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Archives for March 2012


Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2012-03-19 - 2012-03-25

This openweb weekly is about HTTP, Canvas, Modal dialogs, Web apps notification, Shadow DOM and pre-rendering pages.

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Filed by Karl Dubost on March 27, 2012 7:58 PM in HTML, Open Web, W3C Life
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Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2012-03-12 - 2012-03-18

The Open Web Platform weekly summary with HTML, ARIA, ITS, Webapps, DOM and Canvas.

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Filed by Karl Dubost on March 26, 2012 9:31 PM in HTML, Open Web, W3C Life
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W3C Day in Spain: HTML5 and Government Linked Data

Every year, since 2006, the W3C Spain Office organizes W3C Day in Spain, an event on Web standards for the Spanish community. The 2012 edition, held in Granada, Andalusia, gathered together over 200 people for a couple of days. W3C Members are the protagonists of the event. All of them are invited to share their professional experiences, challenges, and thoughts taking part either in panels or giving talks. As in previous years, the event served as a forum to discuss common topics regarding standards, and Web technologies in general. The Open Web Platform was the cornerstone of the conference, complemented with a recurrent and interesting subject: Open Government Data, which is in the limelight at all levels of the Spanish public administration.

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Filed by Martin Alvarez-Espinar on March 23, 2012 8:25 AM in Conference, Meetings, W3C Life, W3C・Resources
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Interoperable Governments?

Work being undertaken under the direction of the The European Commission's ISA Programme is close to completion. The output is a set of 4 vocabularies that are designed to improve interoperability of public sector data. Developed initially in a European context, these vocabularies match deliverables of the W3C Government Linked Data Working Group which will develop them further to create globally recognized, stable standards that can be used with confidence by governments around the world.

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Filed by Phil Archer on March 13, 2012 11:39 AM in eGov
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Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2012-02-06 - 2012-03-11

A long overdue Open Web Platform weekly summary, check also Anne's blog post about http+aes and control Referer as well as the new API canvas features. HTML5 There is a joint meeting in the Silicon Valley (California) on May 1-4,...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on March 12, 2012 7:51 PM in HTML, Open Web, W3C Life
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Microdata to RDF Distiller

As reported in the Semantic Web Activity Blog, a new Interest Group Note has just been published, documenting the extraction algorithm from HTML5+Microdata to RDF. The algorithm replaces the one that was part of an earlier version of the Microdata+HTML5...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on March 8, 2012 4:03 PM in HTML, Semantic Web, Technology, Tools, Web Applications
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