Layout & HTML: an evaluation of proposed mechanisms

Håkon W Lie, Mar 27, 1996

Recently, several HTML layout languages have been proposed. This document discusses them and tries to evaluate their performance.

The mechanisms are:

To evaluate the different mechanisms, two sets of criteria are used. First, the mechanisms are measured against a set of commonly accepted HTML design goals:
  1. compatibility: is the HTML content presentable without layout-aware clients? It is important that new markup does not break existing implementations.
  2. reusability: is the layout reusable for other presentations? I.e., can the layout be separated from the HTML content? The separation of content and presentation has many documented advantages.
  3. scalability: does the presentation scale gracefully across a range of devices? E.g., will the presentation work well in a smaller or bigger window, or a window with a different aspect ratio? Will it work on different screen resolutions? Will it print well?
  4. fidelity: how well will the layout mechanism convey the intended design?
  5. readability: is it easy for a human to read -- and write -- the proposed markup?
Second, to see how well the mechanisms support common typography, a set of scenarios are used:
Cartoon: background image with overlaid text where the positioning of text is important.
Brochure: image and text elements are placed relative to each other, i.e., if the first text element grows vertically, the image position will be lowered accordingly. There is no text flow from one frame to another.
Windows: current window systems split the screen into scrollable windows. Unlike the window systems, the panes in this scenario cannot be overlapping. This scenario only works on a dynamic computer display.
Academia: an academic article often has footnotes and "balanced" double columns. The size of the footnote area will influence the other content.
Newspaper: multiple articles from multiple sources are combined in a multi-column design.
Magazine: a multi-column page with "insets" where text flows around on both sides.
Readers are encouraged to suggest other scenarios that better describe the needs of the web community.


The two tables below summarize how the various mechanisms perform against the given criteria.

HTML tables initially poorpoorgoodgoodpoor
Netscape frames fairpoorpossibledebatedfair
Microsoft 2D fairpoorpossibleunclearfair
CSS classic goodfairpossibleuncleargood?
CSS cherry goodgoodgooduncleargood??
Java applets pooruncleargoodunclearnone/poor

In the table below, "not feasible" means that an important feature for realizing a certain scenario is missing. E.g., without support for text flows, multi-column layouts are static and hard to achieve.

HTML tables noyesnonot feasiblenot feasiblenot feasible
Netscape frames nonot feasibleyesnonono
Microsoft 2D yesnot feasibleyesnot feasiblenot feasiblenot feasible
CSS classic yesnot feasibleyesyesyesyes
CSS cherry yesnot feasibleyesyesyesyes
Java applets yesyesyesyesyesyes

HTML tables

Layout was not the primary reason for adding tables to HTML, but tables are commonly used to achieve visual effects.

HTML design goals

compatibility: initially poor
when introduced, tables broke contemporary browsers. Tables are one of the main reasons behind content negotiation based on the User-agent field.
reusability: poor
layout and content are mixed in the HTML source
scalability: good
by default, tables will scale to the width of the canvas. In practice, tables are often given sizes in pixel units which freeze the presentation.
fidelity: good
authors seem happy with the visual effects tables offer.
readability: poor
Since the markup is mixed in with the content, table elements often span several screens of HTML markup.


cartoon: no
not possible in current implementations. When support for CSS1 is added, a table element can be given a background image, and a fixed size table could perceivably support this scenario
brochure: yes
Tables support this scenario very well. The HTML for the scenario example looks like:
<TR><TD>A brochure with..
<TR><TD><TD><IMG SRC-"fish.png">
<TR><TD>Note that there is...
windows: no
academia: not feasible
Not feasible since text cannot flow automatically from one table cell to another
newspaper: not feasible
Not feasible since text cannot flow automatically from one table cell to another
magazine: not feasible
Not feasible since text cannot flow automatically from one table cell to another

Netscape frames

This proposed mechanism is implemented in Netscape 2.0.

HTML design goals

compatibility: fair
Netscape propose a NOFRAMES element where non-frames browsers will find alternative content. The exact syntax of this element is debated.
reusability: poor
While the information about the frames are contained within HTML element, they are not mixed with content. Rather, they point to content with SRC attributes on the FRAME elements.
scalability: possible
Frames are by default sized in absolute pixel values, but percentage values and "relative scaling values" can also be used.
fidelity: debated
There are diverging views among authors on how well frames suit their needs and mental models
readability: fair


cartoon: no
brochure: not feasible
windows: yes
Frames were designed to support this scenario, and they do it well. The markup to achieve the scenario example looks like:
<FRAMESET ROWS="50%,50%">
  <FRAMESET COLS="60%,40%">
    <FRAME SRC=foo.html>
    <FRAME SRC=foo.html>
  <FRAME SRC=foo.html>
academia: no
not possible, the size of a frame cannot be influenced by the size of its formatted content
newspaper: no
It is not possible to emulate the newspaper metaphor, but some would argue that multiple frames with individual scrollbars is an acceptable, if not better, solution.
magazine: no
panes are strictly rectangular, and there is no concept of flow from one to another

Microsoft 2D

This evaluation is based on the draft of February 28, 1996. This document is not public.

HTML design goals

compatibility: fair
2D is based on Netscape frames, but handles alternative content somewhat differently. Instead of a NOFRAMES element, FRAME elements have content that is displayed if the FRAME attributes are not understood.
reusability: poor
Although partly based on CSS syntax, the underlying model does not support reusability since layout is tied to individual elements. I.e., it is not possible to express a generic template.
scalability: possible
Lengths can be specified in pixel or percentage units. The proposal may encourage pixel-base positioning.
fidelity: unclear
this is yet to be determined
readability: fair
fair, one has to know certain rules to predict what a given browser will display, e.g. "the HTML within a 2D FRAME element is ignored if the browser understands 2D"


cartoon: yes
<FRAME LAYOUT=FIXED STYLE="width: 100; height: 100; background: bg.png">
  <FRAME STYLE="x: 10; y: 10; width: 80; height: 20">
    <P>But the evil creature spare none..
brochure: not feasible
not feasible since the content of an element can't influence the size of the corresponding frame.
windows: yes
It seems like this scenario can be supported by using percentage units for lengths:
<FRAME STYLE="width: 100%; height: 100%>
  <FRAME STYLE="x:0%; y:0%; width:60%; height:50%">
    Lorem ipsum..
  <FRAME STYLE="x:60%; y:0%; width:40%; height:50%">
    .. adpiscing elit ..
  <FRAME STYLE="x:0%; y:50%; width:60%; height:50%">
    .. adpiscing elit ..

academia: not feasible
Not feasible since there is no concept of text flow.
newspaper: not feasible
Not feasible since there is no concept of text flow.
magazine: not feasible
Not feasible since frames are rectangular and there is no concept of text flow.

CSS classic

HTML design goals

compatibility: good
All layout information is placed in the LINK element, STYLE element or STYLE attribute.
reusability: fair
The style sheet contains no document-specific information (e.g. URLs) and can be applied to other documents. However, frames cannot be resized based on the content of an element and this limits the recycling of style sheets.
scalability: possible
Lengths can be specified in any length units supported by CSS1 (pixels, percentages, absolute lengths).
fidelity: unclear
readability: good?
The CSS syntax appears more readable the HTML-based alternatives, but opinions may vary.


cartoon: yes
  @frame cartoon {
    geometry: 0px 0px 100px 80px 2; /* x y width height z-order */
    background: bg.png;
  @frame text1 {
    geometry: 10px 10px 80px 20px 1;
  @frame text2 {
    geometry: 80px 80px 20px 20px 0;

<P STYLE="flow: text1">But the evil creature spared none
<P STYLE="flow: text2">yow!
brochure: not feasible
not feasible since the content of an element can't influence the size of the corresponding frame.
windows: yes
  @frame frame1 {
    geometry: 0% 0% 60% 50% 0; /* x y width height z-order */
  @frame frame2 {
    geometry: 60% 0% 40% 50% 0;
  @frame frame3 {
    geometry: 0% 50% 100% 50% 0;

  <P STYLE="flow=frame1"> Lorem ipsum..
  <P STYLE="flow=frame2"> .. adpiscing elit ..
  <P STYLE="flow=frame3"> .. adpiscing elit ..
academia: yes
This scenario is feasible, but requires some extra CSS properties and values.
  @frame academia {
    geometry: 0% 0% 100% 100% 0; /* x y width height z-order */

  H1, P { flow: academia }
  P { column-width: 30em }
  P.footnote { float: bottom }

  <H1>A new theory</H1>
  <P>Lorem ipsum..
  <P CLASS=footnote>Footnote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit..
newspaper: yes
This scenario is feasible, but requires some extra CSS properties and values.
  @frame banner {
    geometry: 0% 0% 100% 100% 0; /* x y width height z-order */

  @frame article1 {
    geometry: 0% 20% 75% 80% 0 
  @frame article2 {
    geometry: 0% 25% 25% 75% 0 
    background: gray;

  P { 
    flow: from-predecessor 
    column-width: 30em
  P.initial { column-width: max }

  <H1 STYLE="flow=banner">MY PAPER</H1>
  <H1 STYLE="flow=article1>Lorum Ipsum</H1>
  <P CLASS=initial>Lorum Ipsum dolor..

  <H2 STYLE="flow=article2>Yow</H2>
  <P>Lorum ipsum..
magazine: yes
Note the use of two different frame to get a two-column layout. In most cases, using one frame and the 'column-width' property will be simpler.
  @frame column1 {
    geometry: 0% 0% 50% 100% 1; /* x y width height z-order */
    flow: main;
  @frame column2 {
    geometry: 0% 50% 100% 100% 1; /* x y width height z-order */
    flow: main;

  @frame image1 {
    geometry: 50% 50% 200px 200px 0 displace; /* proportional placement */

  <P STYLE=float: main">Lorum Ipsum dolor..
  <IMG SRC=fish.png STYLE="float: image1">

CSS cherry

HTML design goals

compatibility: good
All layout information is placed in the LINK element, STYLE element or STYLE attribute.
reusability: good
The style sheet contains no document-specific information (e.g. URLs) and can be applied to other documents. Also, since frames can be resized based on the content of an element, recycling of style sheets is encouraged.
scalability: good
Various layout managers can be assigned to control the size and placement of frames. Potentially, the layout manager can be a function of the canvas size. Also, frames can grow and shrink based on their content.
fidelity: unclear
readability: good??
The CSS syntax appears more readable the HTML-based alternatives, but opinions may vary. Also, the name of a layout manager may not be able to fully describe its function.


cartoon: yes
  @frame cartoon {
    x:0px; y:0px; z-order:2; width:100px; height:80px;
    background: bg.png;
    layout-policy: bulletin-board;
  @frame text1 {
    x:10px; y:10px; z-order:1; width:80px; height:20px;
  @frame text2 {
    x:80px; y:80px; width:20px; height:20px;

<P STYLE="flow: text1">But the evil creature spared none
<P STYLE="flow: text2">yow!
brochure: not feasible
This scenario cannot be realized with the currently proposed layout managers. A 'table' manager could be added, but it would need parameters to detemine the number of rows and columns. Similarly, children frames would need a way to request a position within the table.
windows: yes
  @frame main {
    width: 100%; height:100%;
    layout-policy: rows;
  @frame frame1 {
    parent: main;
    width: 60%; height: 50%;
  @frame frame2 {
    parent: main;
    width: 40%; height: 50%;
  @frame frame3 {
    parent: main;
    width: 100%; height: 50%;

  <P STYLE="flow=frame1"> Lorem ipsum..
  <P STYLE="flow=frame2"> .. adpiscing elit ..
  <P STYLE="flow=frame3"> .. adpiscing elit ..
academia: yes
This scenario is feasible, but requires some extra CSS properties and values.
  @frame academia {
    x: 0%; y:0%; width: 100%; height: 100%;

  H1, P { flow: academia }
  P { column-width: 30em }
  P.footnote { float: bottom }

  <H1>A new theory</H1>
  <P>Lorem ipsum..
  <P CLASS=footnote>Footnote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit..
newspaper: yes
This scenario is feasible, but requires some extra CSS properties and values.

Using the 'tile' layout policy in combination with resizable child frames, child frames do not have to be sized in detail.

  @frame newspaper {
    layout-policy: grid;
  @frame banner {
    parent: newspaper;
    x: 10%; y: 50%; /* proportional placement */

  @frame article1 {
    parent: newspaper;
    x: 0%; y: 100%; /* proportional placement */
    resize-policy: resizable;
  @frame article2 {
    parent: newpaper;
    x: 100%; y: 100%; /* proportional placement */
    background: gray;
    resize-policy: resizable;

  P { 
    flow: from-predecessor 
    column-width: 30em
  H1, P.initial { column-width: max }

  <H1 STYLE="flow=banner">MY PAPER</H1>
  <H1 STYLE="flow=article1>Lorum Ipsum</H1>
  <P CLASS=initial>Lorum Ipsum dolor..

  <H2 STYLE="flow=article2>Yow</H2>
  <P>Lorum ipsum..
magazine: yes
This scenario is feasible, but the definition of the layout managers' behavior whne child elements have size and/or posistion set needs to change. Until this is done, this example should probably be skipped.

Note the use of two different frame to get a two-column layout. In most cases, using one frame and the 'column-width' property will be simpler.

  @frame main {
    layout-policy: rows;

  @frame column1 {
    parent: main;
    alpha: 1;
    width: 50%;
    resize-policy: resizable;
  @frame column2 {
    parent: main;
    alpha: 1;
    width: 50%;
    resize-policy: resizable;

  @frame image1 {
    parent: main;
    alpha: 0 displace;
    x: 50%; y: 50%; /* proportional placement */

  <P STYLE=float: main">Lorum Ipsum dolor..
  <IMG SRC=fish.png STYLE="float: image1">

Java applets

To be described.

HTML design goals

compatibility: poor
reusability: unclear
scalability: good
fidelity: unclear
readability: none/clear


All can be supported. A Java applet potentially has control over every pixel on the canvas, and arbitrary desings can therefore be supporte.