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Archives for November 2011


Ben Schwarz joins CSSWG

The better part of a year ago I decided to make a bookmarklet that improved the display of W3C specifications. To my surprise and delight people took notice, including some of my heros. Fast forward 8 months, I released "HTML5...

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Filed by Ben Schwarz on November 30, 2011 12:52 PM in CSS, W3C Life
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Interview: Roger Cutler on W3C and Chevron use of Semantic Web Technology

On the eve of his retirement, I spoke with Roger Cutler, longtime W3C participant from Chevron. IJ: Roger, since you have been participating in W3C for some time, can you describe how Chevron's interests have changed? RC: In 2000...

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Filed by Ian Jacobs on November 28, 2011 5:16 PM in Interviews, Semantic Web
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Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2011-11-21 - 2011-11-28

This week, one of the main discussions has been around developing (or not) a support for XPath in find and findAll methods. The Open Web Platform weekly summary is also mentioning Web architecture, Web Apps WG hosting new work.

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Filed by Karl Dubost on November 28, 2011 3:18 AM in HTML, Open Web, W3C Life
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RDFa 1.1 meets JSON-LD in the Distiller…

I have blogged recently on the update of the RDFa 1.1 Distiller. I have just added a cool new feature. Up to today, the possible serializations were RDF/XML, Turtle, and N Triples. Although not yet final, I decided to add...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on November 24, 2011 4:12 PM in HTML, Semantic Web, Technology, Tools
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Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2011-11-14 - 2011-11-20

This week, the Open Web Platform weekly summary is about HTML5 Tidy (yes it is back!), A few things about web apps such as storage mechanisms, and a few discussions about DOM properties. CSS has been discussing a few things including the issue of vendor extensions. And more bite sized information. Enjoy!

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Filed by Karl Dubost on November 22, 2011 8:05 PM in HTML, Open Web, W3C Life
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From hypertext to hyperdevices

When the Web started some 20 years ago, it brought a platform for distributing and accessing text, with an added dimension brought by links: hypertext. Because it was free and could be deployed everywhere easily, it was a revolution. For...

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Filed by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux on November 21, 2011 2:32 PM in Mobile, Web Applications
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Ilya Zhitomirskiy: In Memoriam

It is with overwhelming sadness that we recognize the passing of Ilya Zhitomirskiy, co-founder of the Diaspora project and member of the Federated Social Web XG.

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Filed by Harry Halpin on November 17, 2011 12:43 AM in Social Networking
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Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2011-11-07 - 2011-11-13

This week, the Open Web Platform weekly summary is about hgroup and time elements, lang attribute. There are discussions on starting work on Web Intents and how to create a simpler DOM for documents fragments. Plenty of other things. Enjoy.

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Filed by Karl Dubost on November 15, 2011 2:15 PM in HTML, Open Web, W3C Life
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New release of the RDFa 1.1 Distiller and Validator

Back in May I have already blogged on the release of a new, RDFa 1.1 version of the distiller code. Many things have happened since May, however, with changes in RDFa, introduction of RDFa 1.1 Lite, etc. I have also...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on November 15, 2011 12:30 PM in HTML, Semantic Web
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Schema.org and RDFa 1.1 Lite: how does it look now?

In his latest blog entry on the Schema.org, Dan Brickley announced that Schema.org would also process RDFa 1.1 Lite as an alternative syntax to encode Schema.org terms. As he emphasized: This work opens up new possibilities also for developers...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on November 12, 2011 9:12 AM in HTML, Semantic Web, Technology, Web Applications, Web Design
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Web walls, digital signage and personalized content

There is increasing interest in multiscreen applications, and this is featured in the latest webinos video on multiplayer games. In the office, we are used to having to plug our personal computers into the room's projector, but perhaps these days...

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Filed by Dave Raggett on November 10, 2011 1:51 PM in Mobile, Privacy, Video, Web Applications
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Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2011-10-31 - 2011-11-06

Last week, there was the annual W3C TPAC. The HTML Working Group met (day 1, day 2) and many other groups for discussing general issues. I introduced the Open Web Platform weekly summary and asked feedback on how to improve...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on November 7, 2011 9:36 PM in HTML, Open Web, W3C Life
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The W3C Social Business Jam is a few days away!

There’s been a lot of discussion on how the social web is changing business. One of the challenges slowing down the adoption of social web is due to a lack of cross-industry interoperability, as social business is still in its early stages. Open standards are one way the industry can overcome this challenge. As the W3C is one of the organizations working to help, we've decided to host an event to determine future directions for standardizing the social web for business-driven use-cases. The all online W3C Social Business Jam runs from Nov 8-10th (Tuesday through Thursday) and you have to register to participate.

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Filed by Harry Halpin on November 5, 2011 3:35 AM in Opinions and Editorial, Social Networking, Technology, Web Spotting, Workshops
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