Appendix H: ECMAScript Language Binding
This appendix contains the complete ECMAScript [ECMAScript] binding for the Level 3 Document Object Model Core
H.1 ECMAScript Binding Extension
This section defines the DOMImplementationRegistry
discussed in Bootstrapping, for ECMAScript.
- Objects that implements the DOMImplementationRegistry
- DOMImplementationRegistry is a global variable
which has the following functions:
- getDOMImplementation(features)
- This method returns the first registered object
that implements the DOMImplementation
interface and has the desired features, or
null if none is found.
features parameter is a String. See
- getDOMImplementationList(features)
- This method returns a
list of registered object
that implements the DOMImplementation
interface and has the desired features.
features parameter is a String. See
H.2 Other Core interfaces
- Properties of the DOMException Constructor function:
The value of the constant DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR is 1.
The value of the constant DOMException.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR is 2.
The value of the constant DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR is 3.
The value of the constant DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR is 4.
The value of the constant DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR is 5.
The value of the constant DOMException.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR is 6.
The value of the constant DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is 7.
The value of the constant DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR is 8.
The value of the constant DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR is 9.
The value of the constant DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR is 10.
The value of the constant DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR is 11.
The value of the constant DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR is 12.
The value of the constant DOMException.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR is 13.
The value of the constant DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR is 14.
The value of the constant DOMException.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR is 15.
The value of the constant DOMException.VALIDATION_ERR is 16.
The value of the constant DOMException.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR is 17.
- Objects that implement the DOMException interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the DOMException interface:
- code
This property is
a Number.
- Objects that implement the DOMStringList interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the DOMStringList interface:
- length
This read-only property is a Number.
- Functions of objects that implement the DOMStringList interface:
- item(index)
- This function returns a String.
The index parameter is a Number.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the item function with that index.
- contains(str)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The str parameter is a String.
- Objects that implement the NameList interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the NameList interface:
- length
This read-only property is a Number.
- Functions of objects that implement the NameList interface:
- getName(index)
- This function returns a String.
The index parameter is a Number.
- getNamespaceURI(index)
- This function returns a String.
The index parameter is a Number.
- contains(name)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The name parameter is a String.
- containsNS(namespaceURI, name)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The name parameter is a String.
- Objects that implement the DOMImplementationList interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the DOMImplementationList interface:
- length
This read-only property is a Number.
- Functions of objects that implement the DOMImplementationList interface:
- item(index)
- This function returns an object that implements the DOMImplementation interface.
The index parameter is a Number.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the item function with that index.
- Objects that implement the DOMImplementationSource interface:
- Functions of objects that implement the DOMImplementationSource interface:
- getDOMImplementation(features)
- This function returns an object that implements the DOMImplementation interface.
The features parameter is a String.
- getDOMImplementationList(features)
- This function returns an object that implements the DOMImplementationList interface.
The features parameter is a String.
- Objects that implement the DOMImplementation interface:
- Functions of objects that implement the DOMImplementation interface:
- hasFeature(feature, version)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The feature parameter is a String.
The version parameter is a String.
- createDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId)
- This function returns an object that implements the DocumentType interface.
The qualifiedName parameter is a String.
The publicId parameter is a String.
The systemId parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- createDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype)
- This function returns an object that implements the Document interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The qualifiedName parameter is a String.
The doctype parameter is an object that implements the DocumentType interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- getFeature(feature, version)
- This function returns an object that implements the Object interface.
The feature parameter is a String.
The version parameter is a String.
- Objects that implement the DocumentFragment interface:
- Objects that implement the DocumentFragment interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface.
- Objects that implement the Document interface:
- Objects that implement the Document interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the Document interface:
- doctype
This read-only property is an object that implements the DocumentType interface.
- implementation
This read-only property is an object that implements the DOMImplementation interface.
- documentElement
This read-only property is an object that implements the Element interface.
- inputEncoding
This read-only property is a String.
- xmlEncoding
This read-only property is a String.
- xmlStandalone
This property is a Boolean and can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on setting.
- xmlVersion
This property is a String and can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on setting.
- strictErrorChecking
This property is a Boolean.
- documentURI
This property is a String.
- domConfig
This read-only property is an object that implements the DOMConfiguration interface.
- Functions of objects that implement the Document interface:
- createElement(tagName)
- This function returns an object that implements the Element interface.
The tagName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- createDocumentFragment()
- This function returns an object that implements the DocumentFragment interface.
- createTextNode(data)
- This function returns an object that implements the Text interface.
The data parameter is a String.
- createComment(data)
- This function returns an object that implements the Comment interface.
The data parameter is a String.
- createCDATASection(data)
- This function returns an object that implements the CDATASection interface.
The data parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- createProcessingInstruction(target, data)
- This function returns an object that implements the ProcessingInstruction interface.
The target parameter is a String.
The data parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- createAttribute(name)
- This function returns an object that implements the Attr interface.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- createEntityReference(name)
- This function returns an object that implements the EntityReference interface.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- getElementsByTagName(tagname)
- This function returns an object that implements the NodeList interface.
The tagname parameter is a String.
- importNode(importedNode, deep)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The importedNode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
The deep parameter is a Boolean.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
- This function returns an object that implements the Element interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The qualifiedName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
- This function returns an object that implements the Attr interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The qualifiedName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This function returns an object that implements the NodeList interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
- getElementById(elementId)
- This function returns an object that implements the Element interface.
The elementId parameter is a String.
- adoptNode(source)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The source parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- normalizeDocument()
- This function has no return value.
- renameNode(n, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The n parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The qualifiedName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- Properties of the Node Constructor function:
The value of the constant Node.ELEMENT_NODE is 1.
The value of the constant Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE is 2.
The value of the constant Node.TEXT_NODE is 3.
The value of the constant Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE is 4.
The value of the constant Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE is 5.
The value of the constant Node.ENTITY_NODE is 6.
The value of the constant Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE is 7.
The value of the constant Node.COMMENT_NODE is 8.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_NODE is 9.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE is 10.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE is 11.
The value of the constant Node.NOTATION_NODE is 12.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED is 0x01.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING is 0x02.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING is 0x04.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS is 0x08.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY is 0x10.
The value of the constant Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC is 0x20.
- Objects that implement the Node interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the Node interface:
- nodeName
This read-only property is a String.
- nodeValue
This property is a String, can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on setting and can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on retrieval.
- nodeType
This read-only property is a Number.
- parentNode
This read-only property is an object that implements the Node interface.
- childNodes
This read-only property is an object that implements the NodeList interface.
- firstChild
This read-only property is an object that implements the Node interface.
- lastChild
This read-only property is an object that implements the Node interface.
- previousSibling
This read-only property is an object that implements the Node interface.
- nextSibling
This read-only property is an object that implements the Node interface.
- attributes
This read-only property is an object that implements the NamedNodeMap interface.
- ownerDocument
This read-only property is an object that implements the Document interface.
- namespaceURI
This read-only property is a String.
- prefix
This property is a String and can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on setting.
- localName
This read-only property is a String.
- baseURI
This read-only property is a String.
- textContent
This property is a String, can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on setting and can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on retrieval.
- Functions of objects that implement the Node interface:
- insertBefore(newChild, refChild)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
The refChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- replaceChild(newChild, oldChild)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
The oldChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- removeChild(oldChild)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The oldChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- appendChild(newChild)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- hasChildNodes()
- This function returns a Boolean.
- cloneNode(deep)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The deep parameter is a Boolean.
- normalize()
- This function has no return value.
- isSupported(feature, version)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The feature parameter is a String.
The version parameter is a String.
- hasAttributes()
- This function returns a Boolean.
- compareDocumentPosition(other)
- This function returns a Number.
The other parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- isSameNode(other)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The other parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
- lookupPrefix(namespaceURI)
- This function returns a String.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
- isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
- lookupNamespaceURI(prefix)
- This function returns a String.
The prefix parameter is a String.
- isEqualNode(arg)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The arg parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
- getFeature(feature, version)
- This function returns an object that implements the Object interface.
The feature parameter is a String.
The version parameter is a String.
- setUserData(key, data, handler)
- This function returns an object that implements the any type interface.
The key parameter is a String.
The data parameter is an object that implements the any type interface.
The handler parameter is an object that implements the UserDataHandler interface.
- getUserData(key)
- This function returns an object that implements the any type interface.
The key parameter is a String.
- Objects that implement the NodeList interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the NodeList interface:
- length
This read-only property is a Number.
- Functions of objects that implement the NodeList interface:
- item(index)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The index parameter is a Number.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the item function with that index.
- Objects that implement the NamedNodeMap interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the NamedNodeMap interface:
- length
This read-only property is a Number.
- Functions of objects that implement the NamedNodeMap interface:
- getNamedItem(name)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The name parameter is a String.
- setNamedItem(arg)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The arg parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- removeNamedItem(name)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- item(index)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The index parameter is a Number.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the item function with that index.
- getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- setNamedItemNS(arg)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The arg parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- removeNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This function returns an object that implements the Node interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- Objects that implement the CharacterData interface:
- Objects that implement the CharacterData interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the CharacterData interface:
- data
This property is a String, can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on setting and can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on retrieval.
- length
This read-only property is a Number.
- Functions of objects that implement the CharacterData interface:
- substringData(offset, count)
- This function returns a String.
The offset parameter is a Number.
The count parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- appendData(arg)
- This function has no return value.
The arg parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- insertData(offset, arg)
- This function has no return value.
The offset parameter is a Number.
The arg parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- deleteData(offset, count)
- This function has no return value.
The offset parameter is a Number.
The count parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- replaceData(offset, count, arg)
- This function has no return value.
The offset parameter is a Number.
The count parameter is a Number.
The arg parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- Objects that implement the Attr interface:
- Objects that implement the Attr interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the Attr interface:
- name
This read-only property is a String.
- specified
This read-only property is a Boolean.
- value
This property is a String and can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on setting.
- ownerElement
This read-only property is an object that implements the Element interface.
- schemaTypeInfo
This read-only property is an object that implements the TypeInfo interface.
- isId
This read-only property is a Boolean.
- Objects that implement the Element interface:
- Objects that implement the Element interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the Element interface:
- tagName
This read-only property is a String.
- schemaTypeInfo
This read-only property is an object that implements the TypeInfo interface.
- Functions of objects that implement the Element interface:
- getAttribute(name)
- This function returns a String.
The name parameter is a String.
- setAttribute(name, value)
- This function has no return value.
The name parameter is a String.
The value parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- removeAttribute(name)
- This function has no return value.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- getAttributeNode(name)
- This function returns an object that implements the Attr interface.
The name parameter is a String.
- setAttributeNode(newAttr)
- This function returns an object that implements the Attr interface.
The newAttr parameter is an object that implements the Attr interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)
- This function returns an object that implements the Attr interface.
The oldAttr parameter is an object that implements the Attr interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- getElementsByTagName(name)
- This function returns an object that implements the NodeList interface.
The name parameter is a String.
- getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This function returns a String.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value)
- This function has no return value.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The qualifiedName parameter is a String.
The value parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This function has no return value.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This function returns an object that implements the Attr interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr)
- This function returns an object that implements the Attr interface.
The newAttr parameter is an object that implements the Attr interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This function returns an object that implements the NodeList interface.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- hasAttribute(name)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The name parameter is a String.
- hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- setIdAttribute(name, isId)
- This function has no return value.
The name parameter is a String.
The isId parameter is a Boolean.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- setIdAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName, isId)
- This function has no return value.
The namespaceURI parameter is a String.
The localName parameter is a String.
The isId parameter is a Boolean.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- setIdAttributeNode(idAttr, isId)
- This function has no return value.
The idAttr parameter is an object that implements the Attr interface.
The isId parameter is a Boolean.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- Objects that implement the Text interface:
- Objects that implement the Text interface have all properties and functions of the CharacterData interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the Text interface:
- isElementContentWhitespace
This read-only property is a Boolean.
- wholeText
This read-only property is a String.
- Functions of objects that implement the Text interface:
- splitText(offset)
- This function returns an object that implements the Text interface.
The offset parameter is a Number.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- replaceWholeText(content)
- This function returns an object that implements the Text interface.
The content parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- Objects that implement the Comment interface:
- Objects that implement the Comment interface have all properties and functions of the CharacterData interface.
- Properties of the TypeInfo Constructor function:
The value of the constant TypeInfo.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION is 0x00000001.
The value of the constant TypeInfo.DERIVATION_EXTENSION is 0x00000002.
The value of the constant TypeInfo.DERIVATION_UNION is 0x00000004.
The value of the constant TypeInfo.DERIVATION_LIST is 0x00000008.
- Objects that implement the TypeInfo interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the TypeInfo interface:
- typeName
This read-only property is a String.
- typeNamespace
This read-only property is a String.
- Functions of objects that implement the TypeInfo interface:
- isDerivedFrom(typeNamespaceArg, typeNameArg, derivationMethod)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The typeNamespaceArg parameter is a String.
The typeNameArg parameter is a String.
The derivationMethod parameter is a Number.
- Properties of the UserDataHandler Constructor function:
- UserDataHandler.NODE_CLONED
The value of the constant UserDataHandler.NODE_CLONED is 1.
- UserDataHandler.NODE_IMPORTED
The value of the constant UserDataHandler.NODE_IMPORTED is 2.
- UserDataHandler.NODE_DELETED
The value of the constant UserDataHandler.NODE_DELETED is 3.
- UserDataHandler.NODE_RENAMED
The value of the constant UserDataHandler.NODE_RENAMED is 4.
- UserDataHandler.NODE_ADOPTED
The value of the constant UserDataHandler.NODE_ADOPTED is 5.
- Objects that implement the UserDataHandler interface:
- Functions of objects that implement the UserDataHandler interface:
- handle(operation, key, data, src, dst)
- This function has no return value.
The operation parameter is a Number.
The key parameter is a String.
The data parameter is an object that implements the any type interface.
The src parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
The dst parameter is an object that implements the Node interface.
- Properties of the DOMError Constructor function:
The value of the constant DOMError.SEVERITY_WARNING is 1.
The value of the constant DOMError.SEVERITY_ERROR is 2.
The value of the constant DOMError.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR is 3.
- Objects that implement the DOMError interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the DOMError interface:
- severity
This read-only property is a Number.
- message
This read-only property is a String.
- type
This read-only property is a String.
- relatedException
This read-only property is an object that implements the Object interface.
- relatedData
This read-only property is an object that implements the Object interface.
- location
This read-only property is an object that implements the DOMLocator interface.
- Objects that implement the DOMErrorHandler interface:
- Functions of objects that implement the DOMErrorHandler interface:
- handleError(error)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The error parameter is an object that implements the DOMError interface.
- Objects that implement the DOMLocator interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the DOMLocator interface:
- lineNumber
This read-only property is a Number.
- columnNumber
This read-only property is a Number.
- byteOffset
This read-only property is a Number.
- utf16Offset
This read-only property is a Number.
- relatedNode
This read-only property is an object that implements the Node interface.
- uri
This read-only property is a String.
- Objects that implement the DOMConfiguration interface:
- Properties of objects that implement the DOMConfiguration interface:
- parameterNames
This read-only property is an object that implements the DOMStringList interface.
- Functions of objects that implement the DOMConfiguration interface:
- setParameter(name, value)
- This function has no return value.
The name parameter is a String.
The value parameter is an object that implements the any type interface.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- getParameter(name)
- This function returns an object that implements the any type interface.
The name parameter is a String.
This function can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface.
- canSetParameter(name, value)
- This function returns a Boolean.
The name parameter is a String.
The value parameter is an object that implements the any type interface.
- Objects that implement the CDATASection interface:
- Objects that implement the CDATASection interface have all properties and functions of the Text interface.
- Objects that implement the DocumentType interface:
- Objects that implement the DocumentType interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the DocumentType interface:
- name
This read-only property is a String.
- entities
This read-only property is an object that implements the NamedNodeMap interface.
- notations
This read-only property is an object that implements the NamedNodeMap interface.
- publicId
This read-only property is a String.
- systemId
This read-only property is a String.
- internalSubset
This read-only property is a String.
- Objects that implement the Notation interface:
- Objects that implement the Notation interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the Notation interface:
- publicId
This read-only property is a String.
- systemId
This read-only property is a String.
- Objects that implement the Entity interface:
- Objects that implement the Entity interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the Entity interface:
- publicId
This read-only property is a String.
- systemId
This read-only property is a String.
- notationName
This read-only property is a String.
- inputEncoding
This read-only property is a String.
- xmlEncoding
This read-only property is a String.
- xmlVersion
This read-only property is a String.
- Objects that implement the EntityReference interface:
- Objects that implement the EntityReference interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface.
- Objects that implement the ProcessingInstruction interface:
- Objects that implement the ProcessingInstruction interface have all properties and functions of the Node interface as well as the properties and functions defined below.
- Properties of objects that implement the ProcessingInstruction interface:
- target
This read-only property is a String.
- data
This property is a String and can raise an object that implements the DOMException interface on setting.
In addition of having DOMConfiguration
exposed to the application using the setParameter
and getParameter
, those parameters are also exposed
as ECMAScript properties on the DOMConfiguration
object. The name of the parameter is converted into a property
name using a camel-case convention: the character '-'
(HYPHEN-MINUS) is removed and the following character is
being replaced by its uppercase equivalent.