
HTML Accessibility API Mappings (HTML-AAM) defines how user agents map HTML 5.1 [HTML51] elements and attributes to platform accessibility application programming interfaces (APIs). It leverages and extends the Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.1 [CORE-AAM] and the Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1 [ACCNAME-AAM] for use with the HTML 5.1 host language. Documenting these mappings promotes interoperable exposure of roles, states, properties, and events implemented by accessibility APIs and helps to ensure that this information appears in a manner consistent with author intent.

The HTML-AAM is part of the WAI-ARIA suite described in the WAI-ARIA Overview.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at https://www.w3.org/TR/.


This document is subject to change without notice.


You can file a bug on this specification

This document was Initially developed by and with the approval of the HTML Accessibility Taskforce, a joint task force of the Protocols and Formats Working Group and the HTML Working Group. Work continued with the successor groups Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group and the Web Platform Working Group. The document is now maintained solely by the Web Platform WG.

This document was published by the Web Platform Working Group as a Working Draft. This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation. Comments regarding this document are welcome. Please send them to public-html-comments@w3.org (subscribe, archives).

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

This document is governed by the 1 March 2017 W3C Process Document.

1. Introduction

This section is non-normative.

Like the Core Accessibility API Mappings specification, this document defines how HTML user agents must respond to keyboard focus, as well as role, state and property information provided for Web content. Where an HTML element or attribute has default Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1 [WAI-ARIA] semantics, it must be exposed to the platform accessibility APIs according to the relevant WAI-ARIA mappings defined in the Core Accessibility API Mappings specification. Where an HTML element or attribute does not have default WAI-ARIA semantics, the applicable mapping for each platform accessibility API is defined by this specification.

This document also adapts the Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings [ACCNAME-AAM] for deriving the accessible names and accessible descriptions of HTML 5.1 [HTML51] elements, and provides accessible implementation examples for specific HTML 5.1 elements and features.

Users often access HTML content using assistive technologies that rely on platform accessibility API to obtain and interact with information from the page. This document is part of the following suite of accessibility API mapping specifications for content rendered by user agents:

1.1 Accessibility APIs

Accessibility APIs covered by this document are:

If user agent developers need to expose information using other accessibility APIs, it is recommended that they work closely with the developer of the platform where the API runs, and assistive technology developers on that platform.

For more information regarding accessibility APIs, refer to section 1.1 Accessibility APIs of the Core Accessibility API Mappings [CORE-AAM].

2. Conformance

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY and MUST are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

These RFC2119 key words are formatted in uppercase and contained in a strong element with class="rfc2119". When these key words are used, but do not share this format, they do not convey any formal conformance requirements in the RFC2119 sense, and are merely explanatory, i.e., informative. As much as possible, such usage is avoided in this specification.

The classification of a section as normative or non-normative applies to the entire section and all sub-sections of that section.

Normative sections provide requirements that authors, user agents, and assistive technologies MUST follow for an implementation to conform to this specification.

Non-normative sections provide information useful to understanding the specification. Such sections may contain examples of recommended practice, but it is not required to follow such recommendations in order to conform to this specification.

3. Important Terms

While some terms are defined in place, the following definitions are used throughout this document.

Accessibility API

Operating systems and other platforms provide a set of interfaces that expose information about objects and events to assistive technologies. Assistive technologies use these interfaces to get information about and interact with those widgets. Examples of accessibility APIs are Microsoft Active Accessibility [MSAA], Microsoft User Interface Automation [UI-AUTOMATION], MSAA with UIA Express [UIA-EXPRESS], the Mac OS X Accessibility Protocol [AXAPI], the Linux/Unix Accessibility Toolkit [ATK] and Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface [AT-SPI], and IAccessible2 [IAccessible2].

Accessibility Subtree

An accessible object in the accessibility tree and its descendants in that tree. It does not include objects which have relationships other than parent-child in that tree. For example, it does not include objects linked via aria-flowto unless those objects are also descendants in the accessibility tree.

Accessibility Tree

Tree of accessible objects that represents the structure of the user interface (UI). Each node in the accessibility tree represents an element in the UI as exposed through the accessibility API; for example, a push button, a check box, or container.

Accessible Description

An accessible description provides additional information, related to an interface element, that complements the accessible name. The accessible description might or might not be visually perceivable.

Accessible Name

The accessible name is the name of a user interface element. Each platform accessibility API provides the accessible name property. The value of the accessible name may be derived from a visible (e.g., the visible text on a button) or invisible (e.g., the text alternative that describes an icon) property of the user interface element. See related accessible description.

A simple use for the accessible name property may be illustrated by an "OK" button. The text "OK" is the accessible name. When the button receives focus, assistive technologies may concatenate the platform's role description with the accessible name. For example, a screen reader may speak "push-button OK" or "OK button". The order of concatenation and specifics of the role description (e.g., "button", "push-button", "clickable button") are determined by platform accessibility APIs or assistive technologies.

Accessible object

A node in the accessibility tree of a platform accessibility API. Accessible objects expose various states, properties, and events for use by assistive technologies. In the context of markup languages (e.g., HTML and SVG) in general, and of WAI-ARIA in particular, markup elements and their attributes are represented as accessible objects.

Activation behavior

The action taken when an event, typically initiated by users through an input device, causes an element to fulfill a defined role. The role may be defined for that element by the host language, or by author-defined variables, or both. The role for any given element may be a generic action, or may be unique to that element. For example, the activation behavior of an HTML or SVG <a> element shall be to cause the user agent to traverse the link specified in the href attribute, with the further optional parameter of specifying the browsing context for the traversal (such as the current window or tab, a named window, or a new window); the activation behavior of an HTML <input> element with the type attribute value submit shall be to send the values of the form elements to an author-defined IRI by the author-defined HTTP method.

Assistive Technologies

Hardware and/or software that:

  • relies on services provided by a user agent to retrieve and render Web content
  • works with a user agent or web content itself through the use of APIs, and
  • provides services beyond those offered by the user agent to facilitate user interaction with web content by people with disabilities

This definition may differ from that used in other documents.

Examples of assistive technologies that are important in the context of this document include the following:

  • screen magnifiers, which are used to enlarge and improve the visual readability of rendered text and images;
  • screen readers, which are most-often used to convey information through synthesized speech or a refreshable Braille display;
  • text-to-speech software, which is used to convert text into synthetic speech;
  • speech recognition software, which is used to allow spoken control and dictation;
  • alternate input technologies (including head pointers, on-screen keyboards, single switches, and sip/puff devices), which are used to simulate the keyboard;
  • alternate pointing devices, which are used to simulate mouse pointing and clicking.

In this specification, attribute is used as it is in markup languages. Attributes are structural features added to elements to provide information about the states and properties of the object represented by the element.


A set of instance objects that share similar characteristics.


A deprecated role, state, or property is one which has been outdated by newer constructs or changed circumstances, and which may be removed in future versions of the WAI-ARIA specification. User agents are encouraged to continue to support items identified as deprecated for backward compatibility. For more information, see Deprecated Requirements in the Conformance section.

Desktop focus event

Event from/to the host operating system via the accessibility API, notifying of a change of input focus.


In this specification, element is used as it is in markup languages. Elements are the structural elements in markup language that contains the data profile for objects.


A programmatic message used to communicate discrete changes in the state of an object to other objects in a computational system. User input to a web page is commonly mediated through abstract events that describe the interaction and can provide notice of changes to the state of a document object. In some programming languages, events are more commonly known as notifications.


Translated to platform-specific accessibility APIs as defined in the WAI-ARIA User Agent Implementation Guide. [WAI-ARIA-IMPLEMENTATION]

Graphical Document

A document containing graphic representations with user-navigable parts. Charts, maps, diagrams, blueprints, and dashboards are examples of graphical documents. A graphical document is composed using any combination of symbols, images, text, and graphic primitives (shapes such as circles, points, lines, paths, rectangles, etc).


Indicates that the element is not visible, perceivable, or interactive to any user. An element is considered hidden if it or any one of its ancestor elements is not rendered or is explicitly hidden.


Content provided for information purposes and not required for conformance. Content required for conformance is referred to as normative.

Keyboard Accessible

Accessible to the user using a keyboard or assistive technologies that mimic keyboard input, such as a sip and puff tube. References in this document relate to WCAG 2.0 Guideline 2.1: Make all functionality available from a keyboard [WCAG20].


A type of region on a page to which the user may want quick access. Content in such a region is different from that of other regions on the page and relevant to a specific user purpose, such as navigating, searching, perusing the primary content, etc.

Live Region

Live regions are perceivable regions of a web page that are typically updated as a result of an external event when user focus may be elsewhere. These regions are not always updated as a result of a user interaction. This practice has become commonplace with the growing use of Ajax. Examples of live regions include a chat log, stock ticker, or a sport scoring section that updates periodically to reflect game statistics. Since these asynchronous areas are expected to update outside the user's area of focus, assistive technologies such as screen readers have either been unaware of their existence or unable to process them for the user. WAI-ARIA has provided a collection of properties that allow the author to identify these live regions and process them: aria-live, aria-relevant, aria-atomic, and aria-busy. Pre-defined live region roles are listed in the Choosing Between Special Case Live Regions ([WAI-ARIA-PRACTICES], Section 5.3).

Primary Content Element

An implementing host language's primary content element, such as the body element in HTML.

Managed State

Accessibility API state that is controlled by the user agent, such as focus and selection. These are contrasted with "unmanaged states" that are typically controlled by the author. Nevertheless, authors can override some managed states, such as aria-posinset and aria-setsize. Many managed states have corresponding CSS pseudo-classes, such as :focus, and pseudo-elements, such as ::selection, that are also updated by the user agent.

Nemeth Braille

The Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics is a braille code for encoding mathematical and scientific notation. See Nemeth Braille on Wikipedia.


Basic type of object in the DOM tree or accessibility tree. DOM nodes are further specified as Element or Text nodes, among other types. The nodes of an accessibility tree are accessible objects.


Required for conformance. By contrast, content identified as informative or "non-normative" is not required for conformance.


In the context of user interfaces, an item in the perceptual user experience, represented in markup languages by one or more elements, and rendered by user agents.

In the context of programming, the instantiation of one or more classes and interfaces which define the general characteristics of similar objects. An object in an accessibility API may represent one or more DOM objects. Accessibility APIs have defined interfaces that are distinct from DOM interfaces.

A description of the characteristics of classes and how they relate to each other.


Usable by users in ways they can control. References in this document relate to WCAG 2.0 Principle 2: Content must be operable [WCAG20]. See Keyboard Accessible.

Owned Element

An 'owned element' is any DOM descendant of the element, any element specified as a child via aria-owns, or any DOM descendant of the owned child.

Owning Element

An 'owning element' is any DOM ancestor of the element, or any element with an aria-owns attribute which references the ID of the element.


Presentable to users in ways they can sense. References in this document relate to WCAG 2.0 Principle 1: Content must be perceivable [WCAG20].


Attributes that are essential to the nature of a given object, or that represent a data value associated with the object. A change of a property may significantly impact the meaning or presentation of an object. Certain properties (for example, aria-multiline) are less likely to change than states, but note that the frequency of change difference is not a rule. A few properties, such as aria-activedescendant, aria-valuenow, and aria-valuetext are expected to change often. See clarification of states versus properties.


A connection between two distinct things. Relationships may be of various types to indicate which object labels another, controls another, etc.


Main indicator of type. This semantic association allows tools to present and support interaction with the object in a manner that is consistent with user expectations about other objects of that type.

Root WAI-ARIA node

The primary element containing non-metadata content. In many languages, this is the document element but in HTML, it is the <body>.


The meaning of something as understood by a human, defined in a way that computers can process a representation of an object, such as elements and attributes, and reliably represent the object in a way that various humans will achieve a mutually consistent understanding of the object.


A state is a dynamic property expressing characteristics of an object that may change in response to user action or automated processes. States do not affect the essential nature of the object, but represent data associated with the object or user interaction possibilities. See clarification of states versus properties.


Any document created from a <frame>, <iframe> or similar mechanism. A sub-document may contain a document, an application or any widget such as a calendar pulled in from another server. In the accessibility tree there are two accessible objects for this situation—one represents the <frame>/<iframe> element in the parent document, which parents a single accessible object child representing the spawned document contents.

Target Element

An element specified in a WAI-ARIA relation. For example, in <div aria-controls=”elem1”>, where “elem1” is the ID for the target element.


A hierarchical definition of how the characteristics of various classes relate to each other, in which classes inherit the properties of superclasses in the hierarchy. A taxonomy can comprise part of the formal definition of an ontology.

Text node

Type of DOM node that represents the textual content of an attribute or an element. A Text node has no child nodes.


Presentable to users in ways they can construct an appropriate meaning. References in this document relate to WCAG 2.0 Principle 3: Information and the operation of user interface must be understandable [WCAG20].

User Agent

Any software that retrieves, renders and facilitates end user interaction with Web content. This definition may differ from that used in other documents.


A reference to a target element in the same document that has a matching ID


Discrete user interface object with which the user can interact. Widgets range from simple objects that have one value or operation (e.g., check boxes and menu items), to complex objects that contain many managed sub-objects (e.g., trees and grids).

4. Mapping HTML to Accessibility APIs

4.1 General Rules for Exposing WAI-ARIA Semantics

WAI-ARIA support was first introduced to HTML in HTML5 [HTML5]. Where an HTML element or attribute has default WAI-ARIA semantics, it MUST be exposed to the platform accessibility APIs in a way that conforms to General rules for exposing WAI-ARIA semantics in the Core Accessibility API Mappings [CORE-AAM].

4.2 Conflicts Between Native Markup Semantics and WAI-ARIA

Where the host language is HTML 5.1 [HTML51], user agents MUST conform to Conflicts between native markup semantics and WAI-ARIA in the Core Accessibility API Mappings [CORE-AAM].

4.3 Exposing HTML Features That Do Not Directly Map to Accessibility APIs

HTML may have features that are not supported by accessibility APIs at the time of publication. There is not a one to one relationship between all features and platform accessibility APIs. When HTML roles, states and properties do not directly map to an accessibility API, and there is a method in the API to expose a text string, user agents MUST expose the undefined role, states and properties via that method.

For HTML elements or attributes with default WAI-ARIA semantics, user agents MUST conform to Exposing attributes that do not directly map to accessibility API properties in the Core Accessibility API Mappings [CORE-AAM].

4.3.1 Other Accessibility Implementations Use of MSAA VARIANT by Some User Agents

In MSAA, the value of an accessible object's Role property is retrieved with the IAccessible::get_accRole method. This method returns a VARIANT that is limited to a finite number of integer role constants insufficient for describing the role of every HTML element, especially new elements introduced by HTML5. To address this limitation, some user agents, e.g., Firefox and Chrome in cooperation with some screen readers, have elected to expose certain roles by returning a string value (BSTR) in that VARIANT in a way that is not described by the MSAA specification.

For example, Firefox returns the element's tag name as a BSTR for the following: abbr, address, aside, blockquote, canvas, caption, dd, div, figcaption, footer, form, h1h6, header, iframe, input type="file", main, menu, nav, output, p, pre, q, section, time.

Similarly, Chrome returns the element's tag name for: blockquote, div, dl, figcaption, form, h1-h6, menu, meter, p, pre. Use of the DOM by Some Assistive Technologies
Editor's Note

to do

4.4 HTML Element Role Mappings


Mappings of HTML elements to platform accessibility APIs: ARIA, MSAA + UIA Express, MSAA + IAccessible2, UIA, ATK, and AX
Element WAI-ARIA MSAA + IAccessible2 UIA ATK AX Comments
a (represents a hyperlink) link role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
a (represents a hyperlink and parent is a menu) menuitem role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
a (no href attribute) No corresponding role
Interfaces: IAccessibleHyperlink; IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Text
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
abbr No corresponding role
Object attributes: "abbr" attribute on the containing td if a single child, text content used as a value
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Text
Object attributes: "abbr" attribute on the containing td if a single child, text content used as a value
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
address No corresponding role
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Text
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: AXLandmarkContentInfo
AXRoleDescription: "content information"
Note: recommend AXRoleDescription of "address" to disambiguate from "contentinfo" landmark role. Refer to WebKit bug 83989
area (represents a hyperlink) link role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
area (no href attribute) No corresponding role
Control Type: Text
Not mapped
article article role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
aside complementary role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Control Type: Group
Localized Control Type: "aside"
Landmark Type: Custom
Localized Landmark Type: "complementary"
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
audio No corresponding role
Control Type: Group
Localized Control Type: "audio"
If the controls attribute is present, each control is a child in the UIA tree, and mapped as button, slider, etc. as appropriate for the type of control.
Loading and error text objects, along with any control not currently displayed, MAY be present in the UIA and marked as hidden or off-screen.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
Note: UI controls within the audio element exposed as AXToolbar.
b No corresponding role
No accessible object. Exposed as "font-weight" text attribute on the text container. The value depends on the platform.
No accessible object. Exposed by the FontWeight attribute of the TextRange Control Pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Exposed as "font-weight" text attribute on the text container. The value depends on the platform.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
base No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
bdi No corresponding role
No accessible object. May affect on "writing-mode" text attribute on its text container.
Control Type: Text
No accessible object. May affect on "writing-mode" text attribute on its text container.
bdo No corresponding role
Text attributes: writing-mode on the text container
Control Type: Text
No accessible object. Exposed as "writing-mode" text attribute on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
blockquote No corresponding role
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Group
Localized Control Type: "blockquote"
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
body document role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
br No corresponding role
Not mapped
No accessible object. Exposed as '\n' character via AtkText interface on the text container.
Not mapped
button button role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
canvas No corresponding role
Control Type: Image
Descendants of the canvas element are mapped separately.
AXRole: AXImage
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "image"
caption No corresponding role
Relations: IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR with parent table
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Text
Other properties: The LabeledBy property for the parent table element points to the UIA element for the caption element
Relations: ATK_RELATION_LABEL_FOR with parent table
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
cite No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attributes of the TextRange Control Pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
code No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attributes of the TextRange Control Pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
col No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
colgroup No corresponding role
?TODO:  look in more detail at UIA table implementation
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
datalist (represents pre-defined options for input element) listbox role, with the aria-multiselectable property set to "true" if the datalist's selection model allows multiple option elements to be selected at a time, and "false" otherwise
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
If datalist is not linked to a proper input element, then datalist element is not mapped to accessibility APIs.
dd definition role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
del No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attributes of the TextRange Control Pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
details None
Control Type: Group ??window??
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
dfn No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by text attributes on its text container.
Control Type: Group
Localized Control Type: "definition"
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attributes of the TextRange Control Pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by text attributes on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
dialog dialog role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
div No corresponding role
May not have an accessible object if has no semantic meaning. Otherwise,
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Group
May not have an accessible object if has no semantic meaning. Otherwise
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
dl No corresponding role
Control Type: List
AXRole: AXList
AXSubrole: AXDefinitionList
AXRoleDescription: "definition list"
dt No corresponding role
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: ListItem
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: AXTerm
AXRoleDescription: "term"
em No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attributes of the TextRange Control Pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
embed No corresponding role
States: STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE for windowless plugin
Control Type: ?Pane? Window?
Depends on format of data file
fieldset No corresponding role
Relations:IA2_RELATION_LABELLED_BY with child legend element
Control Type: Group
Relations: ATK_RELATION_LABELLED_BY with child legend element
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: AXFieldset
AXRoleDescription: "group"
AXDescription: value from child legend subtree
figcaption No corresponding role
Relations: IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR with parent figure element
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Text
Relations: ATK_RELATION_LABEL_FOR with parent figure element
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
figure No corresponding role
Object attributes: xml-roles:figure
Relations: IA2_RELATION_LABELLED_BY with child figcaption element
Control Type: Group
Localized Control Type: "figure"
Accessible name derived from figcaption according to the figure Element Accessible Name Computation
Object attributes: xml-roles:figure
Name: related figcaption content
Relations: ATK_RELATION_LABELLED_BY with child figcaption element
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "figure"
form form role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 heading role, with the aria-level property set to the element's outline depth
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
head No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
header (scoped to the body element) banner role
Object attributes: xml-roles:banner
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Group
Localized Control Type: "header"
Landmark Type: Custom
Localized Landmark Type: "banner"
Object attributes: xml-roles:banner
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: AXLandmarkBanner
AXRoleDescription: "banner"
header (scoped to the main element, a sectioning content element, or a sectioning root element other than body) No corresponding role
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
Control Type: Group
Localized Control Type: "header"
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
hr separator role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
html No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
i No corresponding role
No accessible object.
Text attributes: font-style:italic on the text container
No accessible object. Exposed by the IsItalic attribute of the TextRange Control Pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Exposed as "font-style:italic" text attribute on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
iframe No corresponding role
Control Type: Pane
AXRole: AXWebArea
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "html content"
img img role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
img (alt attribute is empty)
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Button state) button role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Button state and parent is a menu) menuitem role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Color state) No corresponding role
Roles: ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT if implemented as a textbox; IA2_ROLE_COLOR_CHOOSER if implemented as a color picker
If implemented as a textbox:
Control Type: Edit
If implemented as a color picker:
Localized Control Type: "color picker"
Control Pattern: Selection for the container and SelectionItem for each color choice
If implemented as a textbox:
AXRole: AXTextField
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "textfield"
If implemented as a color picker:
AXRole: AXColorWell
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "color chooser"
input (type attribute in the Checkbox state) checkbox role, with the aria-checked state set to "mixed" if the element's indeterminate IDL attribute is true, or "true" if the element's checkedness is true, or "false" otherwise
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Checkbox state and parent is a menu) menuitemcheckbox role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Date state) No corresponding role
If implemented as a textbox:
Object attributes: text-input-type:date
If implemented as a date picker:
Depends on UI design of implementation. The UI in Windows 10 Edge, for Example, is a composit of multiple spinners.
AXRole: AXDateField
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "date field"
input (type attribute in the E-mail state with no suggestions source element) textbox role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Object attributes: text-input-type:email
Control Type: Edit
Localized Control Type: "email"
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the File Upload state) No corresponding role
Implementation dependent. If represented by a container with a button a text label inside then:
Children: ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON and IA2_ROLE_LABEL for a button and a text label elements.
Can be rendered as a single button control, or as a button control with a text input field.
Button control:
Control Type: Button
Text input field:
Control Type: Edit
Localized Control Type: "file"
Children: ATK_ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON when pressed ATK_ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER dialog shown
AXRole: AXButton
AXSubrole: AXFileUploadButton
AXRoleDescription: file upload button
input (type attribute in the Hidden state) No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
input (type attribute in the Image Button state) button role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Image Button state and parent is a menu) menuitem role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Local Date and Time state) No corresponding role
Depends on UI design of implementation. The UI in Windows 10 Edge, for Example, is a composit of multiple spinners.
AXRole: AXTextField
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "text field"
input (type attribute in the Month state) No corresponding role
Depends on UI design of implementation. The UI in Windows 10 Edge, for Example, is a composit of multiple spinners.
AXRole: AXTextField
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "text field"
input (type attribute in the Number state) spinbutton role
If implemented as a spin button, use WAI-ARIA mapping for spinbutton.
If implemented as a text input, use WAI-ARIA mapping for textbox.
Object attributes: text-input-type:number
If implemented as a spin button, use WAI-ARIA mapping for spinbutton.
If implemented as a text input:
Control Type: Edit
Localized Control Type: "number"
If implemented as a spin button, use WAI-ARIA mapping for spinbutton.
If implemented as a text input, use WAI-ARIA mapping for textbox.
Object attributes: text-input-type:number
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Password state) No corresponding role
Control Type: Edit
Localized Control Type: "password"
Other properties: Set isPassword to true
AXRole: AXTextField
AXSubrole: AXSecureTextField
AXRoleDescription: "secure text field"
input (type attribute in the Radio Button state) radio role, with the aria-checked state set to "true" if the element's checkedness is true, or "false" otherwise. With aria-setsize value reflecting number of type=radio input elements within the radio button group and aria-posinset value reflecting the elements position within the radio button group.
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Radio Button state and parent is a menu) menuitemradio role, with the aria-checked state set to "true" if the element's checkedness is true, or "false" otherwise
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Range state) slider role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Reset Button state) button role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Submit Button state) button role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Telephone state with no suggestions source element) textbox role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping


Object attributes: text-input-type:telephone
Control Type: Edit
Localized Control Type: "telephone"
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Text state with no suggestions source element) textbox role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Text, Search, Telephone, URL, or E-mail states with a suggestions source element) combobox role, with the aria-owns property set to the same value as the list attribute
Use WAI-ARIA mapping


Object attributes: text-input-type:as per input type
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Other properties: ControllerFor points to the suggestions source element
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Time state) No corresponding role
Role: ROLE_SYSTEM_SPINBUTTON if implemented as a simple widget; ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING with child controls mapped as appropriate if implemented as a complex widget
Object attributes: text-input-type:time
Depends on UI design of implementation. The UI in Windows 10 Edge, for Example, is a composit of multiple spinners.

Role: ATK_ROLE_SPINBUTTON if implemented as a simple widget.
If implemented as a complex widget use:
Role: ROLE_PANEL and map child controls as appropriate.

AXRole: AXTimeField
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "time field"
input (type attribute in the URL state with no suggestions source element) textbox role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Object attributes: text-input-type:url
Control Type: Edit
Localized Control Type: "url"
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
input (type attribute in the Week state) No corresponding role
Object attributes: text-input-type:week
Depends on UI design of implementation. The UI in Windows 10 Edge, for Example, is a composit of multiple spinners.
AXRole: AXTextField
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "text field"
ins No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attributes of the TextRange Control Pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
kbd No corresponding role
No accessible object.
Text attributes: font-family:monospace on the text container
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attribute identifiers of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Mapped into "font-family:monospace" text attribute on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
keygen listbox role, with the aria-multiselectable property set to "false"
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
label No corresponding role
Relations: IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR with a form control that is child to the label or referred to by the label element's for attribute. The associated form element has IA2_RELATION_LABELLED_BY pointing to the label.
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2
Control Type: Text
Other properties: When the label element contains an input element, the LabeledBy property for the input element points to the UIA element for the label element.

When the label element has a for attribute referencing another element, the LabeledBy property for the referenced element points to the UIA element for the label element.

Relations: ATK_RELATION_LABEL_FOR for a child form element or form element referred by for attribute. Note, related form element provides ATK_RELATION_LABELLED_BY pointing to the label.
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
legend No corresponding role
Relations: IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR with the parent fieldset
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2
Control Type: Text
Other properties: The LabeledBy property for the parent fieldset points to the UIA element for the legend element.
Relations: ATK_RELATION_LABEL_FOR with parent fieldset element
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
li (parent is an ol or ul) listitem role with aria-setsize value reflecting number of li elements within the parent ol or ul and aria-posinset value reflecting the li elements position within the set.
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
li (parent is a menu) listitem role with aria-setsize value reflecting number of li elements within the parent menu and aria-posinset value reflecting the li elements position within the set.
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
main main role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
map No corresponding role
Not mapped if used as an image map. Otherwise,
Not mapped
Not mapped if used as an image map, otherwise:
Not mapped
mark No corresponding role

Object attributes: xml-roles:mark

Styles used are mapped to text attributes on the accessible object.

Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;

Control Type: Text
Localized Control Type: "mark"


Object attributes: xml-roles:mark

Styles used are mapped to text attributes on the accessible object.

Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext


AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: ?
AXRoleDescription: "highlighted content"
math math role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
menu (type attribute in the popup menu state) menu role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
menuitem (type attribute in the Checkbox state) menuitemcheckbox role, with the aria-checked state set to "true" if the checked attribute is present, and "false" otherwise
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
menuitem (type attribute in the Command state) menuitem role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
menuitem (type attribute in the Radio state) menuitemradio role, with the aria-checked state set to "true" if the checked attribute is present, and "false" otherwise
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
meta No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
meter No corresponding role
Interfaces: IAccessibleValue
Control Type: Progressbar
Localized Control Type: meter
Control Pattern: RangeValue
Properties: RangeValue.IsReadOnly = True
Control Pattern: Value
Properties: Value.Value is the result of optimal calculation, expressed as a localized string denoting relative levels of goodness. For example, Edge uses "Good" when the meter would be colored green, "Fair" when it would be colored yellow, and "Poor" when it would be colored red.
Interfaces: AtkValue
Properties: AtkRange
AXRole: AXProgressIndicator
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "Progress Indicator"
nav navigation role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
noscript No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
object No corresponding role
Depends on format of data file. If it contains a plugin then,
States: STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE for windowless plugin
Depends on format of data file.
Depends on format of data file. If contains a plugin then
Depends on format of data file.
ol list role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
optgroup group role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
option (in a list of options or represents a suggestion in a datalist) option role, with the aria-selected state set to "true" if the element's selectedness is true, or "false" otherwise.
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
output status role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Control Type: Group
Control Type: "output"
LiveSetting: Polite
ControllerFor: points to elements referenced by the for attribute
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
p No corresponding role
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2
Control Type: Text
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
param No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
picture No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
pre No corresponding role
Styles used are mapped to text attributes on the parent accessible object.
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2
Control Type: Text ??Group??
Styles used are mapped to text attributes on the accessible object.
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
progress progressbar role, with, if the progress bar is determinate, the aria-valuemax property set to the maximum value of the progress bar, the aria-valuemin property set to zero, and the aria-valuenow property set to the current value of the progress bar
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
q No corresponding role
Children: ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT wrapped by quote marks using ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2
Control Type: Text ??Group??
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
rp No corresponding role
No accessible object. No child elements are exposed if ruby is supported by the browser.
Control Type: Text ??Group??
No accessible object. No child elements are exposed if ruby is supported by the browser.
rt No corresponding role
No accessible object. No child elements are exposed if ruby is supported by the browser.
Control Type: Text
No accessible object.
ruby No corresponding role
Control Type: Text ??Group??
s No corresponding role
No accessible object.
Text attributes: text-line-through-style:solid on the text container
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attribute identifiers of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Exposed as "text-line-through-style:solid" text attribute on the text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
samp No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attribute identifiers of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
script No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
section region role if the section element has an accessible name. Otherwise, no corresponding role.
If the section element has an accessible name, use WAI-ARIA mapping. Otherwise:
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2;
If the section element has an accessible name:
Control Type: Group
Localized Control Type: "section" (all lower-case)
Landmark Type: Custom
Localized Landmark Type: "region" (all lower-case)
Control Type: Group
If the section element has an accessible name, use WAI-ARIA mapping. Otherwise:
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext
If the section element has an accessible name, use WAI-ARIA mapping. Otherwise:
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
select (with a multiple attribute or size attribute having value greater than 1) listbox role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
select (with NO multiple attribute and NO size attribute having value greater than 1) combobox role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
small No corresponding role
No accessible object.
Text attributes: font-size on the text container
No accessible object. Exposed by UIA_FontSizeAttributeId of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Exposed as "font-size" text attribute on the text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
source No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
span No corresponding role
Not mapped
Control Type: Group
Not mapped
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
strong No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attribute identifiers of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped into text attributes on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
style No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
sub No corresponding role
No accessible object.
Text attributes: text-position:sub on the text container
No accessible object. Exposed by UIA_IsSubscriptAttributeId of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Exposed as "text-position:sub" text attribute on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: AXSubscriptStyleGroup
AXRoleDescription: "group"
summary No corresponding role
Actions: expand / collapse
Control Type: Button
Control Pattern: ExpandCollapse
AXRole: AXDisclosureTriangle
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "disclosure triangle"
sup No corresponding role
No accessible object.
Text attributes: text-position:super on the text container
No accessible object. Exposed by UIA_IsSuperscriptAttributeId of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Exposed as "text-position:super" text attribute on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: AXSuperscriptStyleGroup
AXRoleDescription: "group"
svg No corresponding role
Control Type: Image
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
table table role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
tbody rowgroup role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
td (ancestor table element has table role) cell role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
td (ancestor table element has grid role) gridcell role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
template No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
textarea textbox role, with the aria-multiline property set to "true"
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
tfoot rowgroup role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
th (is neither column header nor row header, and ancestor table element has table role) cell role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
th (is neither column header nor row header, and ancestor table element has grid role) gridcell role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
th (is a column header) columnheader role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
th (is a row header) rowheader role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
thead rowgroup role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Control Type: Header
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
time No corresponding role
Object attributes: xml-roles:time; datetime:value of the time element's datetime attribute
Interfaces: IAccessibleText2; IAccessibleHypertext2
Control Type: Text
Localized Control Type: "time"
Other properties: Set FullDescription to the value of the time element's datetime attribute.
Note: create a separate UIA Control of type Text. This is different from most UIA text mappings, which only create ranges in the page text pattern.


Object attributes: xml-roles:time; datetime:value of the time element's datetime attribute
Interfaces: AtkText; AtkHypertext


AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: AXTimeGroup
AXRoleDescription: "group"
title No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
tr row role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Generally not mapped. If the element must be included per Core-AAM Section 5.1.2, map as Group.
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
track No corresponding role
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
u No corresponding role
No accessible object. Exposed as "text-underline-style:solid" text attribute on its text container.
No accessible object. Exposed by UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Exposed as "text-underline-style:solid" text attribute on its text container.
ul list role
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
var No corresponding role
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped to text attributes on its text container.
No accessible object. Styles used are exposed by UIA text attribute identifiers of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
No accessible object. Styles used are mapped to text attributes on its text container.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
video No corresponding role
Control Type: Group
If the controls attribute is present, each control is a child in the UIA tree, and mapped as button, slider, etc. as appropriate for the type of control.
Loading and error text objects, along with any control not currently displayed, MAY be present in the UIA and marked as hidden or off-screen.
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"
Note: UI controls within the video element exposed as AXToolbar.
wbr No corresponding role
If a line break is added, expose it with IAccessibleText on the text container
Not mapped
A line break if added is exposed via Text interface on its text container
AXRole: AXGroup
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: "group"

4.5 HTML Attribute State and Property Mappings


Mappings of HTML attributes (excluding event handler content attributes) to platform accessibility APIs: ARIA, MSAA + UIA Express, MSAA + IAccessible2, UIA, ATK, and AX
Attribute Element(s) WAI-ARIA MSAA + IAccessible2 UIA ATK AX Comments
abbr th Not mapped
Object attributes: "abbr" until child abbr element is provided
Object attributes: "abbr" until child abbr element is provided
accept input Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
accept-charset form Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
accesskey HTML elements Not mapped
a key binding accessible by accKeyboardShortcut and IAccessibleAction::keyBinding
If the value of the accesskey attribute is a single character, AccessKey.
AXAccessKey: <value>  
action form Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
allowfullscreen iframe
Not mapped
Not mapped
alt area; img; input Not mapped Used for accessible name, exposed via accName
Properties: Name
Used for accessible name, exposed via atk_object_get_name
AXDescription: <value>  
async script Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
autocomplete "on|off" form


Note: the ARIA attribute and the HTML attribute have disparate features.

States: STATE_SUPPORTS_AUTOCOMPLETION on text form controls unitl the value is overriden by control
Not mapped
States: ATK_STATE_SUPPORTS_AUTOCOMPLETION on text form controls unitl the value is overriden by control
Not mapped If the element includes both autocomplete and aria-autocomplete attributes with valid values, User Agents MUST expose only the autocomplete attribute value.
autocomplete input; select; textarea


Note: the ARIA attribute and the HTML attribute have disparate features.

Not mapped
Not mapped  If the element includes both autocomplete and aria-autocomplete attributes with valid values, User Agents MUST expose only the autocomplete attribute value.
autofocus button; input; keygen; select; textarea Not mapped - aria-flowto?
Not mapped
Not mapped
autoplay audio; video Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
challenge keygen Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
charset meta Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
charset script Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
checked (if present) menuitem; input aria-checked (state)="true"
Expose as ToggleState property in Toggle control pattern
AXValue: 1 If the element includes both the checked attribute and the aria-checked attribute with a valid value, User Agents MUST expose only the checked attribute value.
checked (if absent) menuitem; input aria-checked (state)="false"
Not mapped
Expose as ToggleState property in Toggle control pattern.
Not mapped
AXValue: 0  
cite blockquote; del; ins; q  
Not mapped
Not mapped
AXURL: <value>  
class HTML elements Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
cols textarea  
Not mapped
Not mapped
AXRangeForLine: <value>  
colspan td; th aria-colspan
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
content meta Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
contenteditable HTML elements  
States: IA2_STATE_EDITABLE on this and every nested text accessible object
Interfaces: IAccessibleEditableText on this and every nested text accessible object
States: ATK_STATE_EDITABLE on this and every nested text accessible object
Interfaces: AtkEditableText on this and every nested text accessible object
? If the element has the contenteditable attribute and aria-readonly="true", User Agents MUST expose only the contenteditable state.
contextmenu HTML elements aria-haspopup="true"
Linked menu is available in browser's context menu on the element
Expose state of the pop-up activities in the ExpandCollapseState property in the ExpandCollapse control pattern.
Linked menu is available in browser's context menu on the element
Actions: AXShowMenu; AXPress
controls audio; video  
Not mapped
Not mapped
Controls exposed as AXToolbar  
coords area Not mapped
Defines an accessible object's dimensions (IAccessible::accLocation)
Defines an accessible object's dimensions, exposed via atk_component_get_position and atk_component_get_size
crossorigin audio; img; link; script; video Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
data object Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
datetime del; ins  
Object attributes: datetime: text content used as a value
Object attributes: datetime: text content used as a value
datetime time  
Object attributes: datetime: text content used as a value
Object attributes: datetime: text content used as a value
default track Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
defer script Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
dir HTML elements  
Exposed as "writing-mode" text attribute on the text container.
Exposed by UIA_TextFlowDirectionsAttributeId of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
Exposed as "writing-mode" text attribute on the text container.
dirname input; textarea  
Not mapped
Not mapped
disabled button; fieldset; input; keygen; menuitem; optgroup; option; select; textarea  aria-disabled="true"
States: No interactive states like ATK_STATE_FOCUSABLE
AXEnabled: NO  If the element includes both the disabled attribute and the aria-disabled attribute with a valid value, User Agents MUST expose only the disabled attribute value.
download a; area  
Not mapped
Not mapped
draggable HTML elements  
Object attributes: draggable:true
Object attributes: draggable:true
dropzone HTML elements  
Not mapped
Not mapped
enctype form Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
for label Not mapped
Used for accessible name
Relations: IA2_RELATION_LABEL_FOR and IA2_RELATION_LABEL_BY relations between label and referred element
Used for accessible name
Relations: ATK_RELATION_LABEL_FOR and ATK_RELATION_LABEL_BY relations between label and referred element
for output Not mapped
Relations: IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY with an element pointed by the attribute. Paired element exposes IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR relation.
Relations: ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY with an element pointed by the attribute. Paired element exposes ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR relation.
form button; fieldset; input; keygen; label; object; output; select; textarea Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
formaction button; input Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
formenctype button; input Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
formmethod button; input Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
formnovalidate button; input Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
formtarget button; input Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
headers td; th  
Links the cell to its header cells. Exposed via IAccessibleTableCell::rowHeaderCells and IAccessibleTableCell::columnHeaderCells.
Links the cell to its row and column header cells (note, only one row and one column header cells can be exposed because of API restrictions). See atk_table_get_row_header and atk_table_get_column_header.
Expose via AXColumnHeaderUIElements and AXRowHeaderUIElements  
height canvas; embed; iframe; img; input; object; video Not mapped
Defines an accessible object's height (IAccessible::accLocation)
Defines an accessible object's height (atk_component_get_size)
hidden HTML elements  
Excludes the element from being exposed in the accessibility tree.
Excludes the element from being exposed in the accessibility tree.
Excludes the element from being exposed in the accessibility tree

note: the text children of hidden elements will still appear in the Text Pattern, marked with the "hidden" text attribute. AT products should ignore this text.

Excludes the element from being exposed in the accessibility tree.
Not exposed in AX API  
high meter  
Not mapped
Not mapped
href a; area   Creates a link accessible object. For details, refer to a and area element mappings. The value of the href attribute is stored in the Value.Value UIA property.
Creates a link accessible object. For details, refer to a and area element mappings.
Creates a link accessible object. For details, refer to a and area element mappings. The value of the href attribute is stored in the Value.Value UIA property.
Creates a link accessible object. For details, refer to a and area element mappings.
AXURL: <value>  
hreflang a; area; link  
Not mapped
Not mapped
http-equiv meta Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
icon menuitem Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
id HTML elements Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
indeterminate [IDL] HTML elements; menuitem; input aria-checked (state)="mixed"
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
If the element has the indeterminate [IDL] set and the aria-checked attribute set, User Agents MUST expose only theindeterminate [IDL]state.
ismap img Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
keytype keygen Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
kind track  
Not mapped
Not mapped
label menuitem; menu; optgroup; option; track  
Associates the accessible name
The target element of the label attribute has a LabeledBy property pointing to the element with the label atrribute. Participates in name computation
Associates the accessible name
  See Also: Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1
lang HTML elements  
Exposed as "language" text attribute on the text container
The value of the lang attribute is exposed as a locale identifier by UIA_CulturePropertyID of the UIA element representing the HTML element, and by UIA_CultureAttributeId of the TextRange control pattern implemented on a parent accessible object.
Exposed as "language" text attribute on the text container
 AXLanguage: <value>

chrome OSX lang bug

IE lang bug

list input aria-controls
IA2_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR pointing to a datalist element referred by the list attribute.
ControllerFor pointing to a datalist element referred by the list attribute.
ATK_RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR pointing to a datalist element referred by the list attribute.
  Refer to datalist and input elements mapping.
longdesc img, frame, iframe No
Actions: showlongdesc (exposed on img only)
Not mapped
Actions: showlongdesc (exposed on img only)
Not mapped
IE 8+ populates the accdescription with the value of the longdesc attribute. This is brittle as it is overwritten when aria-describedby is used.
loop audio; video Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
low meter  
Not mapped
Not mapped
max input  
Exposed as IAccessibleValue::maximumValue if the element implements the interface
Exposed as atk_value_get_maximum_value if the element implements the AtkValue interface
AXMaxValue: <value>  
max meter; progress  
Exposed as IAccessibleValue::maximumValue if the element implements the interface
Exposed as atk_value_get_maximum_value if the element implements the AtkValue interface
AXMaxValue: <value>  
maxlength input; textarea  
Not mapped
Not mapped
media link; source; style  
Not mapped
Not mapped
method form Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
min input  
Exposed as IAccessibleValue::minimumValue if the element implements the interface
Exposed as atk_value_get_minimum_value if the element implements the AtkValue interface
AXMinValue: <value>  
min meter  
Exposed as IAccessibleValue::minimumValue if the element implements the interface
Exposed as atk_value_get_minimum_value if the element implements the AtkValue interface
AXMinValue: <value>  
multiple input ? ? ? ? ?
multiple select aria-multiselectable="true"
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
muted audio; video Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
name button; fieldset; input; keygen; output; select; textarea Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
name form Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
name iframe; object Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
name map Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
name meta Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
name param Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
novalidate form Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
open details aria-expanded="true | false" STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED
States: ATK_STATE_COLLAPSED or ATK_STATE_EXPANDED depending on the attribute value
AXExpanded: YES|NO Set properties on the summary element.
open dialog aria-expanded="true | false" STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED
States: ATK_STATE_COLLAPSED or ATK_STATE_EXPANDED depending on the attribute value
AXExpanded: YES|NO
optimum meter  
Not mapped
Not mapped
pattern input  
States: IA2_STATE_INVALID_ENTRY if value doesn't meet the pattern
States: ATK_STATE_INVALID_ENTRY if value doesn't meet the pattern
placeholder input; textarea aria-placeholder
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
When the placeholder and aria-placeholder attributes are both present, and the placeholder attribute's value is non-empty, user agents MUST expose the value of the placeholder attribute, and ignore aria-placeholder. If the placeholder attribute's value is empty, then user agents MUST expose the value of the aria-placeholder attribute.
poster video  
Not mapped
Not mapped
preload audio; video  
Not mapped
Not mapped
radiogroup menuitem  
Not mapped
Not mapped
readonly input; textarea  
Adds STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY bit to input and textarea elements
Removes ATK_STATE_EDITABLE bit bit from input and textarea elements
AXEnabled: NO  
rel a; area; link  
Not mapped
Not mapped
required input; select; textarea aria-required

Not mapped *


Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
reversed ol  
Reverses the numbering of the child list item accessible objects.
Reverses the order of the child list items in the accessibility tree and reverses the numbering of the child list items.
Reverses the numbering of the child list item accessible objects.
rows textarea  
Not mapped
Not mapped
rowspan td; th aria-rowspan
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
Use WAI-ARIA mapping
sandbox iframe  
Not mapped
Not mapped
scope th  
Defines whether the element is a row or column header (refer to th element)
Defines whether the element is a row or column header (refer to th element)
selected option  
States: STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED; if the container widget has DOM focus then STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED (refer to option element)
States: ATK_STATE_SELECTED; if the container widget has DOM focus then ATK_STATE_FOCUSED (refer to option element)
shape area  
Not mapped
Not mapped
size input; select  
If greater than 1, then creates a listbox accessible object. Refer to select element for details.
If greater than 1, then creates a listbox accessible object. Refer to select element for details.
sizes link  
Not mapped
Not mapped
span col; colgroup  
exposed as IAccessibleTableCell::columnExtent on all cells at the column
Exposed via atk_table_get_column_extent_at
spellcheck HTML elements  
Mapped to "invalid" text attribute on the text container
Mapped to "invalid" text attribute on the text container
src audio; embed; iframe; img; input; script; source; track; video  
Object attributes: src on img only
Object attributes: src on img only
srcdoc iframe  
Not mapped
Not mapped
srclang track  
Not mapped
Not mapped
start ol  
Changes the first number of the child list item accessible objects to match the start attribute's value.
Changes the first number of the child list item accessible objects to match the start attribute's value.
step input  
Not mapped
If the input is in the Range state, set both RangeValue.SmallChange and RangeValue.LargeChange to the value of step
Exposed as atk_value_get_minimum_increment if the element implements the AtkValue interface
style HTML elements Not mapped
Refer to CSS accessibility mapping
Refer to CSS accessibility mapping
tabindex HTML elements Not mapped
States: STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE; when the element has DOM focus then STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED
States: ATK_STATE_FOCUSABLE; when the element has DOM focus then ATK_STATE_FOCUSED
target a; area  
Not mapped
Not mapped
target base  
Not mapped
Not mapped
target form  
Not mapped
Not mapped
title HTML elements  
Associates the accessible name or if it was provided otherwise then accessible description
Associates the accessible name or if it was provided otherwise then accessible description
AXHelp: <value>  
title abbr; dfn  
Associates the accessible name
Associates the accessible name
AXHelp: <value>  
title menuitem  
Associates the accessible name or if it was provided otherwise then accessible description
Associates the accessible name or if it was provided otherwise then accessible description
AXHelp: <value>  
title link; style  
Not mapped
Not mapped
Not mapped
translate HTML elements  
Not mapped
Not mapped
type button  
submit type may be a default button in the form
submit type may be a default button in the form
type button; input  
Defines the accessible role, states and other properties, refer to type=" text", type=" password", type=" button", etc
Defines the accessible role, states and other properties, refer to type=" text", type=" password", type=" button", etc
type menuitem  
Defines the accessible role and states, refer to type=" command"
Defines the accessible role and states: type=" command"
type embed; object; script; source; style  
Not mapped
Not mapped
type menu  
Not mapped
Not mapped
typemustmatch object  
Not mapped
Not mapped
usemap img; object  
Responsible for image map creation, refer to img element
Responsible for image map creation, refer to img element
value button; option  
Not mapped
Not mapped
value input  
Associates the accessible value for entry type input elements and accessible name for button type input elements
Associates the accessible value for entry type input elements and accessible name for button type input elements
Associates the accessible value for entry type input elements and accessible name for button type input elements
AXValue: <value>  
value li  
Exposed as first text node of li's accessible object.
Expose the value of the value attribute as the first text node in the list item. If the value of the value attribute is an iteger, set the UIA PositionInSet property to the integer value.
Exposed as first text node of li's accessible object.
Exposed as AXValue: <value> with accessible object:
AXRole: AXLlistMarker
AXSubrole: (nil)
AXRoleDescription: list marker
value meter; progress  
Exposed as IAccessibleValue::currentValue
Exposed as atk_value_get_current_value
AXValue: <value>  
value param  
Not mapped
Not mapped
width canvas; embed; iframe; img; input; object; video  
Defines an accessible object's width (IAccessible::accLocation)
Defines an accessible object's width (atk_component_get_size)
AXSize: w=n  
wrap textarea  
Not mapped
Not mapped

5. Accessible Name and Description Computation

The terms accessible name and accessible description are properties provided in all accessibility APIs. The name of the properties may differ across APIs but they serve the same function: as a container for a short (name) or longer (description) string of text.

The text alternative computation is used to generate both the accessible name and accessible description. There are different rules provided for several different types of elements, nodes, and combinations of markup.

5.1 input type="text", input type="password", input type="search", input type="tel", input type="url" and textarea Element

5.1.1 input type="text", input type="password", input type="search", input type="tel", input type="email", input type="url" and textarea Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the control has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the associated label element(s) accessible name(s) - if more than one label is associated; concatenate by DOM order, delimited by spaces.
  3. Otherwise use the title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.1.2 input type="text", input type="password", input type="search", input type="tel", input type="email", input type="url" and textarea Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name.
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.2 input type="button", input type="submit" and input type="reset"

5.2.1 input type="button" , input type="submit" and input type="reset" Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the control has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the value attribute
  3. For input type=submit: If steps 1 to 2 do not yield a usable text string, the accessible name is a localized string of the word "submit"
  4. For input type=reset: If steps 1 to 2 do not yield a usable text string, the accessible name is a localized string of the word "reset"
  5. Otherwise use title attribute
  6. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.2.2 input type="button" , input type="submit" and input type="reset" Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the value attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.3 input type="image"

5.3.1 input type="image" Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the control has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use alt attribute
  3. Otherwise use value attribute
  4. Otherwise the user agent may provide an accessible name via a localized string of the phrase "Submit Query"
  5. Otherwise use title attribute
  6. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.3.2 input type="image" Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name.
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.4 button Element

5.4.1 button Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the button element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the button element subtree
  3. Otherwise use title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.4.2 button Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. use aria-describedby
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name.

5.5 fieldset and legend Elements

5.5.1 fieldset Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the fieldset element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use legend subtree
  3. Otherwise use title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.5.2 fieldset Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the fieldset element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.6 output Element

5.6.1 output Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the output element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the output element subtree
  3. Otherwise use title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.6.2 output Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. use aria-describedby
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name.
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.7 Other Form Elements

5.7.1 Other Form Elements Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the control has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use label element
  3. Otherwise use title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.7.2 Other Form Elements Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name.
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.8 summary Element

5.8.1 summary Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the summary element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use summary element subtree
  3. Otherwise use title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string the user agent should provide its own text string (e.g. "Details")

5.8.2 summary Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use summary element subtree if not used as the accessible name
  3. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.9 figure and figcaption Elements

5.9.1 figure Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the figure element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use figcaption subtree
  3. Otherwise use title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.9.2 figure Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.10 img Element

5.10.1 img Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the img element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use alt attribute
  3. Otherwise use title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

If the img element is exposed in the accessibility tree and the computed text alternative is empty, then check for the presence of role="presentation" or any labeling attribute that specifies an empty label, specifically aria-label, aria-labelledby, alt or title. The presence of any of these indicates the author's intention to indicate that the img is decorative or redundant. In this case, the user agent must set the name to an empty string. If none of these attributes are present, this indicates the author simply did not provide an accessible label for the image, and the implementation must return an accessible name of NULL instead of an empty string if the accessibility API supports it. This hints to the assistive technology to do its own heuristic processing to repair the missing accessible name.

5.10.2 img Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.11 table Element

5.11.1 table Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the table element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use caption element
  3. Otherwise use the title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.11.2 table Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the caption element if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.12 a Element

5.12.1 a Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the a element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use a element subtree
  3. Otherwise use the title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.12.2 a Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.13 iframe Element

5.13.1 iframe Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

The document referenced by the src of the iframe element gets its name from that document's title element, like any other document. If there is no title provided, there is no accessible name.

5.13.2 iframe Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.14 Section Elements and Grouping Content Elements Not listed Elsewhere

5.14.1 Section and Grouping Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.14.2 Section and Grouping Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

5.15 Text Level Elements Not listed Elsewhere

em, strong, small, s, cite, q, dfn, abbr, time, code, var, samp, kbd, sub and sup, i, b, u, mark, ruby, rt, rp, bdi, bdo, br, wbr

5.15.1 Text Level Element Accessible Name Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-label or an aria-labelledby attribute the accessible name is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the text element's subtree
  3. Otherwise use the title attribute
  4. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible name

5.15.2 Text Level Element Accessible Description Computation

  1. If the element has an aria-describedby attribute the accessible description is to be calculated using the algorithm defined in Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1.
  2. Otherwise use the title attribute if it wasn't used as the accessible name
  3. If none of the above yield a usable text string there is no accessible description

6. Accessible Feature Implementation Examples

This section is non-normative.

6.1 summary and details Elements

6.1.1 Focus and Keyboard Interaction

The summary element should be focusable by default.

The details element should not focusable by default.

Pressing the spacebar or enter key when the summary element has focus will show the details element content if the content is hidden. If the details element content is showing and the summary element has focus, pressing the spacebar or enter key will hide the details element content.

6.1.2 Role, Name, State and Property Mapping

The summary element should be mapped to a disclosure triangle role in accessibility APIs that have such a role. For example the Mac accessibility API includes the AXDisclosureTriangle role. In accessibility APIs that do not have such a fine grained role, the summary element should be mapped to a button role. The role mapping table contains recommended mappings for the summary element.

The default accessible name for the summary element is the text content of the summary element.

When the details element content is hidden, the state of the content should be reflected by an accessible state or property.

Example 1: In the Mac accessibility API on the summary element (AXDisclosureTriangle), set AXExpanded property to NO. When the details element content is shown, on the summary element (AXDisclosureTriangle), set theAXExpanded property to YES. The hidden and shown states of the details element content is reflected by the absence or presence of the open attribute.

Example 2: In the IA2 accessibility API on the summary element (ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON), set STATE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSED. When the details element content is shown, on the summary element (ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON), set STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED. The hidden and shown states of the details element content is reflected by the absence or presence of the open attribute.

6.2 The figure and figcaption Elements

Editor's Note

to do

A. Appendices

A.1 Change Log

A.1.1 Substantive changes since moving entirely to the Web Platform Working Group (01-Oct-2016)

  • 01-May-2017: Updated AX API mapping for time element. See GitHub issue #88.
  • 27-Apr-2017: Updated UIA mappings for lang and dir attributes. See GitHub issue #19.
  • 19-Apr-2017: Updated mapping for colspan and rowspan attributes. See GitHub issue #56 and issue #57.
  • 03-Apr-2017: Updated mapping for section element. See GitHub issue #79.
  • 23-Dec-2016: No mapping for datalist element if not linked with input element. See GitHub issue #26.
  • 23-Dec-2016: Updated IA2 mapping for list attribute. See GitHub issue #21.
  • 22-Dec-2016: Sync mappings for footer and header elements. See GitHub issue #59.
  • 22-Dec-2016: Updated IA2 mapping for input@type='date' attribute. See GitHub issue #61.
  • 22-Dec-2016: Updated IA2 mapping for input@type='file' element. See GitHub issue #62.
  • 22-Dec-2016: Updated IA2 mapping for summary element. See GitHub issue #64.
  • 14-Dec-2016: Updated wording distinguishing when header and footer elements are or are not ARIA landmarks. See GitHub issue #65.
  • 07-Dec-2016: Modified aria-multiselectable mapping for datalist to reflect listbox selection model. See GitHub issue #71.
  • 07-Dec-2016: Mappings for the multiple attribute on input and select elements. See GitHub issue #72.
  • 27-Nov-2016: Added implementation rules for the checked, contenteditable, disabled, and indeterminate attributes.
  • 21-Nov-2016: Removed placeholder attribute from accessible description computation for various input elements.

A.2 Acknowledgments

This section is non-normative.

The following people contributed to the development of this document.

A.2.1 Participants active in the HTML Accessibility Task Force active at the time of publication

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A.2.2 Enabling funders

This publication has been funded in part with U.S. Federal funds from the Department of Education, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), initially under contract number ED-OSE-10-C-0067 and currently under contract number HHSP23301500054C. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

B. References

B.1 Normative references

Accessible Name and Description: Computation and API Mappings 1.1. Joseph Scheuhammer; Michael Cooper; Andi Snow-Weaver; Aaron Leventhal et al. W3C. W3C Working Draft. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/accname-aam-1.1/
Core Accessibility API Mappings 1.1. Joseph Scheuhammer; Michael Cooper; Andi Snow-Weaver; Aaron Leventhal et al. W3C. W3C Working Draft. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/core-aam-1.1/
HTML5. Ian Hickson; Robin Berjon; Steve Faulkner; Travis Leithead; Erika Doyle Navara; Theresa O'Connor; Silvia Pfeiffer. W3C. 28 October 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
HTML 5.1. Steve Faulkner; Arron Eicholz; Travis Leithead; Alex Danilo. W3C. 1 November 2016. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/
Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner. IETF. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1. James Craig; Michael Cooper; Shane McCarron et al. W3C. W3C Working Draft. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/

B.2 Informative references

Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface. The GNOME Project. URL: https://developer.gnome.org/libatspi/stable/
ATK - Accessibility Toolkit. The GNOME Project. URL: https://developer.gnome.org/atk/stable/
The Mac OS X Accessibility Protocol Mac OS 10.10. Apple Corporation. URL: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Protocols/NSAccessibility_Protocol/index.html
HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0. Steve Faulkner; Jason Kiss; Cynthia Shelly; Alexander Surkov et al. W3C. W3C Working Draft. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/html-aam-1.0/
IAccessible2. Linux Foundation. URL: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/accessibility/iaccessible2
Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) 2.0. Microsoft Corporation. URL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms697707.aspx
SVG2 Accessibility API Mappings 1.0. Amelia Bellamy-Royds; Richard Schwerdtfeger et al. W3C. W3C Working Draft. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/svg-aam-1.0/
UI Automation. Microsoft Corporation. URL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee684009%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
The IAccessibleEx Interface. Microsoft Corporation. URL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd561898%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
WAI-ARIA 1.0 User Agent Implementation Guide. Joseph Scheuhammer; Michael Cooper. W3C. 20 March 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-implementation/
WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices. Joseph Scheuhammer; Michael Cooper. W3C. 14 July 2016. W3C Working Draft. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Ben Caldwell; Michael Cooper; Loretta Guarino Reid; Gregg Vanderheiden et al. W3C. 11 December 2008. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/