CSS 3 Module <== Test # ==>
W3C Selectors 3 of 4 of the dynamic tests category
Testing Date Revision
Dynamic handling of combinators (ID #d2) 14-november-2001 1.0

NOTE: The UA must support ECMA-262 and DOM Level 2 Core for this test.

The following bar should be green.

   #test { background: red; display: block; padding: 1em; }
   #stub ~ div div + div > div { background: lime; }




    function test() {
      el = document.getElementById('test');
      el.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('div'), el.parentNode);

    /*window.setTimeout(test, 100);*/

  <p onclick="test()"> The following bar should be green. </p>

  <div id="stub"></div>
  <div><div><!-- <div/> --><div><div id="test"></div></div></div></div>
