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Archives for July 2013


Test the Web Forward Shanghai, August 17-18, 2013 - Registration now open!

Test the Web Forward is returning to China next month! This time, the movement goes to Shanghai on August 17-18. We're excited to have some great speakers and featured experts lined up to educate and support the community. The...

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Filed by Rebecca Hauck on July 22, 2013 9:51 PM in Open Web, Testing
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Tokyo Developer Meetup [belated report]

Better later than never, here is a short report of the first ever W3C Developer Meetup in Tokyo, that took place on 8 June 2013. The meetup venue was splendid, on the 14F of the famous Mori Tower (where the...

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Filed by Marie-Claire Forgue on July 16, 2013 11:13 AM in Meetings, W3C Life
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Establishing the Meaning of Do Not Track

Today, the co-chairs of the Tracking Protection Working Group released the group's decision on base text for continued work. In progressing toward a draft that could move the multi-stakeholder work on a consensus standard for Do Not Track forward, the group reviewed and rejected a package change proposal offered by the Digital Advertising Alliance and its supporters. The decision re-affirms the Working Group's mission to "improve user privacy and user control by defining mechanisms for expressing user preferences around Web tracking" in a consensus-based multi-stakeholder process, and takes a significant step in focusing the group's further work toward a consensus Do Not Track standard.

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Filed by Thomas Roessler on July 16, 2013 12:52 AM in Privacy
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WCAG Techniques and Understanding WCAG Updates

We've got another update to the WCAG 2.0 supporting documents for your review... Some of the updates in these drafts provide important clarifications on the role of techniques....

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Filed by Shawn Henry on July 11, 2013 4:37 PM in Accessibility
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