fully case-sensitive; two names are equal only if they are codepoint-by-codepoint equal. The <custom-ident> additionally excludes the none keyword.
@keyframes foo {... } @keyframes "foo" { ... }
On the other hand, the following @keyframes rule’s name is different from the previous two rules:
@keyframes FOO { ...}
The following @keyframes rules are invalid because they use disallowed <custom-ident> values:
@keyframes initial {... } @keyframes None { ... }
However, those names *can* be specified with a <string>, so the following are both valid:
@keyframes "initial" {... } @keyframes "None" { ... }
The <keyframe-selector> for a <keyframe-block> consists of a comma-separated list of percentage values or the keywords from or to. The selector is used to specify the percentage along the duration of the animation that the keyframe represents. The keyframe itself is specified by the block of property values declared on the selector. The keyword from is equivalent to the value 0%. The keyword to is equivalent to the value 100%. Values less than 0% or higher than 100% are invalid and cause their <keyframe-block> to be ignored.
Note that the percentage unit specifier must be used on percentage values. Therefore, 0 is an invalid keyframe selector.
If a 0% or from keyframe is not specified, then the user agent constructs a 0% keyframe using the computed values of the properties being animated. If a 100% or to keyframe is not specified, then the user agent constructs a 100% keyframe using the computed values of the properties being animated.
The <keyframe-block> contains properties and values. The properties defined by this specification are ignored in these rules, with the exception of animation-timing-function, the behavior of which is described below. In addition, properties qualified with !important are invalid and ignored.
If multiple @keyframes rules are defined with the same name, the last one in document order wins, and all preceding ones are ignored.
div { animation-name: slide-right; animation-duration: 2s; } @keyframes slide-right { from { margin-left: 0px; } 50% { margin-left: 110px; opacity: 1; } 50% { opacity: 0.9; } to { margin-left: 200px; } }
At the 1s mark, the slide-right animation will have the same state as if we had defined the 50% rule like this:
@keyframes slide-right { 50% { margin-left: 110px; opacity: 0.9; } to { margin-left: 200px; } }
To determine the set of keyframes, all of the values in the selectors are sorted in increasing order by time. The rules within the @keyframes rule then cascade; the properties of a keyframe may thus derive from more than one @keyframes rule with the same selector value.
If a property is not specified for a keyframe, or is specified but invalid, the animation of that property proceeds as if that keyframe did not exist. Conceptually, it is as if a set of keyframes is constructed for each property that is present in any of the keyframes, and an animation is run independently for each property.
@keyframes wobble { 0% { left: 100px; } 40% { left: 150px; } 60% { left: 75px; } 100% { left: 100px; } }
Four keyframes are specified for the animation named "wobble". In the first keyframe, shown at the beginning of the animation cycle, the value of the left property being animated is 100px. By 40% of the animation duration, left has animated to 150px. At 60% of the animation duration, left has animated back to 75px. At the end of the animation cycle, the value of left has returned to 100px. The diagram below shows the state of the animation if it were given a duration of 10s.

This specification needs to define how the value is determined from the keyframes, like the section on Application of transitions does for CSS Transitions.
4.1. Timing functions for keyframes
A keyframe style rule may also declare the timing function that is to be used as the animation moves to the next keyframe.
@keyframes bounce { from { top: 100px; animation-timing-function: ease-out; } 25% { top: 50px; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } 50% { top: 100px; animation-timing-function: ease-out; } 75% { top: 75px; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } to { top: 100px; } }
Five keyframes are specified for the animation named "bounce". Between the first and second keyframe (i.e., between 0% and 25%) an ease-out timing function is used. Between the second and third keyframe (i.e., between 25% and 50%) an ease-in timing function is used. And so on. The effect will appear as an element that moves up the page 50px, slowing down as it reaches its highest point then speeding up as it falls back to 100px. The second half of the animation behaves in a similar manner, but only moves the element 25px up the page.
A timing function specified on the to or 100% keyframe is ignored.
See the animation-timing-function property for more information.
4.2. The animation-name property
The animation-name property defines a list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select
the keyframe at-rule that provides the property values for the animation. If the name does not match
any keyframe at-rule, there are no properties to be animated and the animation will not execute.
Furthermore, if the animation name is none
then there will be no animation. This can be
used to override any animations coming from the cascade. If multiple animations are attempting to
modify the same property, then the animation closest to the end of the list of names wins.
Each animation listed by name should have a corresponding value for the other animation properties listed below. If the lists of values for the other animation properties do not have the same length, the length of the animation-name list determines the number of items in each list examined when starting animations. The lists are matched up from the first value: excess values at the end are not used. If one of the other properties doesn’t have enough comma-separated values to match the number of values of animation-name, the UA must calculate its used value by repeating the list of values until there are enough. This truncation or repetition does not affect the computed value.
Note: This is analogous to the behavior of the background-* properties, with background-image analogous to animation-name.
Name: | animation-name |
Value: | [ none | <keyframes-name> ]# |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | list, each item either a case-sensitive css identifier or the keyword none |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | not animatable |
The values of animation-name have the following meanings:
- none
- No keyframes are specified at all, so there will be no animation. Any other animations properties specified for this animation have no effect.
- <keyframes-name>
- The animation will use the keyframes with the name specified by the <keyframes-name>, if they exist. If no @keyframes rule with that name exists, there is no animation.
4.3. The animation-duration property
The animation-duration property defines duration of a single animation cycle.
Name: | animation-duration |
Value: | <time># |
Initial: | 0s |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | list, each item a duration |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | not animatable |
- <time>
The <time> specifies the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
A negative <time> is invalid.
If the <time> is 0s, like the initial value, the keyframes of the animation have no effect, but the animation itself still occurs instantaneously. Specifically, start and end events are fired; if animation-fill-mode is set to backwards or both, the first frame of the animation, as defined by animation-direction, will be displayed during the animation-delay. Then the last frame of the animation,
as defined by animation-direction, will be displayed if animation-fill-mode is set to forwards or both. If animation-fill-mode is set to none then the animation has no visible effect.
4.4. The animation-timing-function property
The animation-timing-function property describes how the animation will progress between each pair of keyframes. Timing functions are defined in the separate CSS Easing Functions module [css-easing-1].
The input progress value used is the percentage of the time elapsed between the current keyframe and the next keyframe after incorporating the effect of the animation-direction property.
During the animation-delay, the animation-timing-function is not applied.
Note: This definition is necessary because otherwise a step timing function with a step position of start would produce a backwards fill equal to the top of the first step in the function.
The output progress value is used as the p value when interpolating the property values between the current and next keyframe.
Name: | animation-timing-function |
Value: | <timing-function># |
Initial: | ease |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | list, each item a computed <timing-function> |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | not animatable |
When specified in a keyframe, animation-timing-function defines the progression of the animation between the current keyframe and the next keyframe for the animating property in sorted keyframe selector order (which may be an implicit 100% keyframe).
4.5. The animation-iteration-count property
The animation-iteration-count property specifies the number of times an animation cycle is played. The initial value is 1, meaning the animation will play from beginning to end once. This property is often used in conjunction with an animation-direction value of alternate, which will cause the animation to play in reverse on alternate cycles.
The time window during which the animation is active
x iteration-count
is known as the active duration.
Name: | animation-iteration-count |
Value: | <single-animation-iteration-count># |
Initial: | 1 |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | list, each item either a number or the keyword infinite |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | not animatable |
<single-animation-iteration-count> = infinite | <number>
- infinite
- The animation will repeat forever.
- <number>
The animation will repeat the specified number of times. If the number is not an integer, the animation will end partway through its last cycle. Negative numbers are invalid.
A value of 0 is valid and, similar to an animation-duration of 0s, causes the animation to occur instantaneously.
If the animation has a duration of 0s, it will occur instantaneously for any valid value of animation-iteration-count, including infinite.
4.6. The animation-direction property
The animation-direction property defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on some or all cycles. When an animation is played in reverse the timing functions are also reversed. For example, when played in reverse an ease-in animation would appear to be an ease-out animation.
Name: | animation-direction |
Value: | <single-animation-direction># |
Initial: | normal |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | list, each item a keyword as specified |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | not animatable |
<single-animation-direction> = normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse
- normal
- All iterations of the animation are played as specified.
- reverse
- All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified.
- alternate
- The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction.
- alternate-reverse
- The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction.
Note: For the purpose of determining whether an iteration is even or odd, iterations start counting from 1.
4.7. The animation-play-state property
The animation-play-state property defines whether the animation is running or paused.
Name: | animation-play-state |
Value: | <single-animation-play-state># |
Initial: | running |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | list, each item a keyword as specified |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | not animatable |
<single-animation-play-state> = running | paused
- running
- While this property is set to running, the animation proceeds as normal.
- paused
While this property is set to paused,
the animation is paused.
The animation continues to apply to the element with the progress it had made before being paused.
When unpaused (set back to running), it restarts from where it left off,
as if the "clock" that controls the animation had stopped and started again.
If the property is set to paused during the delay phase of the animation, the delay clock is also paused and resumes as soon as animation-play-state is set back to running.
4.8. The animation-delay property
The animation-delay property defines when the animation will start. It allows an animation to begin execution some time after it is applied, or to appear to have begun execution some time before it is applied.
Name: | animation-delay |
Value: | <time># |
Initial: | 0s |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | list, each item a duration |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animatable: | no |
- <time>
The <time> defines how long of a delay there is between the start of the animation
(when the animation is applied to the element via these properties)
and when it begins executing.
A delay of 0s (the initial value) means that the animation will execute as soon as it is applied.
A negative delay is valid. Similar to a delay of 0s, it means that the animation executes immediately, but is automatically progressed by the absolute value of the delay, as if the animation had started the specified time in the past, and so it appears to start partway through its active duration. If an animation’s keyframes have an implied starting value, the values are taken from the time the animation starts, not some time in the past.
4.9. The animation-fill-mode property
The animation-fill-mode property defines what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing. By default, an animation will not affect property values between the time it is applied (the animation-name property is set on an element) and the time it begins execution (which is determined by the animation-delay property). Also, by default an animation does not affect property values after the animation ends (determined by the animation-duration and animation-iteration-count properties). The animation-fill-mode property can override this behavior. Dynamic updates to the property will be reflected by property values as needed, whether during the animation delay or after the animation ends.
Name: | animation-fill-mode |
Value: | <single-animation-fill-mode># |
Initial: | none |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | list, each item a keyword as specified |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | not animatable |
<single-animation-fill-mode> = none | forwards | backwards | both
- none
- The animation has no effect when it is applied but not executing.
- forwards
- After the animation ends (as determined by its animation-iteration-count), the animation will apply the property values for the time the animation ended. When animation-iteration-count is an integer greater than zero, the values applied will be those for the end of the last completed iteration of the animation (rather than the values for the start of the iteration that would be next). When animation-iteration-count is zero, the values applied will be those that would start the first iteration (just as when animation-fill-mode is backwards).
- backwards
- During the period defined by animation-delay, the animation will apply the property values defined in the keyframe that will start the first iteration of the animation. These are either the values of the from keyframe (when animation-direction is normal or alternate) or those of the to keyframe (when animation-direction is reverse or alternate-reverse).
- both
- The effects of both forwards and backwards fill apply.
4.10. The animation shorthand property
The animation shorthand property is a comma-separated list of animation definitions. Each item in the list gives one item of the value for all of the subproperties of the shorthand, which are known as the animation properties. (See the definition of animation-name for what happens when these properties have lists of different lengths, a problem that cannot occur when they are defined using only the animation shorthand.)
Name: | animation |
Value: | <single-animation> # |
Initial: | see individual properties |
Applies to: | all elements |
Inherited: | no |
Percentages: | N/A |
Computed value: | see individual properties |
Canonical order: | per grammar |
Animation type: | not animatable |
<single-animation> = <time> || <timing-function> || <time> || <single-animation-iteration-count> || <single-animation-direction> || <single-animation-fill-mode> || <single-animation-play-state> || [ none | <keyframes-name> ]
Note that order is important within each animation definition: the first value in each <single-animation> that can be parsed as a <time> is assigned to the animation-duration, and the second value in each <single-animation> that can be parsed as a <time> is assigned to animation-delay.
Note that order is also important within each animation definition for distinguishing <keyframes-name> values from other keywords. When parsing, keywords that are valid for properties other than animation-name whose values were not found earlier in the shorthand must be accepted for those properties rather than for animation-name. Furthermore, when serializing, default values of other properties must be output in at least the cases necessary to distinguish an animation-name that could be a value of another property, and may be output in additional cases.
5. Animation Events
Several animation-related events are available through the DOM Event system. The start and end of an animation, and the end of each iteration of an animation, all generate DOM events. An element can have multiple properties being animated simultaneously. This can occur either with a single animation-name value with keyframes containing multiple properties, or with multiple animation-name values. For the purposes of events, each animation-name specifies a single animation. Therefore an event will be generated for each animation-name value and not necessarily for each property being animated.
Any animation for which a valid keyframe rule is defined will run and generate events; this includes animations with empty keyframe rules.
The time the animation has been running is sent with each event generated. This allows the event handler to determine the current iteration of a looping animation or the current position of an alternating animation. This time does not include any time the animation was in the paused play state.
5.1. The AnimationEvent
The AnimationEvent
interface provides specific contextual information associated with
Animation events.
5.1.1. IDL Definition
[Exposed =Window ,(
Constructor CSSOMString ,
type optional AnimationEventInit )]
animationEventInitDict interface :
AnimationEvent Event {readonly attribute CSSOMString animationName ;readonly attribute double elapsedTime ;readonly attribute CSSOMString pseudoElement ; };dictionary :
AnimationEventInit EventInit {CSSOMString = "";
animationName double = 0.0;
elapsedTime CSSOMString = ""; };
5.1.2. Attributes
, of type CSSOMString, readonly- The value of the animation-name property of the animation that fired the event.
, of type double, readonly- The amount of time the animation has been running, in seconds, when this event fired, excluding any time the animation was paused. The precise calculation for of this member is defined along with each event type.
, of type CSSOMString, readonly- The name (beginning with two colons) of the CSS pseudo-element on which the animation runs (in which case the target of the event is that pseudo-element’s corresponding element), or the empty string if the animation runs on an element (which means the target of the event is that element).
AnimationEvent(type, animationEventInitDict) is an event constructor.
5.2. Types of AnimationEvent
The different types of animation events that can occur are:
event occurs at the start of the animation. If there is an animation-delay then this event will fire once the delay period has expired.A negative delay will cause the event to fire with an
equal to the absolute value of the delay capped to the active duration of the animation, that is,min(max(-animation-delay, 0), active duration)
; in this case the event will fire whether animation-play-state is set to running or paused.- Bubbles: Yes
- Cancelable: No
- Context Info: animationName, elapsedTime, pseudoElement
event occurs when the animation finishes. In this case the value of theelapsedTime
member of the event is equal to the active duration.- Bubbles: Yes
- Cancelable: No
- Context Info: animationName, elapsedTime, pseudoElement
event occurs at the end of each iteration of an animation, except when an animationend event would fire at the same time. This means that this event does not occur for animations with an iteration count of one or less.The
member in this case is equal to the product of the current iteration and animation-duration where the current iteration is the zero-based index of the new iteration. For example, assuming no negative animation-delay, after one iteration completes the current iteration would be one.- Bubbles: Yes
- Cancelable: No
- Context Info: animationName, elapsedTime, pseudoElement
event occurs when the animation stops running in a way that does not fire ananimationend
event, such as a change in the animation-name that removes the animation, or the animating element or one of its ancestors becoming display:none.The
member for this event indicates the number of seconds that had elapsed since the beginning of the animation at the moment when the animation was canceled. This excludes any time where the animation was paused. If the animation had a negative animation-delay, the beginning of the animation is the moment equal to the absolute value of animation-delay seconds prior to when the animation was actually triggered. Alternatively, if the animation had a positive animation-delay and the event is fired before the animation’s delay has expired, theelapsedTime
will be zero.- Bubbles: Yes
- Cancelable: No
- Context Info: animationName, elapsedTime, pseudoElement
5.3. Event
handlers on elements, Document
objects, and Window
The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event
handler event types) that must be supported by all HTML elements, as
both event handler content attributes and event handler IDL
attributes; and that must be supported by all Document
and Window
objects, as event handler IDL attributes:
Event handler | Event handler event type |
| animationstart
| animationiteration
| animationend
| animationcancel
6. DOM Interfaces
CSS animations are exposed to the CSSOM through a pair of new interfaces describing the keyframes.
Note: the interfaces defined below reflect the interoperable API available as of this level of the specification. Future levels may deprecate parts of this API and extend others.
6.1. The CSSRule
The following two rule types are added to the CSSRule
interface. They provide
identification for the new keyframe and keyframes rules.
6.1.1. IDL Definition
partial interface CSSRule {const unsigned short = 7;
KEYFRAMES_RULE const unsigned short = 8; };
6.2. The CSSKeyframeRule
The CSSKeyframeRule
interface represents the style rule for a single key.
6.2.1. IDL Definition
[Exposed =Window ]interface :
CSSKeyframeRule CSSRule {attribute CSSOMString keyText ; [SameObject ,PutForwards =cssText ]readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style ; };
6.2.2. Attributes
, of type CSSOMString-
This attribute represents the keyframe selector as a comma-separated list
of percentage values. The from and to keywords map to 0% and 100%,
If keyText is updated with an invalid keyframe selector, a SyntaxError exception must be thrown and the value of keyText must remain unchanged.
, of type CSSStyleDeclaration, readonly-
Must return a
object for the keyframe rule, with the following properties:- readonly flag
- Unset.
- declarations
- The declared declarations in the rule, in specified order.
- parent CSS rule
- The context object (i.e. this
). - owner node
- Null.
6.3. The CSSKeyframesRule
The CSSKeyframesRule
interface represents a complete set of keyframes for
a single animation.
6.3.1. IDL Definition
[Exposed =Window ]interface :
CSSKeyframesRule CSSRule {attribute CSSOMString name ;readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules ;void appendRule (CSSOMString rule );void deleteRule (CSSOMString select );CSSKeyframeRule ?findRule (CSSOMString select ); };
6.3.2. Attributes
, of type CSSOMString- This attribute is the name of the keyframes, used by the animation-name property.
, of type CSSRuleList, readonly- This attribute gives access to the keyframes in the list.
6.3.3. The appendRule
The appendRule
method appends the passed CSSKeyframeRule
at the end of the keyframes rule.
of typeCSSOMString
- The rule to be appended, expressed in the same syntax as one entry in the @keyframes rule. A valid rule is always appended e.g. even if its key(s) already exists.
No Return Value
No Exceptions
6.3.4. The deleteRule
The deleteRule
method deletes the
last declared CSSKeyframeRule
matching the specified keyframe selector.
If no matching rule exists, the method does nothing.
of typeCSSOMString
The keyframe selector of the rule to be deleted: a comma-separated list of percentage values between 0% and 100% or the keywords from or to which resolve to 0% and 100%, respectively.
The number and order of the values in the specified keyframe selector must match those of the targeted keyframe rule(s). The match is not sensitive to white space around the values in the list.
No Return Value
No Exceptions
6.3.5. The findRule
The findRule
returns the
last declared CSSKeyframeRule
matching the specified keyframe selector.
If no matching rule exists, the method does nothing.
of typeCSSOMString
The keyframe selector of the rule to be deleted: a comma-separated list of percentage values between 0% and 100% or the keywords from or to which resolve to 0% and 100%, respectively.
The number and order of the values in the specified keyframe selector must match those of the targeted keyframe rule(s). The match is not sensitive to white space around the values in the list.
Return Value:
- The found rule.
No Exceptions
@keyframes colorful-diagonal-slide { from { left: 0; top: 0; } 10% { background-color: blue; } 10% { background-color: green; } 25%, 75% { background-color: red; } 100% { left: 100px; top: 100px; } }
Assuming the variable anim
holds a reference to a CSSKeyframesRule object for this animation, then:
anim.deleteRule('10%'); var tenPercent = anim.findRule('10%');
will start by deleting the last 10% rule i.e. the green background color rule; then find the remaining blue background rule and return it into tenPercent
The following:
var red = anim.findRule('75%');
will set red
to null
. The full selector for the red background color rule must be used instead:
var red = anim.findRule('25%,75%');
Since from maps to 0% and to maps to 100%, we can find these rules using either value:
var from = anim.findRule('0%'); // Returns from { left: 0; top: 0; } rule var to = anim.findRule('to'); // Returns 100% { left: 100px; top: 100px; } rule
6.4. Extensions to the GlobalEventHandlers
This specification extends the GlobalEventHandlers
interface from HTML to
add event handler IDL attributes for animation
events as defined in §5.3 Event
handlers on elements, Document objects, and Window
6.4.1. IDL Definition
partial interface mixin GlobalEventHandlers {attribute EventHandler ;
onanimationstart attribute EventHandler ;
onanimationiteration attribute EventHandler ;
onanimationend attribute EventHandler ; };
7. Privacy and Security Considerations
This specification introduces no new privacy or security considerations.
8. Acknowledgements
Thanks especially to the feedback from Tab Atkins, Brian Birtles, Shane Stephens, Carine Bournez, Christian Budde, Anne van Kesteren, Øyvind Stenhaug, Estelle Weyl, and all the rest of the www-style community.
9. Other open issues
Need to specify how keyframes interact.
10. Working Group Resolutions that are pending editing
This section is informative and temporary.
The editors are currently behind on editing this spec. The following working group resolutions still need to be edited in:
2014-09-09 minutes (Antibes f2f)
- Detail how/when keyframe values are computed; using G.beta in dbaron’s mail
Agreed that both transitions and animations animate all properties. css-transitions to define animation of non-interoperable/discrete values. They take their starting values below 50% timing function progress, and end values above -
Dynamic changes to animation properties/keyframes. Tab to propose resolution. (Bug 14713) -
Negative animation-delay values apply against the active duration of the animation i.e. (animation-duration*animation-iteration-count). The delay can thus swallow iterations for which no iteration event will be fired. The start/end events are still fired. Even when delay == (-1*active_duration) -
Fire animation start/end events when animation-duration is zero, with 0 elapsedTime -
If animation-iteration-count is infinite and duration is 0, treat the iteration-count as if it was finite and run a 0s second (option A in Brian’s mail) -
If an animation with a negative animation delay is initially paused, the start event still fires
2012-10-29 minutes
Change the animation properties to be dynamically changeable -
@keyframes can be dynamically changed -
When you encounter duplicate animations names, last one wins. -
Make *animations* transition *all* properties. Unless otherwise specified, discrete properties take their starting values below 50% timing function progress, and end values above 50% timing function progress.
2012-12-12 minutes and intermediate comments
and 2012-12-19 minutes-
Animations only run if they contain at least one valid keyframe rule (Bug) -
When an element changes from display:none to display: non-none, animations start immediately (Bug) -
An initially-paused animation is still started (fires start events etc.) (Bug) -
Animations can be paused during their delay phase, which freezes the remaining delay to be applied after it unpauses (Bug) -
animation-play-state has the same list behavior as the other animation properties, matching the length of animation-name (Bug)
2013-02-20 minutes
Øyvind’s clarification accepted -
keyframe rules cascade -
mark pseudoElement at-risk
2013-05-30 minutes
expectations on animations in non-interactive media
2014-01-27 minutes
remove text about waiting for document load