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Archives for October 2011


Interview: Filament Group on HTML5 and Design

On 14 October I spoke with Todd Parker (TP), Mat Marquis (MM), and Patty Toland (PT) of the Filament Group about their experience with HTML5 and other Open Web Platform technology in work for the Boston Globe. IJ: Tell me...

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Filed by Ian Jacobs on October 27, 2011 8:14 PM in Interviews, Web Design
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Some notes on the recent XML Encryption attack

At last week's CCS'11 conference, Tibor Jager and Juraj Somorovsky from Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany published a paper "How to Break XML Encryption." This paper is good cryptography research: By generalizing the ideas behind previous padding-based attacks, they have found...

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Filed by Thomas Roessler on October 24, 2011 9:39 AM in Security, Technology
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Serving XHTML with math: a recipe for Apache

The future version 5 of HTML will allow math in a Web page, but the current version 4 does not. You can use XHTML instead, but not all Web clients understand it. Here is a recipe for the Apache Web server to make it return XHTML as HTML to such clients. That HTML will be invalid, of course, because it contains math, but the non-math parts are still handled. It's not as good a solution as having two versions of a page, but it's cheap.

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Filed by Bert Bos on October 19, 2011 10:35 AM in HTML, HTTP, Tutorials, Web Design
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HTML Slidy on smart phones and tablets

Slidy is a free web application for slide presentations, and makes use of a simple HTML microformat for slides. Until recently, Slidy was difficult or impossible to use on keyboard-less touch screen devices like the iPhone or Android phones. I...

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Filed by Dave Raggett on October 8, 2011 6:59 PM in HTML, Usability, Web Applications
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Steve Jobs and the actually usable computer

At a sad time at which the world has just lost Steve Jobs, it is well to reflect on some of the things which he, his passion, and his creations have given us, as now the technical community should take...

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Filed by Tim Berners-Lee on October 6, 2011 3:57 PM in Usability
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Web applications: discovering and binding to services

The Device APIs (DAP) Working Group is currently working towards a draft specification for discovering and binding to services on nearby devices. This follows on from discussions in the Home Networking Task Force in the Web and TV Interest...

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Filed by Dave Raggett on October 4, 2011 5:32 PM in Social Networking, Web Applications, Web and TV
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