Change History
The following summarizes the changes to the SVG 1.1
specification from the 30 October 2001
First Working Draft to the 8 January
2002 Second Working Draft.
Reorganisation to more closely follow the SVG 1.0
Recommendation chapters.
Many of the elements in the first draft were missing
attributes and/or had incorrect content models.
More description of the modularization process. Added section
describing profiling of SVG 1.1 using the modules. State that
the term "SVG" without qualification implies "SVG Full".
The 'use' element was added to the Tiny Structure Module.
Added a short mention of the lack of a complete self-contained
specification. The third public version of SVG 1.1 will
integrate this draft and the SVG 1.0 Recommendation.
Described the reasoning behind leaving viewport coordinates
out of SVG 1.1. They will be considered for SVG 2.0.
Removed the profile attribute and added the baseProfile
attribute. More work needed.
Added a link to the SVG 1.1 schema.
Added definition of Core Attributes set which contains id, xml:base,
xml:lang and xml:space. These attributes are on every element.
Renamed the Opacity and Graphics Attribute Sets (removed
"Tiny" prefix).
Added missing altGlyphDef, altGlyphItem and glyphRef elements
to Full Text Module.
The set of attributes on radialGradient in the first draft was
incorrect. This has been fixed.
Allow TextElement children in the Basic Clip Module.
Removed the Basic Mask module as there was no difference
between it and the Full Mask Module.
Removed marker attribute from Marker Attribute Set. It is a
shorthand property and as thus is not allowed as a
presentation attribute.
Added font-face-src, font-face-format, font-face-uri and
definition-src to Font modules.
Added the scripting module that was missing from the first draft.